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David Lynch is annoyed by your question

David Lynch is annoyed by your question

StukaFox says...

Does someone have a link to the famous drunken rant Orson Wells went off on about frozen peas? It's the one Pinky and the Brain make fun of.

Also, Casey Kasem's rant about the dead dog, which almost got Negativeland sued off the planet, is golden, too.

mr plinkett responds to comments on his rogue one review

Asmo says...

I'll bite. (needless to say, spoilers)

The characters certainly had motivation.

Jyn's motivation, much like Rae in FA, is simple, daddy issues. She isn't so much invested in the rebellion as she is in enacting vengeance for her father. She is stunted emotionally and is not idealistic, but I think she uses that as a vehicle to push other characters along with her. Her last moments with Cassian aren't driven by any great romance, just the solace of two people who don't know if what they did will make a difference, but they succeeded in what they set out to do. I suspect she understood before she left Yavin that she was not going to get out of it alive, which sort of fits with her fairly nihilistic view of the universe.

Cassian was entirely driven by the fight against the Empire. He was willing to do anything, and was completely ruthless at the start, but he does mellow towards the end as Jyn makes a point of saying that he was like a stormtrooper. He is a zealot, a true believer, and is willing to sacrifice everything, even his humanity, for the cause.

Orson, the imperial commander, is a mixture of patriotism and self interest. He's a fervant believer in the imperial ethos of bringing order to the galaxy, but he is also deeply interested in recognition and commensurate rise in rank. He is so motivated that he risks his life directly to try and stop the rebels (not something you typically see bad leader types do outside of superhero movies, that's what henchmen are for) at the end.

The droid is all programming, but his comedy relief is explained by the dialogue that slicing an imp droid can affect it's personality. He is the one of the few light hearted notes (and consequently gives us a pretty poignant note when he says goodbye and get's shut down) in what is a fairly depressing movie. His bluntly honest statements are perfectly ironic and as such really do deserve the laughs they get.

The monk and the warrior were guardians of a temple but are now displaced. While it's couched in the monks mysticism, I think honestly they were happy to stand up to the big bad guys who wrecked their temple and extract some form of revenge. I think it would please both of them to know that it was worth it in the end.

The imperial defector seems to have little motivation, but he has already taken the dangerous step of defecting and getting the ball rolling for the entire plot etc, he's obviously completely displeased about the empire and willing to risk his life to do something about it.

Saul has been driven mad by the fight. The rebel leadership all seem to fit well within their established roles in the canon, as do Tarkin and Vader. Random rebel and imp personal are placeholders and who really gives a fuck what their motivations are? X D

/shrug As far as character development goes, it's certainly not a work for the ages, but to say these characters are going to get a thing because they need to get a thing seems to be nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking.

Oh yeah, and in regards to AT AT's, it's a strategic imperial world and heavily garrisoned. Likely a staging point for excursions around the galaxy as well. It has major shielding, AA and fighter complements, Star Destroyers standing guard etc. Sure, fan service is a thing (although the homages in R1 are far less clunky than FA, including things like the Hammerhead, references to the cartoons etc), but as an imp commander, I would certainly release AT AT and AT ST vehicles against an attacking force of unknown size, particularly when you see a whole bunch of landing pads explode simultaneously. Are their 10 commandos or 1,000? 10,000? Yeah, go lowball and wait for them to walk out in the open right? \= |

It's not like the AT AT's were stomping all over the archive looking for a guy hiding behind valuable Imp data infrastructure, they are roaming the outer regions and are fairly proof against ground troops. Makes sense to me.

Dunno, I think the RLM reviews are generally entertaining and thoughtful, but in this case whoever writes Plinkett has let his acerbic dislike of "new" Star Wars cloud his objectiveness imo. It was an enjoyable flick and certainly one I intend to own. I don't think it's anywhere near the best sci fi (although I kinda like it on par with Empire) movie out there, but it's far better than RLM gives it credit for, imo.

Zurich is ready for the end of the world

SFOGuy says...

Place de la Concorde Suisse...John McPhee's book exploring Swiss...paranoia...
---All military age men have an automatic weapon at home; the penalties for using it or even open the ammunition other than military duty are severe
---The bridges and tunnels in to the country are rigged with places for Swiss Army Engineers to stick explosives and drop them all
---Airbases tucked into mountain sides; not nuke proof; but damn hard to get at any other way

"in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. "

Harry Lime; Orson Well's "The Third Man"...

Smarter Every Day - Facebook Freebooting

Orson's Apology

Fairbs says...

He does look a lot like him. I'm willing to wager Rami won't have as much of an impact on film though.

I didn't realize that Orson Welles was involved in The War of the Worlds stunt. Learn something new every day, I guess.

lucky760 said:

Is THAT what 23-year-olds looked like back then? Wow, times have changed.

I never realized that that actor (who you wouldn't know by name) Rami Malek looks very much like a young Orson Wells.

Orson's Apology

To J.K. Rowling, from Cho Chang

Not Everyone Is Cut Out To Be A Soldier

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

So Enders Game was right? Damn you, Orson Scott Card, you crazy bigoted insightful bastard!

Chairman_woo said:

They deliberately treat recruits like children (amongst other things) to put them in a state where they will be more receptive to re-programming. (other things like "yes drill Sgt." also help re-enforce the pseudo parent-child relationship)

It's one of the reasons child soldiers are so effective, if you can get someone into that childlike state of openness and obedience to authority you can basically re write their whole personality. (and naturally that's easier with an actual child)

The same goes for religious indoctrination, get them young enough (or regress an adult far enough) and you can turn them into a genuine fanatic.

'Enders Game' Writer's Ridiculous Racist Rant Against Obama

Procrastinatron says...

@L0cky @bcglorf

It's disappointing that TYT didn't mention the context, but it's also facetious to claim that the article was purely a thought experiment.

Yes, he does say the following in the beginning of the article: "No, no, it's just a silly thought experiment! I'm not serious about this! Nobody can predict the future! It's just a game. The game of Unlikely Events."

...But the rest of the article is spent stating opinions and things that are just outright wrong as if they are completely factual and true.

There're no "let's just consider for a moment that..." in the article, nor are there any what-ifs. He simply goes from claiming that Iran will nuke Israel if the US doesn't step in, to claiming that Obama is, effectively, a dictator.

And all of this craziness takes part during the set-up for his "thought experiment." This is the context that Orson Scott Card himself provides us with.

It was very low for TYT to skip over the fact that this is, in part, a thought experiment. However, it is also false to claim that it was just a thought experiment, and nothing more.

'Enders Game' Writer's Ridiculous Racist Rant Against Obama

Procrastinatron says...

And of course Obama is going to step down peacefully. I mean, you can say whatever you want about the state of American politics, and it's obvious to anyone with at least half a brain that Obama hasn't lived up to the hype he and his people managed to create during his campaign (which makes sense since he's, y'know, A POLITICIAN), but this idea that he's somehow going to organize "urban gangs" (and I think we all know which social group Orson Scott Card's really referring to here) and take over America is just... well, it's just...

It's just completely fucking INSANE.

And it shows us poor Orson Scott Card's connection to reality really is.

Yogi said:

I'm still waiting for Obama to do something remotely close to Hitler, cause when he steps down peacefully in 3 years, what is everyone going to do?

It's really annoying that people who are proven wrong time and time again cling to their stupid Obama is the next Hitler or the Antichrist. If he just leaves without a fuss he's not close to Hitler you idiots, Hitler was a dictator at LEAST.

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