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peggedbea (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

Richard Dawkins - Famous Creationist Quote Mining

deputydog (Member Profile)

carrot (Member Profile)

deputydog (Member Profile)

Tomato Rape: Why It Is Okay For Sex To Hurt The Vagina

Post Your Top Ever Vid Here! (Love Talk Post)

Neil deGrasse Tyson - Stupid Design

Schattdaddy says...

My girlfriend on anal sex: "Do you really want to do it where my poop comes out?" I know there are guys out there that are REALLY into it, but seriously its pretty gross. But then, why is the fun hole so close to the stinky hole???>?

NetRunner (Member Profile)

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

rottenseed says...

sorry, I'm late to your little party. Here are some things you may not know about me and you probably don't want to know about me.

1. I pee on my girlfriend in the shower
2. I haven't read a book for leisure in over 2 years
3. I'm a math nerd
4. When I was a little boy I remember playing a game with my mom's friend's daughter of the same age as me that involved her standing naked in a closet
5. I don't think I've ever had a "wet dream"
6. I used to believe in god in a non-denominational, talking to the voices in your head type of way
7. I was raised an only child
8. My mother wasn't married when she had me, I don't know my biological father
9. I used to suffer from OCD, after I realized the correlations between religion and OCD is when I stopped being religious and obsessive compulsive
10. Sometimes I go through a whole day at work without doing a thing
11. I'm a hypocrite, although I claim to hate hypocrites
12. I fall in love very easily
13. I've cheated once on an ex-girlfriend, but I've decided that cheating is not for me
14. I've never cheated in school, ever.
15. I graduated from high school with below a 2.5 gpa
16. I was part of an MLM when I was young and stupid. Then I went to this convention and realized the mass brainwashing and I filed it under "things as stupid as religion"
17. I tried to pretend like I was Buddhist when I was in my early 20s
18. There were 2 years of my life when all I listened to was Bob Marley
19. I have to shower after taking a shit
20. I'm self-conscious about my appearance, more so than a male should be
21. I'm always broke
22. I owned a condo with a buddy when I was 22, but we fell behind on payments and trashed the place then it foreclosed
23. I don't like having anal sex (giving for sure, and I don't really wanna try receiving)
24. Sometimes I prefer masturbation over sex because it's less work I don't have to worry about pleasuring anybody else
25. I divulge way too much information on the internets

LittleRed (Member Profile)

14099 (Member Profile)

UsesProzac says...

I'm still confused. Also, is English Choggie's first language? If it is, is he mildly retarded?

In reply to this comment by saturnalia:
hmmmmm....quite the cunt, perhaps dt's from a New Year's cold-turkey from so-called depression would resolutely solve what the meds can't- ...Otherwise, perhaps pound your next scrip all at once and chase it with Clorox.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Half-lesbian?? [Is that because I like boobs? Weren't we all raised on the tit?]

The image of you being reamed brings a smile to my face, actually. Does that make me even more of a lesbian? Am I now 3/4 lesbian?

Utilize the free time you'll have ignoring me by making use of a community-provided literacy course.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
I apologize for knowing more about anal sex than someone who professes to be half-lesbian, and share said knowledge. If you dislike me so much, why waste your time researching everything I've said?

But don't worry, I won't be wasting my time on someone who so obviously doesn't deserve it anymore. That's what you were hoping for anyway.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
You are a worthless addition to the sift. You contribute nothing but your bad mojo and your terrible anal sex advice.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

This is for thepinky, who doesn't read my blog. (Blog Entry by UsesProzac)

LittleRed says...

Are you shitting me? Ganging up on you on your profile? Everything I've ever said to UsesProzac has been said in the last month - the first three or four pages of her comments. Not a once have I "ganged up on" anyone. The first set of comments was referring to my interpretation of "nerdgasm" vs orgasm, and the second set started when she apparently took offense to my comment on a "How to get your girlfriend to consent to anal sex" video - a grand total of maybe five comments.

Just because she doesn't like me doesn't mean she didn't start shit, or that I "ganged up on" her. Oh? What's that? Learn to read?

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