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Brave - Disney/Pixar - Sneak Peek Clip

hpqp says...

>> ^renatojj:

Another movie about empowering women, we just don't have enough of those.

Indeed, we really don't. Especially when it comes to children's movies, which have a long history of sexist and patriarchal representations of women/women's roles. Here's a humorous take on a few of them:

Brave - Disney/Pixar - Sneak Peek Clip

Steve Jobs 1995 interview unabridged

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'apple, NeXT, Pixar, life, the universe, everything, computerworld, oral history' to 'apple, NeXT, Pixar, life, the universe, everything, computerworld, oral history, 1995' - edited by marinara

Remember me Eddie?! When I killed your brother...

Drachen_Jager says...

The first film I can find to use animation and live actors 'interacting' was Harryhausen's The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953). If you follow early cinema you'd also be aware of his 7th Voyage of Sinbad and Jason and the Argonauts. Harryhausen was the guy who really created this field of trick photography. That's why he gets a nod from Pixar in Monsters Inc.

Fortnite - Debut trailer of Epic's new game

Gallowflak says...

>> ^krelokk:

>> ^Selektaa:
Team Fortress 2 art style meets Left 4 Dead.

The originality is just mind shattering

And TF2 itself was a rip/homage to the Pixar movie The Incredibles.

"The final rendition sports cartoon style visuals influenced by the art of J. C. Leyendecker, Dean Cornwell and Norman Rockwell[8] and is powered by the Source engine."

Fortnite - Debut trailer of Epic's new game

Spirit's 5 year journey on Mars - Time lapse

Yogi says...

I started looking into the Rovers after news of a new one came out and I actually got a bit fond of them. I thought it was hilarious that I could become fond of this radio controlled carbot on Mars but all those years of Pixar movies and video games and I'm back to where I was as a child...believing Herbie was alive

Brave - Full Trailer - Disney/Pixar

garmachi says...

>> ^Sarzy:

Meh. It's Pixar, so of course I'll watch it. But if this were by some random animation studio, my interest level would be quite low.

I was actually thinking the same thing. It looks good... visually, that is, but the story (based on the trailer) seems pretty... well... uninteresting.

Brave - Full Trailer - Disney/Pixar

Brave - Full Trailer - Disney/Pixar

gwiz665 says...

No no no, it's gonna end up with her marrying the tall dark prince, who has lots of money and is heir to the throne, but secretly dresses up as a Butcher's Boy to escape the hard life of a prince...
>> ^hpqp:

A strong female character, with a celtic accent and a redhead to boot? I think I'm going to love this.

unless they go Disney on the ending of course...

Brave - Full Trailer - Disney/Pixar

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Hybrid (Member Profile)

Brave - Full Trailer - Disney/Pixar

Brave - Full Trailer - Disney/Pixar

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