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My girlfriend dumped me on Christmas (Videogames Talk Post)

spawnflagger says...

I upvote Little Big Planet. And the sequel when it comes out in January.

The Move controller (Wii rip-off) looks neat, but I haven't played it personally, so couldn't say if it's good or not, but should be casual-gamer friendly. (although the cost of camera and 2 controllers is more than the cost of a Wii)

There are also demos that you can download directly to PS3 from PSN network. It's free to sign up. Maybe your girlfriend will also think Kratos (God of War) is hawt

Zero Punctuation: Epic Mickey

Child Hates Books For Christmas

Zero Punctuation: iPhone Games

spoco2 says...

I have just entered the 'real' world of mobile gaming having got my first android phone. And while the market is not as rich or deep as the iPhone library, I have been thoroughly enjoying wasting time on the train playing Angry Birds and the like... and I have a lot of games... and I've paid for a sum total of... 1 of them. Reckless Racing. And I'm glad I did as it's an impressive little top down racer indeed. Plus... $3 Australian hardly breaks the bank.

Plus, other than getting to use the Wii with the kids occasionally on a weekend, it's the only gaming I get to do

Unreal Engine 3 - 2010 Engine Overview Trailer

Xaielao says...

As others have said there are several reasons that games don't look this good (but will in just a few short years). One major being that consoles are holding things back simply because they can barely handle what is out there today, let alone stuff like this. But largely because these tech demos only feature high polygon static scenes (beyond a little running water or wind fx) were a game needs to use most those polygons for characters, enemies and most that texture memory for those things as well. If all they needed to do was make some pretty scenery and that was their game, it would look this good on the PC version.

Frankly Id Tech 5 surpasses what we see here in every single way. Hopefully Id will put the work in making their next game, Rage, take full advantage of the power the engine has for the PC version and not hold it back simply to make sure it gets 20fps on the consoles with a field of view set at 60. I mean think about it, Crysis was absolutely beautiful because it was a PC only game, with Crysis 2 looking significantly less good simply because it's made with consoles in mind. But it's also old compared to what todays tech can accomplish on the PC. I hope consoles catch up soon really, but considering they all just put tens of millions into pretending to be the Wii, I don't see another console for at least 3 more years. So games simply will not look this good until a PC focused company creatures another Crysis type game.

AMAZING cover... with a slight distraction....

Zero Punctuation: Metroid Other M

Zero Punctuation: Metroid Other M

Trade Chat Does Some Girl on Girl Action

westy says...

I have yet to meet a girl gamer that was realyhot ( to me) had a brawd intrest in games (fps,Rts,Sim,MMO) + realy good at games / better than an avverage guy gamer.

vast majorty of girl gamers that are good at games that i have ever known play MMO,s or RPGs exclusively.

Id rather more girls in england played games more ( not just wii or MMOs ) i know in sweeden its more normal for women to play games and a wide varity of games.

Its weaird how this woman in this video describes how awsome it is to be sumone else , and i think allot of women and people in general that play MMO games want to be sumone else , persoanly i have never had or wanted that desire , unless that sumone else was a persoanly boilt ulter ego for example i would not want to take on the roll of a pre made charactor but i would be happy with inventing a new charactor in aplay or something and then developing that ( ali G, Hard gay ) . just a shame that MMO games r so uterly shallow and although they make out that u r devloping a charactor everything u can do is totaly neglagable and indestiguishable from the next person.

OMFGWTF: Siskel & Ebert play a 1993 video game - Kinect

Shepppard says...

Yeesh. Dark ages technology at its finest.

Far too easy to manipulate, it looks like Ebert was just doing the twist at the end there. Fling every possible body part in whatever direction as fast as you can, and that should technically hit your opponent more then they hit you.

It's why I hate wii boxing, too. You can keep your guard up all you want, if a 6 year old is spinning around swinging her arms wildly she'll still find a way to get through. Then gloat about it. for 3 solid goddamn years.

...I hate that kid.

Sony PlayStation Move Trailer - E3 2010

spoco2 says...

@westy.... my point was that this trailer was pretty much identical to those for the Wii when it came out, and for the Wii Motion plus also. I was making no claim in any regards as to the worthiness of the system at all.

Sony PlayStation Move Trailer - E3 2010

westy says...

>> ^TheFreak:

Cool! All the games I played 4 years ago on the HD. cool

I think sony are actualy far less gulity of cloning wii games , i think you will get the basic fitness / sports games but thats just the generic thing that anny company would have to do , i think outside of that sony will have the controles working on manny other games , games u would never see on the wii.

Its anoying realy becaus I own a 360 but oh well , id get a wii but the multiplayer is not there properly and looks like utter crap on a 42" screen ( 360 looks pritty pore on a 42" screen so wii is just depressing)

anny way sod all this kinnect , sony move crap, MASHED is coming out on XBLA later this year and that is going to shit on everything

Sony PlayStation Move Trailer - E3 2010

westy says...

>> ^spoco2:

Wow, way to create a trailer for a system that completely DOESN'T differentiate it from the Wii... good work Sony... sigh

what they have done is make a system thats actualy responsaive , the wii motes are shockingly inacuret.
and manny people hate the graphical styl of the vast majorty of wii games.

In the end all bissinesses take ideas from eachother i dobt nintendo came up witht he wii mote in the first place they just decided to go behind it with a console.

if annything microsoft is more gulty of coppying the wii whats funny is kinect looks realy laggy and pritty much entrly suted to casual games where acurecy is not so important ( ala wii games) where as sony have a platform that can work well with casual and core games.

in the end , nintendo need to beef up there console evan if its only as fast as a 360 or slighty slower it just needs to do HD and allow support for non cartony games, nintendo allso needs to sort out multiplayer they should just clone what MS have done ,

MS need to make more party games that work over there multiplayer system, and sony need to lower the price of everything and improve there networking service.

Sony PlayStation Move Trailer - E3 2010

Sony PlayStation Move Trailer - E3 2010

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