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Constant Motion - Gorgeous HDR Timelapse

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'photography, california, clouds, streams' to 'photography, california, clouds, streams, aaron patterson' - edited by kronosposeidon

Don't boil that baby goat - The 10 commandments

raverman says...

Ok so assuming there's some historical basis here, and removing the mysticism, and trying to relate to Moses as a leader.

Here's a guy who, religious mythos aside, during an economic crisis, led an rebel movement to a successful uprising of slaves.

So they all escape into the wilderness and he realizes he now has Anarchy. Thousands of hardened, bitter, uneducated people without food, water or shelter all looking to him. All shit's gonna break loose if we don't get some order in place.

So like the founding fathers, sits down and tries to a constitution/basic laws for the newly freed people. When he comes back, Aarons taken over, made a new god - cooler and more laid back. Now he's gonna just look like the asshole with all the strict rules. "Aarons god would let us, his one is better!"

So he smashes the constitution and kills a shitload of people so they don't think Aaron's god is that cool after all. Typical response from any dictator. Failed Coup - Punish everyone.

Then goes back and rewrites a simpler constitution - and starts with a law that stops all that "Aaron's golden bull god is cool" bullshit. "1) thou shall have NO other gods. God is a jealous god".

In context, thousands are mourning. Everyone's family has watched a loved one be butchered.
"Hands up who still likes the Golden bull" Noone? good, now you know who's boss around here."

Classic nation building - citizens must fear the government to obey the laws.

Chrome Speed vs Potato/Soundwaves/Lightning

lucky760 says...

I love Chrome very much and for the typical web surfer I wouldn't argue that it should be their #1, go-to browser, especially compared to Internet Exploder.

But a week or two ago I tried for days very hard to switch to it from Firefox and for my needs, it comes up short and does not beat out Firefox despite its lightning fast V8 JavaScript engine and alleged better memory management.

As fast as Chrome is, it crashed on me several times during routine tasks, it does not have any print preview support, and FireBug, my preferred tool for JS debugging, does not work so well (example: the web page's scrollbar includes the FireBug window, so I can't view the bottom of the page without undocking FireBug; the extension is also incomplete as compared to the Firefox version). I actually found myself repeatedly switching over to FF to load my development pages just for some proper debugging.

In addition to all that, the AdBlock extension is not able to block ads until after they've been downloaded. This results in ads showing up momentarily before they disappear from the page and often the space for the disappeared ads remains, whereas in FF they just never appear at all.

One other less significant issue is that you can't use address bar shortcuts for bookmarks, e.g., in FF I could type "w aaron burr" and it would load WikiPedia.

Finally, the lack of a way (at least an obvious way) to search a specific site is a bother. E.g., in FF I hit CTRL+E to get to the search box then CTRL+downarrow to switch to Amazon, then type in my query and, boom, I'm at Amazon. You can also add VideoSift to that search box in Firefox; if you don't know how, click the search box icon then click "Add VideoSift Search". (Note: in Chrome you can type "amazon" [among others] then hit TAB for a site-specific search, but that feature's not available for all sites and I don't see a way to add others.)

The end. (What is this my own personal blog or something?)

Think Progress: Maddow on Miranda Rights and Terrorism

EndAll (Member Profile)

EndAll (Member Profile)

Aaron Russo - Mad as Hell (full length documentary)

karaidl (Member Profile)

1999 World Superbike Nürburgring - The Oil Spill

rottenseed says...

>> ^antonye:
To be fair to the marshals, they work under direction of race control so it's not their fault that they weren't told to hang out the slippery surface flag. They were doing their job with the waved yellow when the first rider went down (you can see it in the clip) but they have to be instructed for all other flags.
You've got to feel sorry for backmarker Kraus (#73) who got punted off by Foggy though; he didn't really do too much wrong except to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and get side-swiped by Foggy which was a pretty shitty thing to do. Yes, there should have been a blue flag (aka the "There's a Race Going on but You're Not In It" flag) out so he knew the leaders were coming through.
Oil on the track is a nightmare; you don't know it's there until you're sliding along on your arse, watching the bike tumble and thinking "oh no, not again". Been there, done that. Many times.
Great to see Aaron Slight out there too - one of the reasons I ride as #111.

Thanks I was wondering what he meant by a blue flag. So there's a flag to let you know you're better off packing your bags?

1999 World Superbike Nürburgring - The Oil Spill

antonye says...

To be fair to the marshals, they work under direction of race control so it's not their fault that they weren't told to hang out the slippery surface flag. They were doing their job with the waved yellow when the first rider went down (you can see it in the clip) but they have to be instructed for all other flags.

You've got to feel sorry for backmarker Kraus (#73) who got punted off by Foggy though; he didn't really do too much wrong except to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and get side-swiped by Foggy which was a pretty shitty thing to do. Yes, there should have been a blue flag (aka the "There's a Race Going on but You're Not In It" flag) out so he knew the leaders were coming through.

Oil on the track is a nightmare; you don't know it's there until you're sliding along on your arse, watching the bike tumble and thinking "oh no, not again". Been there, done that. Many times.

Great to see Aaron Slight out there too - one of the reasons I ride as #111.

Incredible NASCAR Finish - Talladega Nights Style!

SNL Digital Short - Lazy Sunday

eric3579 says...

Lazy Sunday, wake up in the late afternoon.
Call Parnell just to see how he’s doin’.
What up, Parns?
Yo Samberg, what’s crackin’?
You thinking what I’m thinkin?
Man, it’s happenin’.
But first my hunger pains are stickin’ like duct tape.
Let’s hit up Magnolia and mack on some cupcakes.
No doubt that bakery’s got all da bomb frostins.
I love those cupcakes like McAdams loves Gosling.
Two, no six, no twelve, BAKERS DOZEN.
I told you that I’m crazy for these cupcakes, cousin.
Yo, where’s the movie playin’?
Upper west side, dude.
Well, let’s hit up Yahoo Maps to find the dopest route.
I prefer Map Quest.
That’s a good one, too.
Google Maps is the best.
True that.
68th and Broadway.
Step on it, sucka.
What you wanna do, Chris?
It’s the Chronic (what?)
Cles of Narnia
Yes, the Chronic (what?)
Cles of Narnia
We love that Chronic (what?)
Cles of Narnia
Pass that Chronic (what?)
Cles of Narnia
Yo, stop at the deli.
The theater’s over-priced.
You’ve got the backpack?
Gonna pack it up nice.
Don’t want security to get suspicious.
Mr. Pibb and Red Vines equals CRAZY DELICIOUS!
I’ll reach in my pocket, pull out some dough.
Girl actin’ like she never seen a $10 before.
It’s all about the Hamiltons, baby.
Throw the snacks in a bag and I’m ghost like Swayze.
Roll up to the theater.
Ticket buying, what we’re handlin’.
You can call us Aaron Burr.
From the way we’re droppin’ Hamiltons.
Now parked in our seats.
Movie trivias the illest.
Which Friends alum starred in films with Bruce Willis?
We answered so fast it was scary scary.
Everyone stared in awe when we screamed Matthew Perry.
Now quiet in the theater or it’s gonna get tragic.
We’re bout to get taken to a dream world of magic with…
the Chronic (what?)
Cles of Narnia
Yes, the Chronic (what?)
Cles of Narnia
We love that Chronic (what?)
Cles of Narnia
Pass that Chronic (what?)
Cles of Narnia

Extreme Wheelchairing

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'hardcore sitting, wheelchair, flips, spins, inspiring' to 'hardcore sitting, wheelchair, flips, spins, inspiring, aaron fotheringham' - edited by maatc


Fjnbk says...

It's so annoying, now. Everyone's trying to get each other banned. Some people are probably looking for an excuse to destroy joedirt the moment he does something wrong.

The Siftquisitions never seem to solve anything that couldn't be solved privately. I think that only admins should be allowed to call for Siftquisitions, and only for gross transgressions of the rules of Aaron McDonald proportions. In their current state, they're not much more than Internet lynch mobs.

Real Time: Oh noes, Obama World is nigh!

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