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Maddow: The Truth About the Lies About Acorn

KnivesOut says...

If you think there's no substantial difference between the talking heads, then you haven't been paying attention.

Maddow is a journalist. She's not an entertainer. She's not a rodeo clown. She's not a demagogue. She's attempting to bring facts to light. Whenever she has a guest on her show, especially when they are potentially confrontational, the first question that she opens with is "did I characterize what you said (did) fairly?" She has never shut off someone's mic, she has never called them names, or gotten into escalating shouting matches with her guests.

She is nothing like Rush or BillO.

Bobknight33: To Ban or Not To Ban (Controversy Talk Post)

videosiftbannedme says...

I'm with xxovercastxx. We've had some real winners here cut their own throats in spectacular fashion. Choggie, BillO to name a few. westy tried, but just couldn't seem to find his own jugular.

I say let him be the fuck-nut troll he purports to aspire to, and then watch as the plane goes down in flames.

Oh, and since were on the topic, I'm still waiting QM....(taps foot impatiently)

Stop calling Bill O'Reilly a Homo!

Baptist pastor prays for Obama to die and go to hell

Duckman33 says...

>> ^bobknight33:
Obama is the most dangerous president ever. His ideas are going to drive this country right into the ground. This country is is deep trouble with him is at the helm. He will be voted out in the next election
In the last five months, according to the Federal Reserve Board, the money supply in the United States has increased by 271 percent. It has almost tripled. And he and his party still want for take over health care. Wait for the Hugh inflation coming down the pike.
About MSNBC -- They are an OBAMA puppet --

I smell a BillO sock puppet.

Bill O"Reilly: Obamacare Is Unconstitutional

brycewi19 says...

Oh, and you know what actually IS unconstitutional? Duping the congress and the American people in to an unjust war under false pretenses and intentionally false intelligence.

Where were you BillO speaking up for that unconstitutionality?

He Died a PATRIOT.

He Died a PATRIOT.

How To Destroy A Relationship In 3 Minutes

He Died a PATRIOT.

Bill O'Reilly "sets Jon Stewart straight"

Bill O'Reilly "sets Jon Stewart straight"

Bill O'Reilly's uncut interview on The Daily Show

Fox News Calls Amsterdam a "Cesspool" - Amsterdam responds

Bill O'Reilly being his usual Douchebag self.

If Westy Gets Hobbled for a however long for making a Joke (Terrible Talk Post)

videosiftbannedme says...

I've read quite a few posts from various people in the past (don't remember which), stating that people should leave and go back to YouTube if they want drama. Well, at least YouTube's drama is diffused over a larger surface area. VideoSift is starting to turn into a retarded family reunion every week, because someone got bent out of shape over their uncle's drinking problem.

If you don't like what's on TV, change the channel. You don't have to listen to it. This whining "but, but, but, he did this and didn't get punished, while he did this and did" bullshit has got to go. Unhobble everyone and let them be who they are. You only provoke and validate their actions by calling attention to it. People inherently WANT to belong to a group/tribe/etc. If they get ostracized, they will eventually conform, leave or wallow in isolation.

You've got to be SMARTER THAN YOUR OWN EGO. Let the drama go. I learned my own lesson with BillO. Now I just laugh at all of you.

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