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Who's Behind the Smearing? ...Media Matters

'Fire Dave Letterman' Rally Draws Tens of People

BicycleRepairMan says...

They sure are creeping out of the woodwork. I thought republicans were insane in 2000 when they elected Bush, and even more so in 04, but this is basically the modern face of conservative America these days. These fucking loonies..., and billo and limbaugh, just outright crazy fucking douchebags and your occasional streamlined hypocrite. Looking forward to Fred Phelps winning the GOP nomination in 2012.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

The O'Reilly Guilt Trip

BoneyD (Member Profile)

The O'Reilly Guilt Trip

BoneyD says...

I found the tone of her voice very easy to comprehend over BillO's wierding way. We should get her to fight more battles against him for our far-left agenda.

The O'Reilly Guilt Trip

griefer_queafer says...

As far as I understand, the term "Late Term" is patently absurd when referring to a fetus. Doctors never use it. Because a "term" technically (in a medical [not o'reilly] context refers to the birth itself (or, rather, when the actual pregnant stage is ending). Thus "late term" would suggest a moment after the birth. Therefor, no such thing as a "late term fetus."

Ergo, fuck off and die, Billo.

[Edit]: for more info, check out "Abortion Terminology Analyzed" on the NPR website...

Someone Finally Stands Up to Bush

Bill O'Reilly Goes After 'David After Dentist' Video

Dranzerk says...

>> ^spawnflagger:
BillO would never see the positive in creating 20+ million SMILES
Because he only values frowns, smirks, and outrage from his viewers. Bill O'Reilly is like the ooze from Ghostbusters that feeds off of negative energy. (he kinda looks like Viggo the Carpathian too, coincidence?)

Damn thanks for ruining the movie for me, I was just going to watch it today finally.

Bill O'Reilly Goes After 'David After Dentist' Video

EDD says...

"OK you know but for the rest of his life this is going to be on tape, you know"

"I hope that when young David is older, he takes some mushrooms, opens up this video and trips while watching himself trip."

Bill O'Reilly Goes After 'David After Dentist' Video

Bill O'Reilly Goes After 'David After Dentist' Video

spawnflagger says...

BillO would never see the positive in creating 20+ million SMILES

Because he only values frowns, smirks, and outrage from his viewers. Bill O'Reilly is like the ooze from Ghostbusters that feeds off of negative energy. (he kinda looks like Viggo the Carpathian too, coincidence?)

Bill O'Reilly Goes After 'David After Dentist' Video

Rick Sanchez Slams Bill O'Reilly Over Slain Army Recruiter

Duckman33 says...

More people need to start calling that idiot out on his blatant lies.

BillO is the King of douche bags, and the Grand Master of douchebaggery.

Bravo Rick, bravo!

Winstonfield_Pennypacker (Member Profile)

curiousity says...

I just wanted to drop a note thanking you for rational discussion. It was pleasant. We don't agree on everything and that's just fine. Glad to have you here.

I have a tendency to leave snarky and smartass responses. I use my navy time as the scapegoat. I'd like to apologize for my past responses and will keep my responses to you civil from now on.

Have a good day!

In reply to this comment by Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
You obviously feel a connection to the discourse on videosift... in a way that makes me think you are an alt of someone on here, or perhaps even the new BillO.

I am no one's alt. I enjoy watching videos. I like funny ones, old "Whose Line" clips, and other stuff. However, to my dismay, Videosift (and others) have been co-opted by far-left neolibs who use sites as an increasingly private sounding board for negativity towards anything they don't like.

Case in point. A solid 30% of the vids here today are liberally slanted garbage. Between Bill Maher, Olberman, Madcow, atheism/creationism threads, and so forth there are at least 5+ 'neolib' threads on the top 15 at any given time. A strange trait for a 'fair, tolerant, and balanced' population, eh?

These neolib threads are typically far-left screeds. They are vapid in content. They eggregiously violate logic. They are blatantly baised. Intellectually, they aren't fit for the dung heap, let alone the 'top 15' list. And yet there they are. Every day. And the comments are universally filled to the brim of what can only be described as neolib cheerleaders bleating about how great they are, and trampling any different perspective.

I lean conservative on many issue, but liberal on others. Above all I detest the practice of presenting only one very biased side of an argument and then acting as if it one has made a valid point. It is an odious tendency, that results only in stroking the egos of its participants.

Therefore I feel (occasionally) that there is intellectual value to injecting a reasoned, logical, non-profane perspective into a topic that would otherwise be the metaphysical equivalent of a neolib circle-jerk.

I simply find that I am - sadly - the only person on the sift who is able to provide this much-needed counterbalance in a way that is not inflammatory at its face value. QM is too profane and 'angry'. I prefer the cool balm of reason, logic, and common sense.

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