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Zero Punctuation: Super Mario Galaxy 2

Abel_Prisc says...

I see somebody drank the kool-aid.
>> ^yellowc:

Pretty funny and Nintendo would laugh a long too, if you want to make jokes about the flat storyline, Nintendo has already beaten you to it many times. No one really cares though because we're too busy having fun (which he admits, though for me, when you're having fun, everything else is a moot point).
Bringing back level maps was also FRIGGING AWESOME, this was a case of the 8-90s getting it RIGHT and then 00s trying to be better and failing with horrid hub worlds or whatever the frig you want. The only decent hub world was Mario 64 and that was just a 3d level map really.
I also think Nintendo's new approach to making games accessible to a wide audience is commendable, it is entirely avoidable if you don't wish to look at it but quite informative and helpful to noobs. They've actually got the formula down really well and should be applauded not ridiculed, yeah the instructions are spastic obvious but they're not for you...they are for people who out right FEAR touching a button on any "technology" and on the Wii, they feel comfortable.
Anyway I know these videos are for entertainment but I can never help myself, that's probably what he wants the crafty bugger!

Zero Punctuation: Super Mario Galaxy 2

yellowc says...

Pretty funny and Nintendo would laugh a long too, if you want to make jokes about the flat storyline, Nintendo has already beaten you to it many times. No one really cares though because we're too busy having fun (which he admits, though for me, when you're having fun, everything else is a moot point).

Bringing back level maps was also FRIGGING AWESOME, this was a case of the 8-90s getting it RIGHT and then 00s trying to be better and failing with horrid hub worlds or whatever the frig you want. The only decent hub world was Mario 64 and that was just a 3d level map really.

I also think Nintendo's new approach to making games accessible to a wide audience is commendable, it is entirely avoidable if you don't wish to look at it but quite informative and helpful to noobs. They've actually got the formula down really well and should be applauded not ridiculed, yeah the instructions are spastic obvious but they're not for you...they are for people who out right FEAR touching a button on any "technology" and on the Wii, they feel comfortable.

Anyway I know these videos are for entertainment but I can never help myself, that's probably what he wants the crafty bugger!

Zero Punctuation: E3 2010

eRadthorpe says...

When the Wii came out I thought it was utter crap... look at me! I'm a console that has ordinary graphics and a shit house controller system...
When my Wife convinced me to buy her a Wii with my work Bonus I hated it even more...
When my wife started using Wii Fit in her underwear I instantly liked the Wii... My pet cat must have sensed my enjoyment of this and chewed through the sensor bar cable.

I guess my point is movement based games are annoying unless you are watching chicks in there underwear use them.

For all the Gamers on the Sift - Steam Sale (Actionpack Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

Ghostbusters is definitely a game I want to get, but will be doing so on the Wii so my kids can enjoy it too, I hardly get a chance to play games on my PC anymore, so I'm finding I get much more time to play if it's on the Wii with the kids... Plus there's something about using the Wii Remote as a Proton blaster that appeals

iPhone 4 Fail: Proof of Dropped Calls when Held in Left Hand

logix says...

Little late for me.. I just bought one and I am left handed!! The bumpers take care of this problem so maybe they could give them away like nintendo did with the wii motes.

Sony PlayStation Move - Tech Demo

NetRunner says...

@Shepppard, I'm definitely going to be watching the reviews on a Move-enabled SOCOM 4. I'm not a fan of the SOCOM series, but it's definitely not a casual/family title, and it should give us an idea of whether they've made motion control a must-have for core gamers.

@Deano I agree, I think the real exciting part of Move/Kinect is the indie games we're likely to see on PSN and XBLA. I'm a little surprised we haven't had more breakthrough hits from the Wii's indie game store, but only a little.

I'm not going to be first in line for either product, but I'm hopeful they'll find a way to make one or both appealing to me.

Sony PlayStation Move - Tech Demo

Shepppard says...

@Deano I actually agree, the game itself looks boring, not edge-of-your-seat exciting.

However, the mere point I was trying to make was that the playstation technology will be able to handle fantastic looking games as well as motion control.

The visuals in that socom demo are far superior to anything ever seen on the wii, and the developers aren't limited to "fun for the whole family" games, so there probably will be some fantastic future titles.

Sony PlayStation Move - Tech Demo

Deano says...

Let's hope developers actually use their imaginations with this tech because I found that SOCOM game to be utterly boring. Another bloody tedious shooter and hiding behind scenery every so often. Reminds me of the pain of playing Gears of War.

I wish developers were let off their leash to make the kind of crazy games you used to see when the financial stakes weren't so high. Sure those games are now viewed as being rubbish but you wonder how much better and more wondrous things could be if every other game title didn't have a number at the end.

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^NetRunner:
I think that PS Move seems like it was designed with making games for actual gamers in mind. You still have a controller with buttons, and the motion sensing is super-precise.
Kinect seems to be designed to try to bring mass market appeal to the 360 by trying to be even more accessible than the Wii, and turn the 360 into some sort of social networking hub at the same time.
Time will tell if anyone manages to make a really good game that's only possible with motion control, but so far nobody's really found a way to really advance the state of gaming with it yet.
It's opened it up to a new group of people, which is great, but I've been playing video games my whole life, I don't want it if all it's for is playing party games.

Might I point you towards Socom 4 seems a bit crude at the moment in terms of controls, but it shows off some impressive visuals with a clean movement control.
It definitely isn't ONLY possible with motion controls, but it definitely seems more immersive.
and again, better looking then ANYTHING on the wii.

Sony PlayStation Move - Tech Demo

Shepppard says...

>> ^NetRunner:

I think that PS Move seems like it was designed with making games for actual gamers in mind. You still have a controller with buttons, and the motion sensing is super-precise.
Kinect seems to be designed to try to bring mass market appeal to the 360 by trying to be even more accessible than the Wii, and turn the 360 into some sort of social networking hub at the same time.
Time will tell if anyone manages to make a really good game that's only possible with motion control, but so far nobody's really found a way to really advance the state of gaming with it yet.
It's opened it up to a new group of people, which is great, but I've been playing video games my whole life, I don't want it if all it's for is playing party games.

Might I point you towards Socom 4 seems a bit crude at the moment in terms of controls, but it shows off some impressive visuals with a clean movement control.

It definitely isn't ONLY possible with motion controls, but it definitely seems more immersive.

and again, better looking then ANYTHING on the wii.

Sony PlayStation Move - Tech Demo

NetRunner says...

I think that PS Move seems like it was designed with making games for actual gamers in mind. You still have a controller with buttons, and the motion sensing is super-precise.

Kinect seems to be designed to try to bring mass market appeal to the 360 by trying to be even more accessible than the Wii, and turn the 360 into some sort of social networking hub at the same time.

Time will tell if anyone manages to make a really good game that's only possible with motion control, but so far nobody's really found a way to really advance the state of gaming with it yet.

It's opened it up to a new group of people, which is great, but I've been playing video games my whole life, I don't want it if all it's for is playing party games.

Sony PlayStation Move - Tech Demo

Deano says...

>> ^RedSky:

Kinect seems more ambitious, and it is, until you see the plausible applications for it are severely limited. You could say it's an incremental upgrade to the Wii, but when that means reducing latency and improving the accuracy and data the motion controls can process, that's a pretty big deal. Go watch SOCOM being played on it, it's not quite mouse accuracy, but it's closer than controllers allow.

Wait til I post up video of myself grooving to Dance Central

Sony PlayStation Move - Tech Demo

Deano says...

I thought the Move tracked the controllers only? I'll probably buy both in the end as I tend to cherry pick the best games from each system.

I wish Kinect could track finger-movements, but I'm gathering it doesn't. It would be amazing to punch in keycodes and manipulate objects... one day maybe.

>> ^teebeenz:

Wii controller knows where its pointing, which way its turned up and which way its moving, but not qwhere it is.
Kinect knows where you are and you body position (which they could have done with a single camera but sony owns that patent... not that I like patents), but has no buttons. It does have a camera tho of course which is useful.
Move knows where the controllers are, where you are, can track your face, body, any other augmented reality shapes and patterns and pretty much anything else a developers wants to track. It has a camera as well (and its own games for said camera), and buttons. IT can be adapted to work with pretty much anything.
In the end, the move isnt perfect but its the best of the lot. Kinect offers little more than the EYEToy (which has 1:1 and body tracking in later releases), and the Wii is that happy medium, where its sending enough data, but not to much.

Sony PlayStation Move - Tech Demo

teebeenz says...

Wii controller knows where its pointing, which way its turned up and which way its moving, but not qwhere it is.

Kinect knows where you are and you body position (which they could have done with a single camera but sony owns that patent... not that I like patents), but has no buttons. It does have a camera tho of course which is useful.

Move knows where the controllers are, where you are, can track your face, body, any other augmented reality shapes and patterns and pretty much anything else a developers wants to track. It has a camera as well (and its own games for said camera), and buttons. IT can be adapted to work with pretty much anything.

In the end, the move isnt perfect but its the best of the lot. Kinect offers little more than the EYEToy (which has 1:1 and body tracking in later releases), and the Wii is that happy medium, where its sending enough data, but not to much.

Sony PlayStation Move - Tech Demo

Shepppard says...

Personally, I think this is a brilliant move (no pun intended) that MS should've picked up on, too.

A lot of wii owners are frustrated, the lack of games that properly use the wii-mote, and the ones that do are generally PG are just making the wii a gimmicky console that was novel at the time.

The fact that PS3 isn't really limited to nintendos "fun for the whole family" type of games means we'll be getting things like.. Socom and CoD, with fantastic graphics and a smooth control scheme to play it with. (Like it or lump it, the wii-mote only has two easy to use buttons, A and B, whereas the "Move" controller has its upper and lower buttons, plus the 4 face buttons right around thumb level.)

I'm more excited for this technology then I was for wii-motion+, or Natal/kinect. Especially since the e3 kinect demo of the star wars game was completely faked

And just because I can, here's a picture of Kevin Butler.

Sony PlayStation Move - Tech Demo

RedSky says...

Kinect seems more ambitious, and it is, until you see the plausible applications for it are severely limited. You could say it's an incremental upgrade to the Wii, but when that means reducing latency and improving the accuracy and data the motion controls can process, that's a pretty big deal. Go watch SOCOM being played on it, it's not quite mouse accuracy, but it's closer than controllers allow.

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