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The difference a laugh track makes

berticus says...
>> ^Hive13:

If a show has a laugh track, I simply cannot enjoy it. It feels so forced and fake. I really want to like The Big Bang Theory, but that annoying laugh track absolutely ruins it for me. The old, tired sitcom formula of "line, line, joke, laugh track" needs to go away.
Shows like Flight of the Conchords, The Office, Louie, Wilfred, and Modern Family, to name a few, have proven that you don't need to rely on a shitty laugh track to get your jokes across. I think that a laugh track is actually a crutch for average writing and delivery.

The difference a laugh track makes

Hive13 says...

If a show has a laugh track, I simply cannot enjoy it. It feels so forced and fake. I really want to like The Big Bang Theory, but that annoying laugh track absolutely ruins it for me. The old, tired sitcom formula of "line, line, joke, laugh track" needs to go away.

Shows like Flight of the Conchords, The Office, Louie, Wilfred, and Modern Family, to name a few, have proven that you don't need to rely on a shitty laugh track to get your jokes across. I think that a laugh track is actually a crutch for average writing and delivery.

Robert Downey, Zach Galifianakis and Ricky Gervais

Yogi says...

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^Yogi:
Yeah but to be fair Ricky could shit in a hat and a lot of British people would go "He's Brilliant!"

I disagree with that, we're more likely to think he's overrated than most Americans. He would never get asked to host any big awards ceremonies and I can't think of anyone's shows he's guest starred on here

Louie twice and the American version of The Office. Ricky's great but he's not as magical as some British people think when they talk about Television. You'd think the original Office is the second coming...Arrested Development is a definite contender to that.

Frank and Louie, two-faced cat

Frank and Louie - The Two Faced Cat, Turns 12

Frank and Louie - The Two Faced Cat, Turns 12

Frank and Louie - The Two Faced Cat, Turns 12

Frank and Louie - The Two Faced Cat, Turns 12

Louis CK - Naming Kids

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Louis, CK, naming, kids, name, louie, screwy, joey, blowy, asshole, bag of shit, fuck face' to 'Louis CK, naming, kids, name, louie, screwy, joey, blowy, asshole, bag of shit, fuck face' - edited by xxovercastxx

hpqp (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

well i don't know if it'll be revoked.

In reply to this comment by hpqp:
Thanks for the heads up. I couldn't watch the vid (effin Hulu) but from the comments and length it seems very much the same vid. Call the dupe, but tell Mike to take my embed... so we foreigners can enjoy the vid too ya know ;

btw, thanks for waiting before calling the dupe, this vid got me a shiny Golden One badge

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
Can you confirm that your video is a dupe of this first posted video ?

I like to ask the poster so that he/she can have good look at it \\ sorry buddy

Louis CK - God

Lawdeedaw (Member Profile)

rottenseed (Member Profile)

hpqp says...

Thanks for the heads up. I couldn't watch the vid (effin Hulu) but from the comments and length it seems very much the same vid. Call the dupe, but tell Mike to take my embed... so we foreigners can enjoy the vid too ya know

btw, thanks for waiting before calling the dupe, this vid got me a shiny Golden One badge

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
Can you confirm that your video is a dupe of this first posted video ?

I like to ask the poster so that he/she can have good look at it \ sorry buddy

hpqp (Member Profile)

God is an Asshole (Louie CK)

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