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Virtuality is Good SciFi (Scifi Talk Post)

dag says...

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I thought the acting was decent- but I liked it for the high concept. Not many shows on TV feature an Orion Drive. They also got "artificial gravity" right with their spinning hab modules.

The ending had some tantalizing Matrix-esque implications.

I hate Fox.

Preview: Operation Iraqi Stephen

Awesome Left 4 Dead 2 trailer

JiggaJonson says...


"Doug Lombardi has confirmed to Shacknews that "This is a full priced sequel. At the end of the day, this is going to be a bigger game than Left 4 Dead. It's five campaigns versus four, all five are playable in Versus mode, Survival mode out of the box, the new multiplayer game mode. Plus over 20 new weapons and items. It's a full sequel." So it will be full priced."

Using a 1960ies modem to dial into the internet

ReverendTed says...

Well, today I learned where the term modem comes from. I was thinking to myself, "oh, this isn't really a modem, it's more like a simple modulator\demodulator...

...oh, heh. Duh." *facepalm*

>> ^pmkierst:
He is not "on the net" on the modem. He has simply made a terminal connection to a machine that is on the net. Now if he fired up something like SLIP and brought back IP to that machine, and fired up a browser (totally possible), I'd be more impressed.

I fail to see how that would be any more impressive. This device does two things: it turns bits into beeps, and it turns beeps back into bits. It wouldn't be doing that any differently regardless of the specific application.

Dub FX - 'Step on my Trip'

System Shock 2 Demo.: Advanced Training

videosiftbannedme says...

^I hate to say this but it probably isn't. You just missed the boat on it. You could go back and replay it, but then you'll be where I was when I watched Better Off Dead for the first time only 3 years ago. Yeah it was ok, but it certainly would have been better had I experienced it when it first came out.

One of the main things I picked up from playing Bioshock (and am replaying it now on my new system), is that System Shock 2 didn't coddle the player, whereas Bioshock does. A good example is that in SS2, you could install a telekinesis module but it's range wasn't very far (you had to upgrade it to get items that were out of your reach), and you had to spend a lot of upgrade chips to buy it. And I think you were stuck with it once you made the purchase (? it's been a while).

Bioshock just up and gives you the plasmid, it has an infinite range, and you can switch it out willy-nilly at a gene bank. Of course you can throw things with it now, which is a plus. SS2 didn't let you do that. SS2 was a little rougher around the edges, but it made it better.

AUTUMN - Satellites

What is your drug of choice? (User Poll by Throbbin)

grinter says...

Not that all of these are in my rotation, but asking "which is your favorite" is kinda like asking "what's your favorite aspect of life?". Each state of mind is useful/entertaining and valuable; each is a part of the same puzzle.

Oh, and I think that the upcoming perfect poll should substitute "psychedelics", yes the entire pantheon, for "shrooms".
Oh+, don't forget to add "food". All of us use this to modulate our mental state, whether we have noticed it yet or not.

burdturgler (Member Profile)

burdturgler (Member Profile)

Stephen Colbert Wins NASA Poll For Space Station Module Name

jonny says...

This is the module with the cupola, right? (Looks like it from the graphic.) It doesn't really matter what the "official" name is. The astronauts are going to call it the "Love Shack".

Whoa! Concert played with Tesla coils

CNN: Phelps unites pot smokers

Coleco Vision - The Only Gaming System You'll Ever Need

2009 Presidential Inauguration Liveblog (Politics Talk Post)

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