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Should Information About VideoSift Members be Recorded on (User Poll by dag)

kronosposeidon says...


You ask "Why aren't the community guidelines that apply at VideoSift good enough for the wiki as well?" That's a fair question, so here's my answer:

Guidelines are almost never followed here. Sift polls are meant to be for Sift business, but most of the time they've been used for other purposes. Sift talk posts on the main page are also supposed to be Sift-related, but they're often not. Ad hominem atttacks are supposed to be avoided, but they happen every day. So calling them 'guidelines' isn't enough. If there are clearly defined rules, that can easily be enforced by members, then the damage should be kept to a minimum. No discussion needs to take place about the neutrality of an article about a member if that type of article is forbidden in the first place. Just delete them immediately

Though I don't think the wiki will have the same traffic as the site proper, I believe it will get more traffic than you think, but who knows what will happen. At least if we have a priori rules, we can immediately delete articles that don't belong, without the need for discussion. Laws won't stop vandalism ahead of time in the real world, but once it's happened at least the law can be enforced, so I say the rules here are enforceable as long as the rules exist in the first place.

I don't see the need for articles like dag listed anyway. If articles like those belong, then these should belong too:

- When have wrongful *dupeof invocations turned into flame wars?
- Who is Aaron McDonald?
- How many choggie sockpuppets have shown up over the years?
- What siftquisitions have turned into shameful public spectacles?
- Who has the most downvoted comments?

And if those types of articles are deemed admissible, then everything belongs. In the military they call this "mission creep." You start off with clearly defined objectives, but then you start adding more and more to the mission, until it gets to the point where the mission itself has become so broadly defined that anything goes. I don't want to see that happen to this wiki.

I still maintain that there is no need for articles about members, neither user nor topic pages. And if traffic is going to be low, as you suggest, then why even post them anyway? Leaving the wiki as a VS user manual is good enough for me.

Green Bay Packer Aaron Rodgers Snubs Cancer Patient

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

JiggaJonson says...

Also, here are some examples of what US law at least defines as maltreatment

Case Examples Of Maltreatment (from the same link i posted above)

Physical Abuse
During a violent fight between her mother and her mother's boyfriend, 8-year-old Kerry called 911. She told the operator that her mother's boyfriend always hit her mommy when he came home drunk. In addition, Kerry said she was worried about her 5-year-old brother, Aaron, because he tried to help their mom and the boyfriend punched him in the face. As a result, Aaron fell, hit his head on the coffee table, and had not moved since. The operator heard yelling in the background and the mother screaming, "Get off the phone!" When the police and paramedics arrived, Aaron was unconscious and the mother had numerous bruises on her face.

Child Neglect
Robert and Carlotta are the parents of a 9-month-old son named Ruiz. Robert and Carlotta used various drugs together until Robert was arrested and sent to prison for distributing cocaine. Since Robert's arrest, Carlotta has been living with different relatives and friends. Recently, she left her son with her sister who also has a history of drug use. Her sister then went to a local bar and left Ruiz unattended. After hearing the baby boy cry for over an hour, the neighbors called the police. When Carlotta arrived to pick up Ruiz, the police and the CPS worker were also there. It appeared that she had been using drugs.

Sexual Abuse
Jody, age 11, said that she was asleep in her bedroom and that her father came in and took off his robe and underwear. She stated that he got into bed with her and pulled up her nightgown and put his private part on her private part. She stated that he pushed hard and it hurt. Jody said that the same thing had happened before while her mother was at work. Jody stated that she told her mother, but her father insisted that she was telling a lie.

Psychological Abuse
Jackie is a 7-year-old girl who lives with her mother. Jackie's mother often screams at her, calls her degrading names, and threatens to kill her when Jackie misbehaves. Jackie doesn't talk in class anymore, doesn't have any friends in her neighborhood, and has lost a lot of weight.

LA Noire - Debut trailer of the new Rockstar game

LA Noire - Debut trailer of the new Rockstar game

Hybrid says...

Yes, it is indeed him.>> ^L0cky:

>> ^acidSpine:
Also did anyone else think the guy at the end who says "we're done for now" sounds just like (or is in fact) Bill Maher?

I'm gonna take a guess and say it's Aaron Staton who's currently in Mad Men. It looks like the modelling and mocap are also based on the actors as I recognised quite a few there.

LA Noire - Debut trailer of the new Rockstar game

L0cky says...

>> ^acidSpine:
Also did anyone else think the guy at the end who says "we're done for now" sounds just like (or is in fact) Bill Maher?

I'm gonna take a guess and say it's Aaron Staton who's currently in Mad Men. It looks like the modelling and mocap are also based on the actors as I recognised quite a few there.

Sega's Office Pranks - Aaron's Desk

Sega's Office Pranks - Aaron's Desk

poolcleaner says...

>> ^Clumsy:

I was involved in creating this- We carved out an hour a day for two weeks, it wasn't a huge strain on resources, plus it was fun.

Working for Sega entitles you to do awesome things on the clock from time to time. Pay no attention to the naysayers.

Sega's Office Pranks - Aaron's Desk

Sega's Office Pranks - Aaron's Desk

blankfist says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Clumsy:
I was involved in creating this- We carved out an hour a day for two weeks, it wasn't a huge strain on resources, plus it was fun.

FUN! FUN?!?!?! You guys are responsible for probably the greatest gaming system ever created. The Dreamcast. Now you don't make consoles, ya don't make anything but racist Hedgehog games...what the fuck have you done with that awesome brand!?!?!

What did mommy say about being rude when company is around? Now off to your room without internet.

Sega's Office Pranks - Aaron's Desk

Sega's Office Pranks - Aaron's Desk

Clumsy says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Clumsy:
I was involved in creating this- We carved out an hour a day for two weeks, it wasn't a huge strain on resources, plus it was fun.

FUN! FUN?!?!?! You guys are responsible for probably the greatest gaming system ever created. The Dreamcast. Now you don't make consoles, ya don't make anything but racist Hedgehog games...what the fuck have you done with that awesome brand!?!?!

Are we still talking about the office prank?

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Sega's Office Pranks - Aaron's Desk

Yogi says...

>> ^Clumsy:

I was involved in creating this- We carved out an hour a day for two weeks, it wasn't a huge strain on resources, plus it was fun.

FUN! FUN?!?!?! You guys are responsible for probably the greatest gaming system ever created. The Dreamcast. Now you don't make consoles, ya don't make anything but racist Hedgehog games...what the fuck have you done with that awesome brand!?!?!

lucky760 (Member Profile)

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