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The World's Best Rifle Throw

Rick Sanchez Slams Bill O'Reilly Over Slain Army Recruiter

Asmo says...

>> ^lavoll:
why not just ignore the billidiot

Because if you don't challenge the idiots, the idiocy becomes fact...

That goes for all channels, not use Fucks and Bill O'Faily. I would have thought that was abundantly clear after 6 years odd and thousands of deaths in Iraq on the false premise promoted by the last government...

It's almost impossible to win, you fight the idiots on their home turf, you become like them, you ignore them, they sway the populace with emotive fictions. The only way to challenge them is to present the facts and show them for the charlatans they are...

demon_ix (Member Profile)

Bill O'Reilly "Apologizes" to CNN

demon_ix says...

snide (snd)
adj. snid·er, snid·est
Derogatory in a malicious, superior way.

Snide and surly? You're the one who's being snide, you self-absorbed balding jackass.

The only reason this is a rare correction is because on Fox News you have a policy of never admitting your own mistakes unless someone points them out in a clear and concise way that even a 3 year old kid could understand.

Rick Sanchez Slams Bill O'Reilly Over Slain Army Recruiter

Army Recruiters Caught Threatening High School Students

rougy says...

>> ^BillOreilly:
Crap, so the 52" hdtv and the new car aren't my signing bonus for the coast guard reserves? I was lied to?

Yes, it figures Bill O would defend and minimize the act of lying.

After all, deception is his bread and butter.

Soliders blow up some random guy's sheep

Bidouleroux says...

I'll let someone else tear you a new one. This makes me wish we had a mandatory military like germany. It would really open your eyes to the respect your taught to give everyone even your enemies. Go to a recruiting station for any branch and tell them you want to shoot people and that's the reason you want to join. Please do so and tell me what they say. I think you'll be surprised.

Of course, no one in his right mind (i.e. not mentally ill) would say that he likes to kill people to anyone, army recruiter or not. You'll have to revise your 12th grade pop psychology and look up "subtility", "concealment", "repressed desire" and "uncounscious desire". Man is a machine with a big and powerful nervous system (yes, that last bit means essentially "powerful brain") and it would be idiotic to think everyone is always open about their feelings to others and even to themselves, or that they even know about their true feelings, emotions or beliefs. This may go against your christian-centric "freedom of will and everything else" worldview, but science doesn't care about you or religious ideology­.

On another note, I too would like for mandatory military service, like Switzerland (they provide for a much better political and economical model than Germany at present), but obliviously for different reasons than your warmongering american ones. There is value in defending one's life and the lives of your kin (which, in my book, should a priori include every human being in the world), but essentially your right to do so stops where the right of the others to defend themselves begins. This may be a cliché, but it is a useful one nevertheless. Of course, where to draw the line in real situations is difficult, but the principle should be remembered. When you are invading a whole country with the pretense of defending yourself, in this case Afghanistan and Iraq, you have to ask yourself some big and important questions, and the answers should be as strong as your claim is: that you somehow have the right to invade someone else for your own protection as a defensive action. Now, you may think, and probably many americans do, that you have the right to bully and push around anyone else you may want to just because of the fact that you exist: that's called "survival of the fittest" thinking (or "being a dick" for short), and as game theory shows, it won't take you far in the long run.

If you can't be a dick and your freedom to defend yourself is restricted, why would you want a military, let alone a mandatory military service? Two big reasons: one, you sometimes do need to actually defends yourself against "I-have-a-bigger-dick-than-you-so-do-my-dad-and-I'll-show-you-why" type of idiots, who either don't know, don't understand or couldn't give a fuck about game theory if their lives somehow depended on it (yes, military officers know about it, but your COMMANDER-IN-FUCKING-CHIEF, the supposed equal of George Washington, has got not even a hint of the most little clue) and they are best dealt with a quick and impressive show of actual or what seems like actual force, not bombastic military parades though these can serve to frighten some kinds of idiots. Two, being in an actual conflict, even and perhaps especially on a peacekeeping mission, can sometimes have a calming effect on trigger-happy or shoot-first-ask-later kind of young men and women. This effect is of course not guaranteed since every one is different (another useful cliché, in moderation).

As an aside, a corps of able and ready young people can be useful in humanitarian situations. Military training can also provide useful skills that some might not want or be able to get elsewhere (navigation, survival, basic weapon and self-defense, etc.). If not misused, a military can be a boon, like everything else in life.

Sorry for the long posts, but even with this (or maybe because of it? The internets are not used to reading long, thoughtful and rhetoric- and logic-filled discourses, especially not this abstract) many don't get what I'm trying to say, so imagine if I just said "EXCUSE THE FUCK OUT OF ME?". That could be deviously misconstrued as rock throwing if I was former military personnel, proud of my time of duty, responding to an anti-military statement!

P.S. I never said everyone in the military is lowlife scum or that everyone is joining to protect their country. From what I said would follow that in the worst case, half of everyone would be lowlife scum, and the other half would join to defend their country (in the case of the present american army stationed in Iraq at least). Of course I do not think it is so clear-cut, that was rhetoric. But far worse and damaging rhetorically is the typically american FOX-Newsy "misunderstanding" (conscious or not) of quoting me as saying they were all lowlife, or that they were all joining to defend their country. These are statistically very improbable situations, to say the least! There are also those who join because they need money they can't get otherwise, those who want to make their daddy proud, those who want to continue a familial tradition, those who are planning their political careers, etc. But they are not the focus of this discussion since I believe they form a minority, all the more so when you look at the true, hidden motives.

Soliders blow up some random guy's sheep

honkeytonk73 says...

Expect those guys to be dishonorably discharged... just wait a little while for the Pentagon to catch up. Send a link to this video to your congressman, your state governor, attorney general, and your local army recruitment office.

Iraq Vets Outrage At Army's "Debt Of Service" Claim.

winkler1 (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

As you may know Ive created a playlist of many of the dead videos on the sift. As its been there for awhile, and there have been quite a few views of it, very few vids have been fixed or discarded. I thought a list just of yours might be of some help. The list below are all your videos on my playlist. There may be a few errors, but I gave it my best shot.

Ethics during War Time

MINK says...

choggie, that's such a lame argument "have you ever been shot at?"
if only veterans are allowed to have an opinion about the ethics of calling kids "fuckers" then you're talking about a military dictatorship not a democracy.

i served in the cadets for four years and met a lot of people who have been shot at, this was during the genocide in Serbia and all the servicemen I met were very very proud of their humanitarian service. They didn't seem to be uneducated hicks struggling to deal with the enormity of the situation they signed up to. Army recruitment adverts in the UK at that time were focussing on dealing with civilians, helping them rebuild, calming situations down with face to face negotiations.

So I have a choice, I can insult the soldier by blaming him for cracking under pressure in a job he swore to do properly, or I can insult his army for caring more about troop numbers than troop quality, or I can insult their political commanders for being ignorant idealists without a plan. Or I can blame all three. You don't have to have been in a trench to know this whole thing is bullshit, every last bit of it.

Poor soldiers getting shot at and going mental? Well that's exactly why I protested against sending them there in the first place.

Great Moments in Cinema - Indigènes (Days of Glory)

gwaan says...

Few films can claim a change in government policy among their achievements. But Indigènes (Days Of Glory) by Rachid Bouchareb has made an impact at the highest level. The 128-minute film focuses on the actions of Moroccan and Algerian men who fought alongside French soldiers to liberate France from the Nazis in World War II. As well as inspiring French President Jacques Chirac to reintroduce pensions for France's North African war veterans, and recognise their vital contribution to victory, the lead actors gave such a strong performance that they were jointly honoured with the Best Actor award at Cannes this year.

The story:

1944-1945 - The liberation of Italy, Provence, the Alps, the Rhone Valley, Vosges, and Alsace was essential if the allies were to achieve victory. The assault was led by the First French Army, recruited in Africa in order to avoid the control of the German commissioners and the Vichy authorities. It was made up of around 200,000 men, including 130,000 “indigenes” (natives) - 110,000 North Africans and 20,000 Africans. The rest of the men were two thirds “pieds- noirs” (French colonials) and one third young frenchmen who had fled the occupation. Days of Glory focuses on the African/Arab volunteers who were subject to much racism and bigotry within the French army ranks even though they were willing to fight for a country they had never before stepped foot on. Victory, and the subsequent advance on Germany, was only achieved after much bloodshed and great losses.

The film relates the forgotten story of the soldiers known as “Indigènes” following the epic adventures of four of them: Abdelkader, Saïd, Messaoud and Yassir (le goumier) a mobile corps, reputed for their endurance, ground sense , and courage in close combat. They are sent to the front line. Each one is in pursuit of a different objective throughout the passage across France which they liberate, arms in hand.

Yassir joined for the booty he expected to collect.

Messaoud was surprised by the welcome from the French. He hopes to marry and live in France, to escape the arpatheid in Algeria.

Saïd wishes to escape poverty in Morocco, and hopes to find a family in the French army.

And Abdelkader who is fighting for liberty and equality, in joining the French army he hopes for France’s recognition, and more justice towards the colonised Algerians once the war is over.

New Army recruiting technique

winkler1 says...

Is this better Wumpus? --

An ABC News undercover investigation showed Army recruiters telling students that the war in Iraq was over, in an effort to get them to enlist.

“Nobody is going over to Iraq anymore?” one student asks a recruiter.

“No, we’re bringing people back,” he replies.

“We’re not at war. War ended a long time ago,” another recruiter says.

Last year, the Army suspended recruiting nationwide to retrain recruiters following hundreds of allegations of improprieties.

ABC News Story, with Video

Crazy Asian guy singing badly

Jesus Camp : Kids Worshipping to a George Bush Picture

KaiEr says...

Wether it is dragging your kid in front of an army recruiting station to protests the war, or dragging them to this sort of garbage, or setting them down in the mosque to preach hatred... kids should not be used to spread the ideologies of their parents.

That being said, I don't think they should be relating the existence of a few camps like this as being the sole reason that number of Christian's is rising, or its popularity.

And, when it comes to being "inflexible" on the issue of homosexuality... well, that's being a little one sided (You don't see too many homosexuals "bending" on the issue.) Not that I support the evangelicals... I just don't like any reporting that uses an example to prove their point, while neglecting to mention that it also destroys their stance as well.

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