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Rock n Roll Animals - Trailer

Fox Attacks: The Environment

choggie says...

Don't deny it smart-ass, if you can read, ( the addiction to sound bite politics, flavor-of-the week media manipulation, and pep-rally pop culture, an understandable diversion) you may notice above, it seems choggie embraces the globe's cyclical dance......and human contribution to the planet's less than admirable scars with regard to creature comforts-

Simply stated, ad infinitum, and once again, for the drunk with media types.....OUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO CEE OH TWO AND WEATHER CHANGES


This is not a personal attack on any one's delusion-it is an attack on the media, on agenda-oriented politics, cult of personality and fucking unconscious meat-bots, and their innablity to "Throw Away THeir TEEVEES"

(like a bunch a freekin crack whores)

-the underlying theme of most posts from this end reminds of a mischievous kid screaming fire in a crowded is alarmism-reminds of court TV, Heraldo Revolta, that cunt on Good Morning America, and WW2 propaganda......31 Flavors of Meh!

more pot is the prescription.....better get yer Doctor on that scrip..

Countdown Special Comment: Bush, Cheney Should Resign

quantumushroom says...

>>> I dislike Olbermann, an insincere, smarmy prick if ever there ever was one on the air. I can't believe even the leftists who like his op-eds can stand him. Keep an eye on him here:

>>> I hate to begin with Slick Willie, but all this concern over the Libby non-issue weighs less than a feather when compared to the last-day-in-office pardons of Bubba.

>>> Reviews of recent history demonstrate to me that Democrats, the silly cult of personalities they are, don't give a rat's patoot about the rule of law. There's also the fiasco with Gonzalez over the dismissal of U.S. Attorneys in 2006, which was perfectly legal. Why Gonzalez, who did nothing wrong, didn't tell critics to politely f-off is beyond me. But he didn't, and now he too is stuck in a pointless Democrat snare wasting time, money and energy over a non-issue.

I voted for bush, I'll admit it. I've even defended several of his questionable decisions, even though I was over in the Gulf myself at the time. To my knowledge, Mr. Libby's supposed "crime" about revealing in identity of a CIA member wasn't necessarily a crime at all, because the CIA member wasn't even an agent. They were not someone who was in deep cover, if anyone wanted to find out who they were, it would be a simple matter of looking them up.

>>> I believe you are correct in your assessment of the Libby fiasco. To me it was nothing more than a political witch hunt.

Perhaps I'm wrong about what happened with the CIA member and Mr. Libby, but the very fact that Bush would release that man from jail before the appeals process had even started is against everything this justice system was created for. It is in a word : wrong. To the very core of the word.

>>> Libbygate means little or nothing to me; whether the man goes free or rots in prison has no bearing on the fate of the country. Keeping the scum in Gitmo locked up is more important.

>>> I voted for Bush, or rather, against these socialist tools the Victicrats keep offering up. Yeah, Bush has let all of us down one way or another, it's true. He's really a liberal with a few conservative tendencies. He's failed to secure the border, failed to vaporize what needs vaporizing in the Middle East and though he wouldn't have much pull even if he was for ending Drug Prohibition, his past abuses of alk and coke have left no mark of compassion on failed drug policy for those still being locked up for life over a joint.
For all his faults, Bush is nowhere close to being the chimera the moonbat left has tried to create of him. Why should I take anything the left has to say seriously? They remain in complete denial over the war on islamofascism and how tax cuts create wealth.

>>> Hamilton said corruption was the grease of democracy. Focus on what matters to you.

Krupo almost got arrested at the Ride for Heart

Krupo says...

@J-Rova: Yeah, except I don't film video while biking nor do I know the videographer.

Am I guilty of encouraging a Soviet-style "cult of personality", though? Sure, why not?

Hannity Gets Lesson About Bush's Unpopularity

choggie says...

Hannititty, and Lamebaugh, the drill team captains for the Admin-both are cheesebags in their dedication/fanaticism for the current admin-Time magazine is a bought and paid for anti-democratic/republic propaganda tool, though we don't have a dem/republic anymore anyhow, so that's mute, and it;s still and unreadable fucking tabloid of a rag of a news source.....The most influential monkeys on that list, speak volumes of the innane, out-of-touch, trivia-loving, sound-bite-addicted, confused and frustrated citizens, in a country that is most likely about to be plunged into the next iteration of insanity, that of an administration handed over in frustration, to a gaggle of self-interested, empire-building, out-of-touch sickoids, the biggest slut of these the Hildegard Clitless, and her cult of personality........Doomed, i tells ya, doomed!!!

Andrea Mitchell lying about Pelosi's popularity

choggie says...

Polls schmolls, they mean dick....the message being sent by a Speaker who signals division in the face of the enemy is insidious in the extreme. It encourages our foes, undermines the confidence of our friends and demoralizes those we have sent into harm's way.....

...Here's what the Washington post said about her unilateral decision to bop over to Damascus, where she proclaimed, "We came in friendship, hope, and determined that the road to Damascus is a road to peace."
The paper called the Speaker's statement "ludicrous," noting that her host and purported partner for peace, Syrian dictator Bashir Assad "is a corrupt thug whose overriding priority at the moment is not peace with Israel but heading off U.N. charges that he orchestrated the murder of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq al-Hariri."

She should stick to looking like a deer in the headlights, raising money for HER cronies, and building her little empire and cult of personality, folks, wanna know just how close she is able to relate to the people of the United States????
The liberal Center for Responsive Politics pegs Pelosi's net worth as being somewhere between $14746108 and $55085000.

Out of touch, cretin, who would not bat a diamond-studded eyelash nor scoff, at paying 45 dollars a gallon for gas, and could give a fiddler's fuck about anything remotely related to democracy......pipe-dreamers all, deceived and happy to be, to think that a change of party control, will stop, curtail, or correct, the clusterfuck that is American government........

"Will I be banned for sifting up my own content?" - Yes (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

Yeah, yer unilateral cults of personality may be fun in a circle jerk, but this is a social affair, that praises the efforts of many, while lauding the meager musings of the few, in a nondescript manner.....FEDQUIP!

(speaking of which, did anyone notice my four bans in a row record the other day before.....JAMESROE erased it, to keep folks from tripping too hard????? hehehehehe

join my new blog,

Generalissimo Stalin visits Berlin (1949)

Farhad2000 says...

To me personally Stalin's dictatorial regime had much to do with pushing the USSR into the cold war, especially with his lack of cooperation with the allied powers during and after World War 2 and his relentless push into more areas of the west via armed intursion. By the time he was gone the mechanism for the cold war was in place, at that point the regime could not peruse a course of peace when armed build up meant that America was engaged in the cold war.

This film disgusted me when I saw it the first time. I just could not believe the cult of personality he had instituted via his systematic purges of the intelligentsia, his own armed forces and the civilian population. When Hitler's army amassed on the Eastern front Stalin discarded intelligence reports as lies and conspiracy basically letting hundreds of thousands of people suffer at the blitzkrieg of the German Werchmacht. Generals were switched around at random, troops were flung en masse to defend vast areas with little to no armament, tanks or air support because most of it was destroyed in the initial rush by the german forces, since Stalin gave no general warning to forward areas, even went reports of forces attacking across the border increased in volume. Failure was blamed on generals, any successes were due to the brilliance of Stalin. Only because of the will of the Russian people to defend their land at all costs, did the soviet army finally start pushing the German forces back. The abuses of the German army however, on the Slavic people as a whole due to their view of them being 'sub-human' meant that rear guard soviet detachments made usually of vast conscripts carried out their own form of revenge against the civilians of Germany and even their own people at times, especially the women. Stalin's cruelty extended even to his own family, he drove his son to suicide, when he survived his attempt Stalin remarked that he couldn't even do that properly.

In Moscow there stands a great marble monument engraved with the names of people who have been instrumental in Russia's history when I visited it in the early 90's one name was scratched off the monument and left as such.

It was Stalin's name.

Bill Maher on Religion

choggie says...

could'nt agree with Bill more, or less here......what a way to miss the point.

Easy to understand coming from someone whose spirituality consists of a cushy ,TV cult-o-personality day job, and who knows what kinda Barney Rubble tweaked in Photoshop lookin' kinda fun in his off hours.

Putties, bill, putties. Would you call a spiritual dynamo like Mother Theresa, of catholic affiliation crazy?? No, selfless. And Bill, if you could bring her back from the dead, I'll bet you'd come away with a fresh perspective on what the nature of true spirituality is.

But go on and keep demeaning the devout, yer fans love to poke fun at imbeciles and the faithfull, perhaps that is what they need to free their minds......

Anybody guess that choggie can't Fucking stand Bill Maher....he helps nothing, affords us no real entertainment, and is so hard to look at, and is truly fucking boring!!

Islam - Empire Of Faith (Part I of 2)

choggie says...

Obscured? Mohammed was the Joseph Smith of the desert.....came at just the right time, to have his very own cult of personality, shepherding his people through the dark ages, to leave then wandering in the wilderness to this day.....

circling the temple 7x....someone in the old testament did that, and he threw in smashing idols with the deal, ala hay-zeus and the money-changers-

Seems that if, if Mohammed would miraculously appear today, and observed the state of affairs of Islam, he would shit a brick the size of the cube in Mecca!

Why could'nt Rumi have started a religion...?

Billy Joel's video for 'We Didn't Start the Fire'

Wumpus says...


* Harry Truman is inaugurated as US president after being elected in 1948 to his own term; previously he was sworn in following the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
* Doris Day enters the public spotlight with the films My Dream Is Yours and It's a Great Feeling as well as popular songs like "It's Magic"; divorces her second husband.
* Red China as the Communist Party of China wins the Chinese Civil War, establishing the People's Republic of China.
* Johnnie Ray signs his first recording contract with Okeh Records, although he won't become popular for another two years.
* South Pacific, the prize winning musical, opens on Broadway on April 7.
* Walter Winchell is an aggressive radio and newspaper journalist credited with inventing the gossip column.
* Joe DiMaggio is injured early in the season but makes a comeback in June and leads the New York Yankees to win the World Series.


* Joe McCarthy, the US Senator, gains national attention and begins his anti-communist crusade with his Lincoln Day speech.
* Richard Nixon is first elected to the United States Senate.
* Studebaker a popular car company, is beginning its financial downfall.
* Television is becoming widespread (in black and white format) and becomes the most popular means of advertising.
* North Korea, South Korea engage in warfare as North Korea attacks on June 25, beginning the Korean War.
* Marilyn Monroe soars in popularity with five new movies including The Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve, and attempts suicide after death of lover Johnny Hyde. Monroe would later (1954) briefly marry Joe DiMaggio (the rhyme in the previous verse).


* Rosenbergs were convicted on March 29 for espionage.
* H-Bomb is in the middle of its development as a nuclear weapon, announced in early 1950 and first tested in late 1952.
* Sugar Ray (Robinson) the boxer obtains the world's Middleweight title.
* Panmunjeom, the border village in Korea, is the location of truce talks between the parties of the Korean War.
* Brando (Marlon) is nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for the first time for his famous role in A Streetcar Named Desire
* The King and I opens on Broadway on March 29.
* and The Catcher in the Rye is a controversial novel by J. D. Salinger.


* Eisenhower (Dwight D.) is first elected as U.S. president by a landslide.
* Vaccine for polio is privately tested by Jonas Salk.
* England's got a new Queen as George VI passes away and Elizabeth II succeeds to the throne of United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Realms.
* Marciano (Rocky) defeats Jersey Joe Walcott, becoming the world Heavyweight champion.
* Liberace has a popular 1950s television show for his musical entertainment.
* Santayana, good-bye as philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist George Santayana dies on September 26.


* Joseph Stalin dies on March 5, yielding his position as leader of the Soviet Union.
* Malenkov (Georgy Maksimilianovich) succeeds Stalin for six months following his death.
* Nasser (Gamal Abdel) acts as the true power behind the new Egyptian nation as Muhammad Naguib's minister of the interior.
* and Prokofiev (Sergei) the composer, dies on March 5, the same day as Stalin.
* Rockefeller (Winthrop) moves to Arkansas, the state where he will be elected governor.
* Campanella (Roy), a baseball catcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers, receives the National League's Most Valuable Player award for the second time.
* Communist bloc is a group of communist nations dominated by the Soviet Union at this time.


* Roy Cohn resigns as Joseph McCarthy's chief counsel and enters private practice with the fall of McCarthy.
* Juan Perón spends his last full year as President of Argentina before a September 1955 coup.
* Toscanini (Arturo) is at the height of his fame as a conductor, performing regularly with the NBC Symphony Orchestra on national radio.
* Dacron is an early artificial fiber made from the same plastic as polyester.
* Dien Bien Phu falls as Viet Minh forces under Vo Nguyen Giap take over the Vietnamese village, leading to the creation of North Vietnam and South Vietnam.
* "Rock Around the Clock" is a hit single released by Bill Haley & His Comets in May, spurring worldwide interest in rock and roll.


* Einstein (Albert) dies on April 18 at the age of 76.
* James Dean achieves success with East of Eden and Rebel Without a Cause, gets nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor, and dies in a car accident on September 30.
* Brooklyn's got a winning team as the Brooklyn Dodgers win the World Series for the only time. (There is cheering in the background of the song during this line.)
* Davy Crockett is a Disney television series about the legendary frontiersman of the same name.
* Peter Pan is broadcast on TV live and in color from the 1954 version of the stage musical starring Mary Martin on March 7.
* Elvis Presley signs with RCA Records on November 21, beginning his pop career.
* Disneyland opens on July 17 as Walt Disney's first theme park.


* Bardot (Brigitte) appears in her first mainstream film And God Created Woman and establishes an international reputation as a French "sex kitten".
* Budapest is the site of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
* Alabama is the site of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
* Khrushchev (Nikita) makes his famous Secret Speech denouncing Stalin's "cult of personality" on February 23.
* Princess Grace (Grace Kelly) releases her last film High Society and marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco.
* Peyton Place, the best-selling novel by Grace Metalious, is published.
* Trouble in the Suez boils as Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal on October 29, beginning the Suez Crisis.


* Little Rock is the site of an anti-integration standoff as Governor Orval Faubus stops the Little Rock Nine from attending Little Rock Central High School, and President Eisenhower deploys the 101st Airborne Division to counteract him.
* Pasternak (Boris), the Russian author, publishes his famous novel Doctor Zhivago.
* Mickey Mantle is in the middle of his career as a famous New York Yankees' outfielder and American League All-Star for the sixth year in a row.
* Kerouac (Jack) publishes his first novel in seven years, On the Road.
* Sputnik is the first artificial satellite, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4.
* Chou Enlai is in the middle of his reign as Premier of the People's Republic of China.
* Bridge on the River Kwai is released as a film adaptation of the 1954 novel and receives seven Academy Awards.


* Lebanon is engulfed in a political and religious crisis.
* Charles de Gaulle is elected first president of the French Fifth Republic following the Algerian Crisis.
* California baseball begins as the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants move to California and become the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants. They are the first major league teams west of Kansas City.
* Starkweather homicide captures the attention of Americans as serial killer Charles Starkweather kills eleven people before he is caught in a massive manhunt in Douglas, Wyoming.
* Children of thalidomide are born with birth defects caused by the sleeping aid and antiemetic, used to treat morning sickness as well (although not in the USA).


* Buddy Holly dies in a plane crash on February 3 with Ritchie Valens and J. P. Richardson, "The Big Bopper". (As an intro to this stanza, Billy Joel mimics Buddy Holly's trademark "hiccup" style, singing a-UH-uh-oh...).
* Ben-Hur wins eleven Academy Awards as a film based around the New Testament starring Charlton Heston.
* Space monkeys Able and Miss Baker are the first living beings to successfully return to Earth from space aboard the flight Jupiter AM-18.
* Mafia are the centre of attention for the FBI and public attention builds to this organized crime society with an historically Sicilian/American origin.
* Hula hoops reach 100 million in sales as the latest toy fad.
* Castro (Fidel) comes to power after a revolution in Cuba and visits the United States later that year on an unofficial twelve-day tour.
* Edsel is a no-go as production of this car marketing disaster (Ford spent $400 million developing it) ends after only two years.


* U-2: an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union, causing the U-2 Crisis of 1960.
* Syngman Rhee: was rescued by the CIA after being forced to resign as leader of South Korea for allegedly fixing an election and embezzling more than twenty million U.S. dollars.
* Payola: was publicized due to Dick Clark's testimony before Congress and Alan Freed's public disgrace.
* and Kennedy (John F.): beats Richard Nixon in the November 8 general election amongst allegations of vote fraud.
* Chubby Checker: popularizes the dance The Twist with his song of the same name.
* Psycho: an Alfred Hitchcock thriller, based on a pulp novel by Robert Bloch and adapted by Joseph Stefano, which becomes a landmark in graphic violence and cinema sensationalism. The screeching violins heard briefly in the background are a trademark of the film's soundtrack.
* Belgians in the Congo: The Democratic Republic of the Congo was declared independent of Belgium on June 30, with Joseph Kasavubu as President and Patrice Lumumba as Prime Minister.


* Hemingway (Ernest): commits suicide on July 2 after a long battle with depression.
* Eichmann (Adolf): is captured by Mossad agents in Argentina and tried for crimes against humanity.
* Stranger in a Strange Land: written by Robert A. Heinlein, is a breakthrough best-seller with themes of sexual freedom and liberation.
* Dylan (Bob): after a New York Times review by critic Robert Shelton, Dylan is signed to Columbia Records.
* Berlin: The Berlin Wall, which separates West Berlin from East Berlin and the rest of East Germany, is constructed.
* Bay of Pigs Invasion: failed attempt by United States-trained Cuban exiles to invade Cuba and overthrow Fidel Castro.


* Lawrence of Arabia: the Academy Award-winning film based on the life of T. E. Lawrence starring Peter O'Toole premiers in America on December 16.
* British Beatlemania: The Beatles gain Ringo Starr as drummer and Brian Epstein as manager, and join the EMI's Parlophone label.
* Ole Miss: James Meredith integrates the University of Mississippi.
* John Glenn: flew the first American manned orbital mission termed "Friendship 7" on February 20.
* Liston beats Patterson: Sonny Liston and Floyd Patterson fight for the world heavyweight championship on September 25, ending in a round-one knockout.


* Pope Paul (VI): is elected to the papacy.
* Malcolm X: makes infamous statements about agreeing with the Kennedy assassination, thus causing the Nation of Islam to censure him.
* British Politician Sex: the Profumo Affair.
* JFK blown away, what else do I have to say?: President Kennedy is assassinated on November 22.


* Birth control: in the early 1960s, oral contraceptives, popularly known as "the pill", first go on the market and are extremely popular. Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965 challenged a Connecticut law prohibiting contraceptives. In 1968, Pope Paul VI released a papal encyclical entitled Humanae Vitae which declared most birth control a sin.
* Ho Chi Minh: a Vietnamese Communist, who served as President of Vietnam from 1954–1969.


* Richard Nixon back again: Nixon is elected in the 1968 presidential election of the United States.


* Moon shot: refers to the Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing.
* Woodstock: famous rock and roll festival of 1969 that came to represent the epitome of the counterculture movement.


* Watergate: political scandal involving a hotel break-in, eventually leading to President Nixon's resignation in 1974.
* Punk rock: the Sex Pistols and their new sound become popular.

1977 (Note that these two items, while later chronologically than the two 1976 items, come immediately before them in the song)

* Begin (Menachem): becomes Prime Minister of Israel in 1977 and negotiates the Camp David Accords with Egypt's president in 1978.
* Reagan (Ronald): President of the United States from 1981 to 1989; attempted to run for president in 1976

1976 (Note that these two items, while earlier chronologically than the two 1977 items, come immediately after them in the song)

* Palestine: the Palestine Liberation Organization is admitted as a member of Arab League; see history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
* Terror on the airline: Numerous aircraft hijackings took place, specifically, the Palestinian hijack of Air France Flight 139 and the subsequent rescue at Entebbe Airport in Uganda, 1976.


* Ayatollahs in Iran: during the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the West-backed and U.S.-installed Shah is overthrown as the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini gains power after years in exile.
* Russians in Afghanistan: Soviet forces fight a ten-year war in Afghanistan, from 1979 to 1989.


* Wheel of Fortune: a hit television game show which has been TV's highest-rated syndicated program since 1983.
* Sally Ride: in 1983 she becomes the first American woman in space.
* Heavy metal, suicide: Billy Joel himself had previously stated on his website that even though the two terms are separated by a comma they are collectively one item (like "North Korea, South Korea" above). In the 1980s Ozzy Osbourne and the bands Metallica and Judas Priest were brought to court by parents who accused the musicians of hiding subliminal pro-suicide messages in their music.
* Foreign debts: Persistent US trade deficits lead to substantial foreign debt in the eyes of the 1980s period, particularly to Japan.
* Homeless vets: Veterans of the Vietnam war are homeless and impoverished.
* AIDS: A collection of symptoms and infections in humans resulting from the specific damage to the immune system caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is first detected and recognized in the 1980s, on its way to becoming a pandemic.
* Crack: Refers to crack cocaine, a popular drug in the mid-to-late 1980s.


* Bernie Goetz: On December 22, Goetz becomes a vigilante after being mugged four times; he shoots four young men who he believed to be threatening him on a New York City subway. Goetz was charged with attempted murder, but was acquitted of the charges.


* Hypodermics on the shore: medical waste was found washed up on beaches in New Jersey after being illegally dumped at sea.


* China's under martial law: On May 20, China declares martial law, enabling them to use force of arms to end the Tiananmen Square protests.
* Rock and roller cola wars, I can't take it anymore!: soft drink giants Coke and Pepsi each run marketing campaigns using popular music stars to reach the young adult demographic.

kingmob (Member Profile)

choggie says...

hey no hard feelin's kingmob and wife, we always give dubious newbies a hard's great diversion, and it keeps caca off the site, not that yer adorable clan is not worth watching again and again.....

simply, the idea of self-promotion, encompases the profit thing, and the cult of personality thing, like, someone using the sift to post their own creations, like you guys did

the way to do it is to post it to another site, and get creative with regards to getting it here, or hope for someone to share in your enthusiam who DOESN't know you or sleep with you, enough to posty it here.......welcome with that warm warning!!!

Nancy Pelosi-Something To Look Forward To......Palomino

choggie says...

Yep Roe, all great for the pep rally, window dressing is what politicians are best at, forgive my skepticism after a week of window dressing-both parties being the clusterfuck of ineffectual masturbation that we the sheeple, have let them become...

My perspective being a tad simplistic, "Look into their eyes, speech patterns, body language, oh, and with Pelosi, her freekin' track record-This Bitch Is Scarier Than Any Other Woman In Politics Next To Hillarious Clitless herself!

....and real easy to make fun of.....Did anyone else shudder, when she brought all the kids onto the floor, for some spin-(sigh)

(last night on Kimmel, he show footage of another kid-sploitation moment, while she was interviewed, the kid was licking a metal pole!)
-Appealing to the scarred emotional knee-jerkers, the tactic of this ilks' clan
-not the clan, of political parties, the clan of cult-persona, personal-agenda, personal-spectacle, power-bitch politician.

Check her career, watch every sound bite you can from this cretin, and watch her twirl, when she has a mission,like the reactionary, yes-woman she is, follow the money-

They are starting with a bang,no doubt- to insure, they will have the US pay in more than the blood of soldiers....

*Really fucking hate politics-Almost as much as I hate Bushes, Gores, Clintons, and Whores!-Like Pelosi, Boxer, and the dickless men in their group.

Serge Gainsbourg - Ballade de Melody Nelson

How much do you think I could sell my sex tape for??

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