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Ewan McGregor On Louis CK's man crush

bamdrew (Member Profile)

The Louis Experiment - What does it mean? (Standup Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

It was, the email read "Brian Houston" but then he said that he wanted to make sure I saw it too so he CC'd just me.>> ^dag:

I did get an email from Louie and I thought it was just for me.>> ^rottenseed:
So...I got an email from him updating us on his experiment. I'm sure you all got it too?

The Louis Experiment - What does it mean? (Standup Talk Post)

The Louis Experiment - What does it mean? (Standup Talk Post)

Ryjkyj says...

Oh sorry, I thought you were having a conversation, not masturbating.

Now that we all know how great you are for doing the wrong thing even though you're kind-of-sort-of against it, maybe I could just chime in to clarify:

First of all: I can read as well. I know you see a picture from a bad movie when I post. But that doesn't make your regurgitated diatribe about intellectual property rights that can be found anywhere on the internet where there is a dialog about torrents any more intelligent or original than what anyone else has to say.

Second: In no way am I deluded about the concept of intellectual property. I did not ever imply that Louie C.K.'s work has no value. In fact, I called it "stealing" to download it. I also closed my comment by saying that I probably wouldn't download the show.

And I am not under the impression that just because I can't hold something in my hand, that it has no value. All I said was that it's "silly" to think that experiencing someone's comedy can be a crime. The thing about the T.V. is merely to point out the insubstantial nature of the subject. When I go to buy a T.V., I can negotiate sometimes based on whether or not it's a floor model or still in the box. I can't ask a website for a discount if one of Louie's jokes is bad. And with a T.V., I can keep it for a while and then change my mind. Maybe I decide I don't like it and I want to sell it and use the money to pay for part of the next one. Or maybe I've decided to go to Thailand, and I sell the T.V. to my friend Bob for papaya-salad-money. The point is, the two things are different, not that one is worthless and the other isn't.

And you know what the biggest difference is? Someone should not be punished in anywhere near the same way for stealing five bucks worth of Louis C.K.'s material as they should be for breaking into a person's house and stealing their T.V.

Third: Louis C.K. is probably a multimillionaire. I wasn't trying to justify my behavior as much as correcting Kymbos for saying that he wasn't. But now that you mention it: I see that you steal based on DRM and other issues, but (and call me crazy if you want) when I steal, I take into account the financial status of the person I'm stealing from. It might not justify my behavior but it helps me sleep.

Fourth: I steal download things a lot of the time based on whether I think they are fairly priced. I loved the original Conan the Barbarian, mostly for it's kitsch-factor, but I still own the VHS. When the new one came out, I said to myself "that looks like a giant piece of crap taking a crap." So I downloaded it and you know what? I was right. Fuck them. I'm glad I didn't pay twenty-five dollars for ten-cents-worth of soda, two-cents-worth of popcorn and zero-cents-worth of nap time. And all just to grant some Hollywood producer his million dollar reward to play it safe.

One of my favorite things I've ever gotten for Christmas from my wife was the Criterion Collection edition of "Seven Samurai." I love it. It's got this great cover art that looks almost transparent even though it's printed on cardboard. I think it looks so good because it's taken from the original cellulose of the title screen but I don't know. It's also got a great supplemental book, a great CD of special features and anytime I want, I can sit down to three whole hours of good solid movie. I think it cost around sixty-dollars at the time we bought it and it was totally worth it. Meanwhile, somebody gave me the latest "Pirates of the Caribbean" DVD and the ugly yellow text on the menu alone is enough to make me want to burn it for the insult it does to people who paid good money for it.

And you know what else? I doubt that if Louis C.K. were to meet me, that he would hold it against me that I downloaded his show.

I guess I've rambled long enough. I just wanted to make the point that the issues involved with intellectual property are complicated but the concept is something that little children can grasp. So it might not be beneficial to the conversation to write off someone's point that you might disagree with simply because you want to sound righteous. Especially when in the end, you admit that it's all just stealing anyway.

PS: The last book I bought was the hardcover edition of "A Dance With Dragons". I paid the extra money because I find physical copies more satisfying, and I couldn't wait for the paperback.

The Louis Experiment - What does it mean? (Standup Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Nice write-up. Although I think it's great that Louie is skipping the middle-man, my worry is that this approach doesn't scale.

Imagine if the top 30 comedy headliners all did this on their own websites. The novelty is gone and the content does not get the adoring press on sites like ours. Having to track down individual websites and go through their registration process is not really hard, but probably too much to ask the lazy invisible hand of self-interested consumers.

When that happens you have to think about aggregating that content, marketing plans, promotion and then ... you're back in the same boat with needing a distribution engine and lots of middle men.

On justifying torrenting, Daring Fireball pulled out a great quote from that Louie AMA on Reddit:

To steal from someone and not feel bad, you either have to be a sociopath or view the act differently. One way is to remove “Someone” from the equation. You’re not stealing from a person. Big companies do a lot to help people view them as less than human. I heard a speech by Noam Chomsky who said that corporations are like super humans. They cannot be hurt like a human can and they never die. They are not susceptible to scrutiny or accountability. This makes them more profitable. If companies want to enjoy these benefits to some degree they have to live with what else comes with being not human. You miss out on compassion, forgiveness, camaraderie, empathy, trust all kinds of shit.

That's how I justify my limited torrenting. It's a faceless company. I try to limit it to TV. And also tell myself that if something like Hulu was available in Australia I would pay and watch through that mechanism. For many shows, torrenting is the only path available for me to watch in this country.

Louis CK: Live at the Beacon Theater

Hive13 says...

I personally think this should be removed from here. It is $5 people, he wrote, produced and edited it himself and the success (or failure) of this web exclusive $5 show will determine if he does more in the future.

I, for one, am a HUGE Louie CK fan. I paid my $5 as soon as the show was available on his site. I think everyone should do the same. He's given me hours of laughs over the years and the least we can do is give him five measly dollars for all his hard work. After all, the entire $5 goes straight to him.

EDIT: Also, rule #4 from the Videosift FAQ: Please do not post entire episodes of television shows or movies, unless you know beyond a shadow of a doubt they are in the public domain. That's what BitTorrent is for.

Louis C.K. Interview on "Nightline" 12-12-11

Trancecoach says...

It probably is.
and she probably loves you because it probably isn't true. >> ^Hive13:

My wife told me that she thinks I like Louie C.K. so much because he and I have the same sense of humor. I think that is the nicest thing she has said to me in eight years of marriage.

Louis C.K. Interview on "Nightline" 12-12-11

Yogi says...

>> ^Hive13:

My wife told me that she thinks I like Louie C.K. so much because he and I have the same sense of humor. I think that is the nicest thing she has said to me in eight years of marriage.

I was just going through his Reddit answers thinking I was a lot like Louis CK too. I think he just speaks to a large swath of people across the varying ages. He just sort of gets us.

Louis C.K. Interview on "Nightline" 12-12-11

Hive13 says...

My wife told me that she thinks I like Louie C.K. so much because he and I have the same sense of humor. I think that is the nicest thing she has said to me in eight years of marriage.

Deleted scene from Louie Season 1 Pilot

Frank and Louie, two-faced cat

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'frank, louie, two faced, janus, roman god, 12 years, guinness world record' to 'frank, louie, two faced, janus, roman god, 12 years, guinness world record, frankenloui' - edited by Grimm

Louis CK on Bill Maher's Real Time

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Louis, CK, Bill, Maher, Louie, single, kids, sex, lucky, testosterone, real man' to 'Louis CK, Bill Maher, Louie, single, kids, sex, lucky, testosterone, real man' - edited by xxovercastxx

Steve Jobs dies. His life in 60 seconds.

westy says...

"No one asked for your sympathy, just like no one asked for your opinion."

There is a comment box under the video I assume its for people to use, This sentence you wrote is pretty much useless , just because none asked for an opinion dose not mean sum-one should not make one and it does not mean that that opinoin is valid or not valid.

"If you don't know who he is, why are you commenting?
Do you go to funerals and tell people "I don't know who he is but, he's probably a cunt!" "

So you know Steve jobs personally ? I am at his funeral now ? 99.9% of people who know about Steve jobs don't know him in the slightest. Maby you should pay more atention when you read what people say I said "We have this weird artificial image of him I don't even know who he is , he is probably as much a cunt as he is a nice guy." I did not say he was a cunt I said he was "probably as much a nice guy as he was a cunt" The point is Its impossible to really know there are reports of him being caring and reports of him being an exploitative bastard.

"Some people accomplish great things in life. You accomplished nothing.
Your death will be morned by no one."

Who are you to say what is a grate thing ? you don't know me or what I have done , say I have done nothing in life , but I have an organ doner card that gives another person life. To me that would be a far grater achievement than making lots of money or a successfully buissiness leader.

The numbers of people that morn you or not often has no baring on how "good" a person you are or the achievements you have made in life. I'm sure there are many people that have died who were arguably far more significant for man kind than steve jobs who were moard by noone or by very few people.

"I hope you die and to paraphrase Louie CK, I hope your mother has sex with someone with AIDS so she'll die. But before she dies, I hope you have sex with her, so you get AIDS and you'll die too."

Now you are wishing death on sum-one you don't know I can see how that's constructive , Its also really lazy as an insult to quote a comedian for an insult in the way you have done. It would make sense if a comedian had said a specific thing that carries a point across well , but in this case your just being lazy.

In the end you have failed to comprehend my first comment and as a result talked utter nonsense. You should probably think about what other people write and try and see where they are coming from before you get angry and comment back.

>> ^ipfreely:

No one asked for your sympathy, just like no one asked for your opinion.
If you don't know who he is, why are you commenting?
Do you go to funerals and tell people "I don't know who he is but, he's probably a cunt!"
Well guess what... we all know you are a cunt.
Some people accomplish great things in life. You accomplished nothing.
Your death will be morned by no one.
I hope you die and to paraphrase Louie CK, I hope your mother has sex with someone with AIDS so she'll die. But before she dies, I hope you have sex with her, so you get AIDS and you'll die too.
>> ^westy:
It made me sad that he is dead which is pretty fucked up and shows you how shallow emotions can be, logically I don't care that he is dead not any more than any other person that has died.
We have this weird artificial image of him I don't even know who he is , he is probably as much a cunt as he is a nice guy.
Just because sum-one can be more easily attributed for there effect on the world should not mean we should necessarily celebrate them more or less than other people , or morn them more ore less than other people.

Steve Jobs dies. His life in 60 seconds.

ipfreely says...

No one asked for your sympathy, just like no one asked for your opinion.

If you don't know who he is, why are you commenting?
Do you go to funerals and tell people "I don't know who he is but, he's probably a cunt!"

Well guess what... we all know you are a cunt.

Some people accomplish great things in life. You accomplished nothing.
Your death will be morned by no one.

I hope you die and to paraphrase Louie CK, I hope your mother has sex with someone with AIDS so she'll die. But before she dies, I hope you have sex with her, so you get AIDS and you'll die too.
>> ^westy:

It made me sad that he is dead which is pretty fucked up and shows you how shallow emotions can be, logically I don't care that he is dead not any more than any other person that has died.
We have this weird artificial image of him I don't even know who he is , he is probably as much a cunt as he is a nice guy.
Just because sum-one can be more easily attributed for there effect on the world should not mean we should necessarily celebrate them more or less than other people , or morn them more ore less than other people.

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