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2009 Presidential Inauguration Liveblog (Politics Talk Post)

TYT - Would You Bomb A School?

Asmo says...

>> ^Retroboy:
... and here's Godwin.

Lol, so it's okay to use "the Holocaust" and accusations of anti-semitism to shout down criticism of Israel, but not okay to liken them to a regime who's actions they seem determined to emulate?

Typical double standard. It's not okay when the German's did it, it's okay when Israel does.

I think it's important to point out here that we don't know the circumstances behind this location's attack. Was the Israeli soldier who pushed the button operating on his own judgement, or was it ordered by an Israeli commander who knew the nature of that location? Was it fog of war, or a known free ticket to kill third-party children?

Does it matter? The US has been lobbing rockets around Iraq (oh gee lookit, a foreign country) for a good long time now, if an Iraqi bombed a US school you guys would lose your fucking minds no matter what the "extenuating" circumstances were...

Yes, I am absolutely in agreement that it shouldn't have happened. But the majority of the reaction seems to be pointing the finger at the entirety of Israel. Their military is invading Palestine, but was it considered acceptable to incur third-party casualties such as this in the process as part of collateral damage? If so, they should be vilified for it, but if they took as many precautions as possible to avoid things like this happening, the reaction should be less.

No, it's not, it's pointed at the leadership of Israel. I think a lot of Israeli's will be disgusted by their government's actions but they can't effect change. I think this will be a national shame for Israel for a long time to come.

As bad as it is, the situation in Palestine is NOTHING compared to what Jews suffered during World War 2. This is not even a tiny fraction of the systematic extermination of millions that occurred in that event. Israel might want to remove all of Palestine, but they're not acting on it in the same way the Germans did.

You live in a dream world...

Norwegian People's Aid;action=Article.publicShow;ID=7118

We can say the situation is extremely difficult but this is not the case; actually no one in the world could imagine how the current situation is and the depression people here are living in; we are now very close to re-experience the living of primitives in the Stone Age.

Talking about living under strict siege and deprivation from electricity, water, cooking gas, fuel, flour etc., which are the main essential materials for surviving, is common and occupying minds of several households. Some people are short of water for several days continuously.

What are we going to use for food next few days after gas or flour runs out and bakeries are closed. Are we going to continue to mill the animal fodder and make bread ; why not as we are forced to do so!

Since 5th November till this day 1st December the number of truckloads were less than 150 for the whole period compared to average of 123 truckloads/day during October 2008. International Agencies and diplomatic missions were denied entering the Gaza Strip as well as media including our Country Director Kirsten Belck-Olsen.

Our office in Gaza, staff and partners are facing serious challenges to implement activities as initially planned and they are moving around to find source of power to accomplish them in a different locations and different time, and this is the case for all in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinians people are paying very high price due to factors beyond their control, but their first choice is to be one entity to be able to obtain, defend and protect their rights.

Despite the internal political dispute among the Palestinian factions, Israeli occupation is the main reason for the suffering of Palestinians by preventing humanitarian aid and blocking all crossings sending Gazans to their certain destiny in a modern way.

Mahmoud Hamada
Written by candle light

Moon Machines - Command Module (1-5)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Moon Machines - Lunar Module (1-5)

Sledgehammer Bomb Day

NordlichReiter says...

That is very *EIA .
This is why you do not take those instant cold ICE Packs and bang them around and shit.

You crack the water module, and then shake the liquid down onto the ammonium nitrate pellets.

This house hold product is an interesting item, much like non dairy coffee creamer. These are both very dangerous, in the hands of idiots.

May cause irritation to the respiratory tract; symptoms may include coughing, sore throat, and shortness of breath. At high temperatures, exposure to toxic nitrogen oxides decomposition products can quickly cause acute respiratory problems. Inhalation of large amounts causes systemic acidosis and abnormal hemoglobin.
Large oral doses of nitrates may cause dizziness, abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, weakness, convulsions, and collapse. Harmful if swallowed. May cause methemoglobinemia resulting in cyanosis.
Skin Contact:
Causes irritation to skin. Symptoms include redness, itching, and pain.
Eye Contact:
Causes irritation, redness, and pain.
Chronic Exposure:
Small repeated oral doses of nitrates may cause weakness, depression, headache, and mental impairment.
Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions:
No information found.

Ammonium Nitrate is an oxidizer, and is very dangerous.

SawStop Tested on Inventor

kagenin says...

I've seen a few videos of the SawStop in action, and I'm left speechless every time I see it in action.

The table saw itself costs a lot of money, and at 60$, the replacement blade/brake modules aren't exactly cheap, but compared to the medical bills, workman's comp costs, and other costs associated with losing fingers, I don't see how most major woodworking companies can afford to NOT replace their older table saws with this system.

>> ^PerfectlySane:
This is a great idea but I've always wondered what else could legitimately go through the saw and carry a charge. What about wet wood or other common building materials?

They've thought of that too. From their faqs:

5. Will cutting green or “wet” wood activate the SawStop safety system?

SawStop saws cut most wet wood without a problem. However, if the wood is very green or wet (for example, wet enough to spray a mist when cutting), or if the wood is both wet and pressure treated, then the wood may be sufficiently conductive to trigger the brake. Accordingly, the best practice is to dry wet or green wood before cutting by standing it inside and apart from other wood for about one day. You can also cut wet pressure treated wood and other conductive material by placing the saw in bypass mode.

6. Can I cut conductive materials?

Yes. You can operate the saw in Bypass Mode which deactivates the safety system’s braking feature, allowing you to cut aluminum and other known conductive materials. If you are unsure if material you need to cut is conductive, you can make test cuts using Bypass Mode to determine if it will activate the safety system’s brake.

7. What happens if the blade comes in contact with a nail or staple in the wood?

Generally, the safety system will not activate when a nail or staple is cut. Although conductive, these objects are not large enough to cause the safety system to activate unless they are grounded to the table or operator when they contact the blade.

SawStop Tested on Inventor

radx says...

That'd be the next issue: your SawStop needs a replacement module and since you need to cut some cheese for your sandwich, you use your neighbour's regular saw ... and the lady of the house needs to clean up the mess.

SawStop Tested on Inventor

HollywoodBob says...

Even when it hits the hot dog, it only takes off the very outside of the "skin". I wonder how much this device will reduce the amount of care people take when working with their table saw? I can see the number of injuries going from 10 serious injuries a day to hundreds of superficial injuries a day, making the market for replacement units a good one and at 60$ for the replacement module, really good, especially if the unit isn't user serviceable.

An idea ... (Sift Talk Post)

Deano says...

The Discussions link is also going to confuse. Ideally you should have one clear link which then presents the list of chats/discussions/topics and highlights the most active or interesting ones.

And then you have to decide if you want the existing format or go with a threaded forum module that I suspect more people are familiar with. I would be happier with that as it would generate more and varied discussions though I like the aesthetic appeal of Sift Talk.

Bluegrass Kids, Sierra Hull and Ryan Holladay

Muscle sensors on arms, to conduct electronic music

bamdrew says...

its avant-garde, man. Get with it!

I thought it was cool that his electromyography recordings are not just triggering samples, the population of muscle contraction motor activity seems to be modulating the population size of sounds triggered... as in X number of motor neurons gives Y number of 'strings plucked' or 'drums hit' in close succession.

Pretty cool MIDI controller! Throw away your keyboards, everybody!

Decoding The Future With Genomics

jonny says...

Well, the talk was given in feb 2003 - the Human Genome Project had only just finished the "complete" map of human dna. Also, I think the main thrust of the talk was about reprogramming. It seems epigenetics would be only tangentially relevant as a modulator of code, not the code itself.

bamdrew (Member Profile)

jonny says...

Well, the talk was given in feb 2003 - the Human Genome Project had only just finished the "complete" map of human dna. Also, I think the main thrust of the talk was about reprogramming. It seems epigenetics would be only tangentially relevant as a modulator of code, not the code itself. But I don't really know that much about it. Anyway, hope you liked it.

In reply to this comment by bamdrew:
Has some good lines at 10min.

What about epigenetics? Its 2008, not 1998; its weird to talk about the importance of genetics and barely mention the next level of complication.

Ask Astronaut Greg Chamitoff: Hallucinations?

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