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Battlefield 3 First Gameplay Footage (Teaser)

Shepppard (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

Thank you so very much, not for the apology so much, only as I understand your being upset and indeed having had good and valid reason to be, but more for writing back to me and in such a kind and conciliatory manner.

However, and with all due respect, I disagree with the representation of your being an ass.

Thank you again my friend. I will exercise a greater due caution.

In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
I have to apologize, I did come across pretty accusatory and rude, didn't I?

I actually got the email saying someone commented on the video, blah blah, with the * Isdupe. However, I was also in a car packed with 2 little girls my stepmother, and step-grandmother who would not stop farting. It was a bad time made worse, so, Sorry for being, well, an ass.

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
...yes..., regretfully... to why...and reacting to your manner...none of....

However, out of deference to you as someone here I respect and like, I offer my profoundest apologies. I am sorry to have caused you any upset or consternation.

In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
..out of curiosity, did you just not bother to read the comments where the sifter of that "dupe" said he would let me have the video?

Or did you just not bother to check the link saying that Gallowflak had killed off the original 2 months ago?

Either way, I'd like to know why you'd * Isdupe something you hadn't bothered checking.

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Shepppard says...

I have to apologize, I did come across pretty accusatory and rude, didn't I?

I actually got the email saying someone commented on the video, blah blah, with the * Isdupe. However, I was also in a car packed with 2 little girls my stepmother, and step-grandmother who would not stop farting. It was a bad time made worse, so, Sorry for being, well, an ass.

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
...yes..., regretfully... to why...and reacting to your manner...none of....

However, out of deference to you as someone here I respect and like, I offer my profoundest apologies. I am sorry to have caused you any upset or consternation.

In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
..out of curiosity, did you just not bother to read the comments where the sifter of that "dupe" said he would let me have the video?

Or did you just not bother to check the link saying that Gallowflak had killed off the original 2 months ago?

Either way, I'd like to know why you'd * Isdupe something you hadn't bothered checking.

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:

Shepppard (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

...yes..., regretfully... to why...and reacting to your manner...none of....

However, out of deference to you as someone here I respect and like, I offer my profoundest apologies. I am sorry to have caused you any upset or consternation.

In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
..out of curiosity, did you just not bother to read the comments where the sifter of that "dupe" said he would let me have the video?

Or did you just not bother to check the link saying that Gallowflak had killed off the original 2 months ago?

Either way, I'd like to know why you'd * Isdupe something you hadn't bothered checking.

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Shepppard says...

..out of curiosity, did you just not bother to read the comments where the sifter of that "dupe" said he would let me have the video?

Or did you just not bother to check the link saying that Gallowflak had killed off the original 2 months ago?

Either way, I'd like to know why you'd * Isdupe something you hadn't bothered checking.

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:

Bioware Debut Trailer - Mass Effect 3

probie (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

I wish I knew how to *quality a comment. I watched that last night.

In reply to this comment by probie:
Here are my predictions:

1. Trash from consumer products begins to reach epic proportions.
2. Hospitals will begin using a simpler triage system to handle the influx of patients.
3. Starbucks coffee shops will begin a pilot program by offering other services than just coffee and wi-fi.
4. Language will continue to change by incorporating even more slang and "valley speak".
5. Some corporations, in an effort to re-image themselves, will begin changing their brand names. Overwhelming success is first witnessed when fast food chain Fuddruckers changes its name to Futtbuckers.
6. A small upstart bottling company in Arkansas debuts a new sport drink on the market: Brawndo

What will define the 2010 decade? (Politics Talk Post)

probie says...

Here are my predictions:

1. Trash from consumer products begins to reach epic proportions.
2. Hospitals will begin using a simpler triage system to handle the influx of patients.
3. Starbucks coffee shops will begin a pilot program by offering other services than just coffee and wi-fi.
4. Language will continue to change by incorporating even more slang and "valley speak".
5. Some corporations, in an effort to re-image themselves, will begin changing their brand names. Overwhelming success is first witnessed when fast food chain Fuddruckers changes its name to Futtbuckers.
6. A small upstart bottling company in Arkansas debuts a new sport drink on the market: Brawndo

Tim Minchin on Conan

Tingles (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Bioware Debut Trailer - Mass Effect 3

Shepppard says...

>> ^siftlurk:

I kinda missed the ME1 dune buggy. It was no where near as boring as the scanning. Sheesh, that was miserable.

I disagree, whereas it was somewhat fun on just regular exploring levels, I hated the courses set up for it.

Saving Liara I can't tell you how many goddamn times I'd come to the end of that course, see that it was walled off, and since I'd been driving for 10 minutes think "Oh shit, I have to turn left here" and drive right into the lava, having to start the entire level over again because the auto-save in the first game sucked.

Bioware Debut Trailer - Mass Effect 3

CrushBug says...

>> ^Shepppard:

Promote teh awesome.
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 27th, 2006" class="profilelink">CrushBug, this game better be awesome.

While I am not on the ME team, I will pass along your comments to them

Bioware Debut Trailer - Mass Effect 3

HugeJerk says...

I borrowed the 360 version from a friend, still waiting on a PC package that includes all the DLC before I buy it.>> ^radx:

Hm, I bought the first part for a fiver via Steam last Christmas. Still haven't acquired the second installment.

Bioware Debut Trailer - Mass Effect 3

HugeJerk says...

Yah, that bugged me as well. It was like their technology suddenly got worse for no reason other than to force a player to use multiple weapons or hunt for ammo drops in the mission.>> ^MarineGunrock:
I just hope they get rid of that fucking STUPID clip system. You had a unique gameplay element in 1, then ripped it out to be more like every other shooter in existence. WHY!? Also, more inventory. We wanted it fixed, not removed.

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