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LittleRed (Member Profile)

UsesProzac says...

Half-lesbian?? [Is that because I like boobs? Weren't we all raised on the tit?]

The image of you being reamed brings a smile to my face, actually. Does that make me even more of a lesbian? Am I now 3/4 lesbian?

Utilize the free time you'll have ignoring me by making use of a community-provided literacy course.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
I apologize for knowing more about anal sex than someone who professes to be half-lesbian, and share said knowledge. If you dislike me so much, why waste your time researching everything I've said?

But don't worry, I won't be wasting my time on someone who so obviously doesn't deserve it anymore. That's what you were hoping for anyway.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
You are a worthless addition to the sift. You contribute nothing but your bad mojo and your terrible anal sex advice.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

LittleRed says...

I apologize for knowing more about anal sex than someone who professes to be half-lesbian, and share said knowledge. If you dislike me so much, why waste your time researching everything I've said?

But don't worry, I won't be wasting my time on someone who so obviously doesn't deserve it anymore. That's what you were hoping for anyway.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
You are a worthless addition to the sift. You contribute nothing but your bad mojo and your terrible anal sex advice.

LittleRed (Member Profile)

LittleRed (Member Profile)

UsesProzac says...

I'm sorry. I forgot you never learned to read.

YOU. NEVER. LEARNED. TO. READ! *chokes and sobs*

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
I have no idea what you're talking about.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Did you find yourself wishing you could downvote your own comment?

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
If she doesn't want to, don't push it. The end. Don't lube her up in hopes that she'll say yes. That's just rude and will probably make her mad at you. Don't forcefully probe or "massage" the area - she'll be less than impressed. And definitely don't let your finger "slip." She might not talk to you for a week.

Let her put something in your ass. If you enjoy it, let her know. Then she might feel differently.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

LittleRed says...

I have no idea what you're talking about.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Did you find yourself wishing you could downvote your own comment?

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
If she doesn't want to, don't push it. The end. Don't lube her up in hopes that she'll say yes. That's just rude and will probably make her mad at you. Don't forcefully probe or "massage" the area - she'll be less than impressed. And definitely don't let your finger "slip." She might not talk to you for a week.

Let her put something in your ass. If you enjoy it, let her know. Then she might feel differently.

LittleRed (Member Profile)

UsesProzac says...

Did you find yourself wishing you could downvote your own comment?

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
If she doesn't want to, don't push it. The end. Don't lube her up in hopes that she'll say yes. That's just rude and will probably make her mad at you. Don't forcefully probe or "massage" the area - she'll be less than impressed. And definitely don't let your finger "slip." She might not talk to you for a week.

Let her put something in your ass. If you enjoy it, let her know. Then she might feel differently.

I Double Dog Dare You... Again! (Wtf Talk Post)

thegrimsleeper says...

[EDIT] No reason to vote Sifty's comments beyond 15. You're just wasting your votes that way. Seems to be a lot of 18+ votes here. Pointless. Vote for the ones that are beneath 15. He will reward you later with anal sex.

But I don't want anal sex from Siftbot.

Blankfist gets his bronze star! (Parody Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

And to think all along I just thought you were some kind of sick pervert, but it turns out you're just slow. In that case I'll give you the heads up on all that A$$ GR@V33 you've been playing with. It's actually frothy mixture of 'personal' lubricant and fecal matter that's generated as a byproduct of anal sex. It is sometimes referred to as Santorum, in honor Senator Rick Santorum, once an evangelical senator from Pennsylvania. So now you know and knowing is half the battle!

Study show Parents More Concerned About Violent Video Games (Videogames Talk Post)

gorillaman says...

Sure, but it'll have to wait as I'm going to bed.

edit: and I'm back.

>> ^spoco2:
You just don't GET IT. The things that kids see and do when they're young are not all 'fleeting' and transient, it all accumulates, it all forms who you are for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. Please, do tell us all your wealth of experience that allows you to make your insanely ill thought out claims? Do you have first hand experience of children being exposed to porn that has lead to them being rounded individuals. Do you have children of your own? (Not trying to say that only people with children can discuss child rearing, but you're making some pretty damn ridiculous assertions as to how kids should be reared.) Have you actually had sex?

I won't be swayed from the belief that adults are responsible for themselves. This is not only a fundamental fact of our existence, that we make frequent conscious decisions about how to act, it's also the essential foundation of every possible functioning society.
I have first-hand experience of being a child, which is sufficient. I saw my first porn mag when I was pretty young, before I'd learned to masturbate certainly. I enjoyed reading it and put it away when I was done. I didn't freak out or suffer deep psychological scarring.
I don't have children. I have had sex.

>> ^spoco2:
Oh for fuck's sake. You don't think a SIX YEAR OLD being fucked, giving head and having anal sex is going to do NOTHING TO HER? Fucking hell you are warped. I'm telling you it is NOT relatively common, please do provide us with facts and figures to back up ANY of your wild claims. I'm sorry but you are just spouting UTTER, UTTER garbage. To think that a child being fucked in a disused building is going to have no long term affects is... my god, you are truly oblivious to so much in life.

A little imprecision in my wording there. By common I mean relative to its perceived frequency. I'm talking single digit percentages reporting each of penetrative and coercive sexual play. If you give it a moment's consideration you shouldn't find that too surprising - probably everyone here has participated in sexual play as a child, of course the level of that play will vary. Hell, even just by chance you can expect some dicks to make it into some mouths.

I think you're gigantically exaggerating what actually happened in your example. This girl didn't 'give head', she had a little boy's dick in her mouth. She didn't get fucked or have anal sex, she had a little boy's dick in her vagina and anus, probably briefly and ineffectually. As I've been saying, it's on the extreme end of the natural discovery process.

>> ^spoco2:
What is your fucking obsession with kids having to know EVERYTHING right now? Right, out of the womb... here's dad fucking your mum again... here's dad beating a few people up, here's a porn collection for nighttime reading.

My comments have displayed no such attitude. Kids don't have to learn about sex at an early age any more than they have to, say, learn chess, but they would be improved by either education.

Study show Parents More Concerned About Violent Video Games (Videogames Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^gorillaman:
To the entirety of your first post I need only say that kids get all kind of stupid ideas, they're transient and part of the learning process, while adults are responsible for their own actions.

You just don't GET IT. The things that kids see and do when they're young are not all 'fleeting' and transient, it all accumulates, it all forms who you are for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. Please, do tell us all your wealth of experience that allows you to make your insanely ill thought out claims? Do you have first hand experience of children being exposed to porn that has lead to them being rounded individuals. Do you have children of your own? (Not trying to say that only people with children can discuss child rearing, but you're making some pretty damn ridiculous assertions as to how kids should be reared.) Have you actually had sex?

Your second post does not account for the frequent quasi-sexual encounters, both coercive and otherwise that occur between children of that age. The type of incident described in your linked article, is, while not typical nevertheless relatively common without exposure to pornography. I doubt it was particularly deleterious to the development of either child. The obvious over-reaction of the police probably was.

Oh for fuck's sake. You don't think a SIX YEAR OLD being fucked, giving head and having anal sex is going to do NOTHING TO HER? Fucking hell you are warped. I'm telling you it is NOT relatively common, please do provide us with facts and figures to back up ANY of your wild claims. I'm sorry but you are just spouting UTTER, UTTER garbage. To think that a child being fucked in a disused building is going to have no long term affects is... my god, you are truly oblivious to so much in life.

You are not worth talking to any further on this topic as you have zero, zero, ZERO idea of how sex affects people.

I commend your attitude to nudity in the way you raise your children. Have they seen you get erections, engage in intercourse and ejeculate? Then they remain ignorant of some of the functions of their body.

What is your fucking obsession with kids having to know EVERYTHING right now? Right, out of the womb... here's dad fucking your mum again... here's dad beating a few people up, here's a porn collection for nighttime reading.


You have zero idea how kids see the world, or should. ZERO.

Google says Videosift is not as popular as Anal Sex or Pasta (Sexuality Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Sweet - we rule all Anal pasta lovers. (and who doesn't love it, really)

>> ^lucky760:
Nice work, Sarzy. We're #1:"anal+volume"
Surprisingly, we also hit at the top for anal pasta. Quite a niche market to sell pasta noodles intended for anal consumption. I wonder if is taken... I can see the tagline now: "Who needs a bowl when you have fingers and a butt?"

Google says Videosift is not as popular as Anal Sex or Pasta (Sexuality Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

videosift is very close to "shit dick" in search volume which just means that people usually don't think about the repercussions of anal sex.

...sadly, "shit dick" is still more popular than videosift.

Which brings me to a great tagline for the top of the browser: Videosift: less popular than shit dick

Google says Videosift is not as popular as Anal Sex or Pasta (Sexuality Talk Post)

K0MMIE says...

>> ^Zeph:
I don't see the word 'sex' anywhere in your image there. So it refers to anything anal, which believe me, is a wide net to throw.
Although distressingly, your graph clearly indicates that VideoSift is far less popular than Anal Pasta.

I did a search for "Anal Sex" and it jumped even more widely than "Anal". As such I stuck with "Anal". But really, do a google image search with safe settings off on Anal, and tell me what you get. I bet it regards the butthole pleasures. Do I get an award for having the comment that used the word "Anal" the most?

Google says Videosift is not as popular as Anal Sex or Pasta (Sexuality Talk Post)

Google says Videosift is not as popular as Anal Sex or Pasta (Sexuality Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

Hmmm... interesting. The search volume for pasta seems to remain fairly constant (as you'd expect for something as common and well-established as pasta), but the anal volume seems to fluctuate pretty wildly. I'm not even going to attempt to guess at what sort of event could cause searches for "anal" to spike so dramatically. (and I think this may be the only time that the phrase "anal volume" has been used on a site that isn't disturbingly NSFW.)

And videosift doesn't seem to register at all on this graph... So there you go, Dag. If you want to make this site more popular, learn from anal sex and/or pasta. Combine the two and you'll have an unstoppable juggernaut.

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