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Kristen Bell meets a sloth

00Scud00 says...

>> ^TheFreak:

No, they're not cool! They are terrifying.
Oh sure, they're adorable hanging out in trees in your National Geographic.
But just wait until the day you wake up on the floor of a Panamanian jungle and look over, half asleep, to see one of those monsters crawling, inexorably, eerily slowly...towards your face. Each outstretched limb like the leg of an improbable hell beast spawn of spider and morlock, covered in green moss like the dried ichor of Yog-Sothoth that birthed the abomination. It's void black eyes piercing into your own as your brain tries to form a maddening scream that will never find your lips, as you lay paralyzed in terror.
Wait for that day. It will happen...oh yes, that day is coming for you too.
I mean, sloths...not Kristen Bell. She's adorable.

Note to self, do not read Lovecraft before bed when hiking in the Panamanian jungle.

Kristen Bell meets a sloth

TheFreak says...


she's adorably cute (Kristen, not the sloth, although sloths are pretty cool I guess)

No, they're not cool! They are terrifying.

Oh sure, they're adorable hanging out in trees in your National Geographic.
But just wait until the day you wake up on the floor of a Panamanian jungle and look over, half asleep, to see one of those monsters crawling, inexorably, eerily slowly...towards your face. Each outstretched limb like the leg of an improbable hell beast spawn of spider and morlock, covered in green moss like the dried ichor of Yog-Sothoth that birthed the abomination. It's void black eyes piercing into your own as your brain tries to form a maddening scream that will never find your lips, as you lay paralyzed in terror.

Wait for that day. It will happen...oh yes, that day is coming for you too.

I mean, sloths...not Kristen Bell. She's adorable.

History of U.S. Intervention in Iran - 1953 Until Present

therealblankman says...

>> ^truth-is-the-nemesis:

Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.

Heh, Planet of the Apes.

History of U.S. Intervention in Iran - 1953 Until Present

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.

carneval (Member Profile)

Ron Paul On race, drugs and death penalty

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^budzos:

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Maybe some day you'll become enlightened enough to realize that the conscious choice to end a human life is ALWAYS wrong. It doesn't achieve anything but the psychic/spiritual degradation of us all.
I have to take offense at the stupid canard/strawman in your second paragraph. In an ideal world, it would be impossible for governments to declare war (AKA ordering mass murder). But it's not an ideal world yet, so war is going to be around for a while longer. However, elimination of the death penalty does not require an ideal world at all. It simply requires a sane, humane, empathetic approach to the issue (see the dozens of countries around the world with no death penalty as an example).

Always wrong though? Like if someone is trying to kill my daughter and I kill him in the struggle? I don't really have absolute moral authority to dictate right and wrong for you, but for myself, yes, death is something to be avoided whenever and wherever you can. Animal carnage, I despise. However, I do consider using death as a form of justice; a form of rational punishment. For instance, if I caused 400 damage to your property, I consider it a rational course of justice that 400 dollars of fine/reciprocity be extracted from the offender, and perhaps a little extra to discourage the activity. Likewise, it seems rational to expect that someone who takes a life, should in turn, have his life taken, it is a consistent course of reason. The one flaw being that, even after his life is taken, the life of the original party is not restored. That isn't our fault, though, just our inability as humans to ever achieve perfect justice. Like those in Enron, they stole far more then they could ever perfect justice could ever be done.

So I agree, animal barbarism as a justification for murder is pretty much always bad, or wrong as one might say morally. But I think you can support completely rational grounds for ending a life. Hell, I have considered suicide many times, which one can say is a form of self murder. That is where I find the argument for "ending a human life is always bad" breaks down. Likewise, my grandmother recently passed from emphysema. It was dreadfully painful watching her die. And in that, if she asked someone to help her die, I could not say it evil...the pain was so great. I am no utilitarian, but I don't think that dying is so bad or living so good. Living a life in prison being butt raped doesn't sound much better than just dying, I would rather die. To each his own, it sounds like you have stuff to live for and junk, so I can understand your zeal against death. I don't find humans entitled to anything, like life, I only value our rational agreements between each other. And those who choose not to play by the rule of rational existence, well, then they are playing by the rules of the jungle; and the jungle is a harsh mistress.

Beyond all that though, the practical notion that we are murdering innocent people is enough, to me, to call the whole ordeal off. I thank you for your response, and I didn't mean to offend with the war comparison. I was making the comparison that we do, indeed, live in an imperfect world where wars happen, so governments have the ability to counter act that. I thought that laterally compared to murder. though. Murder is in essence war against that person. A person at war with the state, in an imperfect world, can rationally be "terminated" by the war example. I don't mean to offend, and I am usually horrible in arguing such things in text, I should refrain from doing so ever again.

edited (like always, I am so bad at writing )

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

dag jokingly says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yes, the jungles of outer Melbourne are pretty rough. >> ^deathcow:

The sitftup was excellent. Funny enough I ended up naked and lost in a well jungled area surrounding Melbourne, I can surf the web from my phone so I know there is cell service within a few miles, but I cant see any city lights.

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^deathcow:

The sitftup was excellent. Funny enough I ended up naked and lost in a well jungled area surrounding Melbourne, I can surf the web from my phone so I know there is cell service within a few miles, but I cant see any city lights.

Stay calm, and if you get thirsty you can drink your own pee.

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

deathcow says...

The sitftup was excellent. Funny enough I ended up naked and lost in a well jungled area surrounding Melbourne, I can surf the web from my phone so I know there is cell service within a few miles, but I cant see any city lights.

unreported world-russia:vlads army

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^artician:

This is frightening. This makes it look as though native-Russians are genetically predisposed to brainwashing or something.

Go down to a rally and experience the same thing. People LOVE to treat other people that don't feel the same way with disdain and disrespect, even those whom would preach of tolerance and love. We are brutal apes that still cannot reign in the will of the jungle, most all of us.

Russian Girl Levitates (totally not fake!1)

Deadly Spike Traps of Vietnam

Sarzy says...

Feels like the first five minutes of a found footage horror movie in which a group of tourists are stalked in the jungle by a family of crazy Vietnamese who are obsessed with the war. Of course, all those traps would actually be in action in the rest of the film.

I think I need to make that movie.

This is how Axl Rose sounds like today! Rock In Rio 2011

Hishe: How Jurassic Park Should Have Ended

holymackerel013 says...

One of my favorite vacations I've ever been on was a trip with my wife to Kauai. We rented a jeep and used directions that we got off of the geocaching site to travel to the location where they shot the original film. It was a fairly long drive through some thick forest/jungle, over several streams, and finally stopping at the remnants of the "Park's" entrance. The site is absolutely gorgeous! A short walk from the gate takes you to an overlook where you can observe several waterfalls that cascade down into the caldera and we got to find one of the best geocaches ever!

Amy Lockwood: Selling Condoms in the Congo

bcglorf says...

>> ^Phreezdryd:

Why not just put a picture of the pope glaring at you on the package. And is this one of those places where some believe sex with a virgin will cure aids, leading to a high incidence of rape?

A majority of the rapes are by the militias in the jungles who do believe rape gives them magical protection, though they are more interested in protection from bullets than aids. Still, they recruit their child soldiers by addicting them to drugs and training them that the only way to survive any length of time is to strengthen themselves with the magical protections afforded from raping people.

If you'll remember the Rwandan genocide, there is a dirty little forgotten piece of it. Virtually 100% of the people that participated in that slaughter safely retreated in the jungles of the Congo where they still live and recruit to this day. They contribute in no small part to the human tragedy that is the Congo today.

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