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The Lion and the Croc

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'lion, crocodile, intimidation, back down, king of the jungle' to 'lion, crocodile, intimidation, back down, king of the jungle, Samuel L Jackson' - edited by Trancecoach

Conan O'Brien reviews "Minecraft"

Porksandwich says...

Fired up Minecraft last week after a long break. They've added a bunch of stuff to it. Jungle biomes, teleporting NPCs.

But the worst by far are still the hissers, I swear they spawn behind me. Frustrating as hell.

Although I did get knocked off a very high cliff by a skeleton and lost a bunch of my diamond stuff. I am not sure why dropped items by player death disappear faster than the rocks you mine and leave on the floor. Can come back hours later and pick up 100+ blocks. But the 10 minutes it took me to to find where I died and how to get back to it cost me a significant portion of my stuff.

I find it far too boring to play without the monsters though.

This is what snake venom does to blood!

shagen454 says...

Oh man, and I just saw two rattle snakes a couple of days ago. Thank goodness I was in a car! I don't know if I can live here anymore. Bears, mountain lions, bobcats, tarantulas, all sorts of fucking snakes, black widows, sharks, scorpions, coyotes... man it's a fucking jungle out there and I think I am going to be sick.

Worst Cellmate Ever

Lolthien says...

>> ^aimpoint:

I've been fucking men for 19 years. No i'm not gay.


I've seen the same mentality reported in other prison documentaries, the raper is never the gay one, the rapee is the one thats gay/bitch/ladyboy/feminine/ect. Its a way of empowering the raper of taking what he wants, and in prison there's not much to take.

That's relatively common in many social animals as well. Wolves/Dogs will hump as a sign of dominance. Apes and chimps are known to do this. I have no idea of the biology involved, but as this prison seems barely a step up from the rule of the jungle this isn't surprising.

Also, where else but Videosift can this video be followed by "Cute Pandas playing on a slide"?

Selling bukkake sauce on Christian Radio

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'jungle bunny, bukkake sauce, bluntkin pie, golden shower, dropping loads, rim job' to 'jungle bunny, bukkake sauce, blumpkin pie, golden shower, dropping loads, rim job' - edited by lucky760

Selling bukkake sauce on Christian Radio

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'jungle bunny, bukkake sauce, bluntkin pie, golden shower, dropping loads' to 'jungle bunny, bukkake sauce, bluntkin pie, golden shower, dropping loads, rim job' - edited by messenger

Selling bukkake sauce on Christian Radio

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'jungle bunny, bukkake sauce, blumpkin pie, golden shower, dropping loads' to 'jungle bunny, bukkake sauce, bluntkin pie, golden shower, dropping loads' - edited by messenger

DJ Prince Charles IN THE HOUSE.

Why the Ending of "Star Wars" is Secretly Kind of Dumb

Blood Sport- Training

Mass Effect the Cartoon

NetRunner says...

That wasn't meant to be a comprehensive explanation of everything wrong with the ending, just one part. (MASSIVE spoilers to follow)

Also, when you say "Reapers prune only the few most advanced species in order to save less advanced organic life", save them from what, exactly? Synthetics? And Reapers are what, exactly? Synthetics?

Aside from the circular reasoning, it's also based on a premise that is at the very least debatable: the created will always rebel against their creators. I got to that conversation having brokered peace between the Geth and the Quarrians. Why wasn't it even an option for Shepard to question whether this was some iron law of the universe? Why is the Catalyst assuming peace between organics and synthetics is impossible? Why was it impossible for any ending to leave the Geth and Quarians both physically the same, and independent? Why wasn't it possible for Shepard to be annoyed about this?

Moreover, why kill organics to prevent robot uprisings? Why not have reapers wipe out synthetic races if/when they start to rebel, rather than wiping out organics before they can build synthetics?

If the Reapers are really saviors of the galaxy, why do they shoot first and ask questions never? If being converted into a husk is really a form of ascension, why not try to convince races to volunteer? Why not stick around for thousands of years to persuade us, if necessary? For that matter, why make this be some sort of every 50K year thing? Why not just make ascension into Reaper form a part of galactic culture, a reward given to races who've advanced far enough to warrant it?

But my biggest problem is that we don't really get to see any kind of real consequence of that final choice. All three endings are virtually indistinguishable, and there's nothing about the ending that reflects the choices you've made along the way, not even the ones from ME3. There's no real resolution for any of your crewmates either. I'd like to know what happens to Garrus, Liara, Tali, etc. after it's all over. "Stranded on a strange jungle planet" wasn't what I was looking for, either.

>> ^mentality:

>> ^NetRunner:

That's stupid. Reapers prune only the few most advanced species in order to save less advanced organic life throughout the galaxy. Sounds like whoever made that was dozing off during the conversations with the catalyst.

The Doctor inside Seven of Nine's Body

renatojj says...

>> ^Payback:
There's plenty of non-humanoid creatures in Star Trek. The Old Series right up to Quantum Leap Enterprise. It's human nature to care more about those with human features rather than ones that look like crystal spiders (Tholians) or a rock-eating quiche (Horta).
IDK, I have a hard time caring about a poor excuse for an alien race that could be called the Wierdnosians or Protudingeyebrowsians. There are probably natives in south american jungles that look more alien than that. It's a budget issue I guess, it's ok.

With today's fancy and cheap CGI and motion capture stuff, I expect any new Star trek series to have more aliens that look like quiche. The yum-yums!

Copy-and-paste in Disney animated movies

mas8705 says...

The aristocats- No one really saw it so understandable how you can get away with that...

Snow White- probably to pay tribute to their first animated movie...

Jungle Book- Yea... don't know how you could get away with that... Granted thre was a 6 year gap between these two movies, but still, if you were watching the films back to back you can see how robin hood did borrow alot... But come on, I think we all could connect the snakes together...

the truth about ayn rand

LukinStone says...

You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but compared with what I consider "literature" I think her books are crap. "Da Vinci Code" is crap for a completely different reason. I thought her stories were poorly constructed, they were merely a delivery system so that she could explain her philosophy. Like I said, if her philosophy was at all redeeming,then maybe she would get points for that.

I would compare it to "The Jungle." In the middle of "The Jungle" the story pretty much stops so the author can describe how horrible the meat-packing industry was, and then it turns into a communist manifesto. So, story-wise, it's also weak, but because its working towards a social change that was needed at the time, I think there was some merit in that.

I don't have a problem with some people being talented or different. Rand's philosophy (Objectivism) doesn't just allow for some people to be different, it says that if you are successful, you deserve more rights. It's circular reasoning. You're successful because you're better than everyone else - How do we know you're better? Because you're successful. And everyone else should just shut up and go to work for the rich people, because they know better.

Dan Brown doesn't write well at all, but I don't think he is trying to make any larger commentary about society.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^LukinStone:
I have a big problem with Rand's philosophies too. But, what I think is most revealing is how poorly constructed her books are. It's not like she constructs this epic fiction that's a veiled analogy for her ideas. Her characters just spout their nonsense, as a mouthpiece for her.
If she had the exact same ideas but wrote a good story, I could at least see her value as a writer. All of these political figures who cite her as writing their "favorite" book make me wonder what they're comparing it to.

I liked her books, didn't seem like such a stretch that there are some people who are different. Doesn't make them better just makes them who they are. I read tons of books, and if I had to compare her books to any current fiction I would say they're way better than the shit that is "The Di Vinci Code" so they hold up just fine.

Kristen Bell meets a sloth

Payback says...

>> ^TheFreak:

she's adorably cute (Kristen, not the sloth, although sloths are pretty cool I guess)

No, they're not cool! They are terrifying.
Oh sure, they're adorable hanging out in trees in your National Geographic.
But just wait until the day you wake up on the floor of a Panamanian jungle and look over, half asleep, to see one of those monsters crawling, inexorably, eerily slowly...towards your face. Each outstretched limb like the leg of an improbable hell beast spawn of spider and morlock, covered in green moss like the dried ichor of Yog-Sothoth that birthed the abomination. It's void black eyes piercing into your own as your brain tries to form a maddening scream that will never find your lips, as you lay paralyzed in terror.
Wait for that day. It will happen...oh yes, that day is coming for you too.
I mean, sloths...not Kristen Bell. She's adorable.

To me, Sloths are Badgers on Quaaludes.

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