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"We don't know a lot about Barack Obama"

volumptuous says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
a cult-of-personality prez we know almost nothing about.

You'd have to have your head in the sand for the last two years to not know almost everything about Obama.

He's been touring the country, non-stop for two years, telling people who he is, where he came from, and what he would do as POTUS. He's written two memoirs, with his own pen, describing every detail of his life. He has countless policy papers telling exactly what his platform is and what an Obama administration would look like.

To know "almost nothing" about Obama is complete horseshit. And the only reason why Brokaw would try to continue this meme is to desperately hold onto relevance that is quickly slipping away. Brokaw knows. QM knows. Everyone knows.

"We don't know a lot about Barack Obama"

quantumushroom says...

(McCain) was a liar and a hypocrite throughout his entire campaign, and he was only truly the honorable, good man his die-hard supporters expected him to be after he finally lost.

The mushy McCain that liberals love is worthless to conservatives as well as liberty. Had he won, he probably would've been a quiet, lame duck prez, but nothing as bad as the sh-t storm that's coming.

There are plenty of stones to be thrown at media outlets on both sides of the political spectrum, but it's honestly a cheap shot to say, "We don't know Obama's world view." All they would have had to do was ask.

You and I are assuming that the mission of these so-called "journalists" is to report the news. Our assumption is dead wrong. Their first goal is to score ratings; they just happen to do it by pushing the agenda that is most dear to the hearts of 95% of American media.

We've got more than enough opinions...let's allow the facts to speak for themselves.

Believe me, I would like nothing more, but facts are enemies of much of liberal doctrine. 95% of Americans can't get an Obamian tax cut when 35% don't pay any taxes at all.

This is what softball liberal journalism yields, a cult-of-personality prez we know almost nothing about.

Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama on Meet The Press

quantumushroom says...

I'm quite sure Schwarzkopf was the leader of the Army that left Saddam in power. And who was the president who decided Hussein wasn't a threat, because he left him in power? Some Democrat, probably. Right?

Bush 41 sought Failin's counsel on whether to get Saddam. Failin' sided with the worthless UN-types who said No. Schwarzy caved in but it wasn't his call to make. And Bush 41 lost the election for acting like a liberal.

How did Powell undermine the Iraq War, exactly?

See above.

Appeaser? You're actually going to call Obama that?

This guy wanted to pull out more than Oscar Wilde out of a vagina, and still does.

I know you enjoy skulking around like a sockpuppet of Sean Hannity, but appeaser?

That's what Obama is: member of a racist church, appeaser, voter to the left of Ted Kennedy, no real legislative achievements, cult of personality.

I don't need Hannity or more than 1/4 of my brain to argue against liberal corruption. Report to Olbermann for debriefing.

Why Ron Paul did not win the Florida Primary

quantumushroom says...

Ron Paul supporters probably did more damage than his opposers. "Oh, you're not voting for Ron Paul? Let me tell you WHY you're a FOOL."

Never quite understood why so many liberalsifters support(ed) Ron Paul when he's the opposite of left-wing Big Gummint socialism. Ron Paul means small government and no national health care, Social Security, DEA, FDA, FCC, SEC, etc. No more gun control, affirmative action and political correctness. No more group hugs and badly legislated greenvangelical fanatacism. No more price controls and subsidies.

I love 98% of what RP represents but his naivety about geopolitics was simply unacceptable. And he was a cult of personality, not a leader.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

I'm not sure what you are looking for here. Do you want me to let your arguments to go unchallenged?

No. And I'm not calling you out personally, nor the submitter of any sift for submitting it. Never have.

Do you think you are a victim?

That's a question I would ask of anyone who leans left.

Do you think you are being singled out and persecuted because you are conservative? If that's the case, then why don't other conservatives on the site suffer the problems that you do?

1) Barring a few random posts, I know of no other conservatives on this site; I'm told they avoid me...since they don't exist...I cannot say.

2) You assume the feedback is "a problem." The only suffering, I realized, is the suffering I get by spoiling others' good time. The majority of sifters lean left. I'm not helping anyone, including myself.

3) My "critics" seem unable or unwilling to tolerate my "punditry". If it's not the one-liners, they object to the "name calling" (e.g. Keith Olbyloon = Keep Overbite) or that this or that comment "lacks depth", the last being a problem of generation and education. I can't make up for decades of government school indoctrination explaining something as simple as "The Constitution limits government power."

Maybe it's not everyone else. Maybe it's you.

That's OK. Right or wrong, a warrior always stands alone.

Say whatever you want, whenever you want. I actually enjoy the opportunity to deconstruct your rhetoric, and I encourage you to deconstruct mine.

But we haven't done that...if I gave every sift I commented on the loving attention it deserves, this would be my full time job. Ha ha ha.

If you can't see problems in plain view with our President and country, then I'm not sure what to say.

Both sides see a country in crisis. Where they differ is the reasons, motives and underlying philosophies.

Example: man-made global warming, to the left, is the ultimate deity replacement and all-purpose tool to gain complete power, since everything and everyone is affected by it. Therefore the left embraces all evidence claiming warming is a real and immediate threat and act accordingly. The other side (mine) sees this for what it is, what I just described. Is the globe heating? Sure, it heats and cools all the time, has for millions of years. Is it man-made? There's no solid evidence, yet all these good folks that want to DO SOMETHING have decided the argument is closed and are ready to flip civilization on its ear for an unproven theory.

I'm actually hopeful that both parties are finally moving away from Movement Politics towards Principled Politics. I see the Republican love affair with principled conservatives like Ron Paul very heartening, just as the Democrats have begun to embrace principled Liberals such as Dean and Obama. It's very interesting to see how this switch effects the opposition. Politicians like Obama and Paul are gaining quite a bit of crossover respect, if not crossover support.

Maybe it's time you started the transition from Movement Conservative to the Principled variety.

I know you didn't ask for them, but here's my Cliffs Notes of those two:

Obama: a good speaker, inspiring, but inexperienced, naive about world affairs and hiding his true ultra-left agenda. No politician ever got elected stating flat out: "If you elect me, I will raise your taxes." You have to know that's his plan. Same with Hil.

Paul: a principled man, yes, but unfortunately the only one of his caliber in Congress and therefore a cult of personality. I agree with most of Paul's platform, but he's as naive about world affairs as Obama if he thinks recalling all of our troops around the world will somehow promote peace and understanding. You have to know that while you and I may embrace many views of a Ron Paul (or not), so many of our fellow Americans are already receiving a check from the government, and many, many more are hoping for the same. The government has bought in and bought everyone off. Nothing new really:

"Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." -- Frédéric Bastiat (1801 – 1850)

I want to agree with your moniker, as I'm a natural cynic and pessimist; I just happen to view conservatism as a rational response to humans' natural savagery, not a cause of it.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
I'm not sure what you are looking for here. Do you want me to let your arguments to go unchallenged?...

Jeremiah Wright, Obama's Controversial Pastor

choggie says...

uhohzombies, racism is not the issue here-It's simply a shame that most folks would not vote for a vid that has yet to be given serious consideration by the Obama cult of personality, simply because of who posted it.....the tags are true to form on the last post, same subject and while Obama's preacher may be a racist buffoon,and anyone simply writing this off as some mud-slinging political tactics an idiot, s'godddamn shame that it was a double-barreled exercize in major ass-showing-qm is skilled in out-doing himself to the point of absurdity....

Obama needs to disassociate himself with this crazy fucker, but guess what....How can he?? That's his pastor.
If you Americans can't see how fucking insane this election is, for crissakes, are there some Brits who could chime in on the ridiculous event??? Dag does not count, he's the Aussie devil's advocate, and gay for Obama like an 18 yr old, first time voter remale thought JFK was cute.....Obama is a major fucking tool, and will make a fine marionette, you pathetic meatsacks....

Dear Texas, (Election Talk Post)

choggie says...

hmmmm, my prediction is some false flag op that speeds along further the fear of "terrorists" to the point that martial law is declared and never lifted-perhaps biological this time-
Basically all the worst parts of the Bible, which most will interpret as some divine affirmation, then lock down.
By 2015-19, a good portion of the earths population will be dead, and those left will be conveniently relocated to very nice places called protected cities.

Ohhhh the election!!
It doesn't matter who wins, the machinery is in place to fist fuck the majority, regardless of ideals, morality, principles and sensibilities....
welcome to the New World Order, meatbots!!!

And dag, once again, why do you give a fuck?? Aren't you on prison island?? Besides, you continually buy into the cult-of-personality, anyone-is-better-than-Bush fan club, just like the most idyllic of dreamers here on the sift....

If you consider folks here on the sift, who live in America, as an adequate cross-section of everyone in America, we're fucked.

Why Atheism?

Videosift fads (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

I can never get my fads to take off....Japanorama has never seemed to go away
Thank God the Canadians can't get Comedy Central stuff to work!!

The latest fad I would hope would implode would be this, white folks trying to be funny, college humor bullshit-1 out of every 30 is inspired comedy-

And thank god the wobal glorming rejects have found a hole to hang out in-

Next question? When will the Obama band wagon lose the spoked wheels of blind, idyllic fervor??

Bush bashing is replaced with cult of personality......humans are quite predictable, eh????

Texas for Obama

Barack Obama "I inhaled frequently" "That was the point"

choggie says...

Asking a presidential candidate about past drug use, another meaningless diversion of the media similar to most of the commentary, editorializing, debates, etc. Shadow over substance?? Ask yourselves the next time y'all get all gushy when you hear this multi-ethnic Santa Claus speak so eloquently and confidently, w/o a stutter, about absolutely nothing, stringing neologisms, jargon, and idomatic sentences together with machined precision, exuding self-confidence with a determined, intent expression...."WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE ACTUALLY MEAN???!!"

The man is a goddamn tool......We have only one choice of candidate to choose from at this point-they are all the same, and it's up to y'all cult-of-personality monkeys to chose which brand clabbered, haggard, or maverick. They will all answer to the same folks in charge....

The I-35 Highway is .. God's Highway?

choggie says...

Living in the biblebelt m'self, these folks they are interviewing, are the worst kinds of zealots-firstly, most of the folks from full-gospel churches (church of god, pentecostal, and offshoots of "where do we put all the bi-polar and developmentally disabled Christains...(as they are, a stubborn tarnish on the good name of Hay-zeus) are whackjobs with issues. If they we're not devout about Jesus, they'd need sports or drugs or some other sort of reprieve from their inner dialog..... fundamentalism, cult of personality, same difference-it is a group activity for burn-outs or imprint-afflicted, be they followers of programming from Kim Jung Il, from some imam, or blows to the head. Any tunnel reality is!! Ya hear that ya rabid stamp collectors and Trekkie freaks???!!! YER SICK!!! Get out more, interact with birds and bugs or something...AAAUAUAAUGAHHH!

met like 3 Christians in my whole life, that's cause' the real ones don't go around doing shit like this-

"Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward....
"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
"But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

God says, "Shut the fuck up!"

Jon Stewart Slams Bill Bennett On Gay Marriage

Choggie's Song

choggie says...

Liar, liar, ego on fire-

-Yer the one that spent hours pouring through MY posts- I simply down-voted 3 in your queue, in response to your normal, smart-ass diatribes-my own are usually cheesey, and uninformed, and I am no stranger to foot-in-mouth disease-

Am now solid on my assumption that this was not all just fun and games, and you have a hard-on for some cult of personality delusion you have....what was it??? The posts about 9/11 and the unwillingness to do anything but watch a fire burn that was started intentionally???....or perhaps its the spoiled brat inside, screaming to die, with ego standing in the way?
that, "Have a nice day" bullshit is played, anyone can see a "fuck you" through a transparent wrapper-

Funs'over-"Have yer-self a predictably, festering day!"

(now now, boys, calm down, and F-man, turn that frown, upside down!!!)

Moore vs Blitzter

choggie says...

"1) Objective journalism never existed and never will. All is propaganda. "

thank god the sane are among us....

hey antimatter, yer creds dead fred, expect the worst....

Any good health care system should include preventative maintenance...America's sucks, because her people are programmed idiots....who spend too much time, listening to their ringleaders, mainstream media-If it were a healthy country, there would be no $$ spent on fast food advertising, because there would be no-one eating that poison-Insurance companies would go bankrupt due to lack of claims, and pharmaceutical companies would belly-up, because folks would not need THEIR poison....shall we continue??? Diabetes would all but disappear, shortly after the country was weened off refined sugars, because no advertising $$ would be used to promote shit like Corn Smacks and Coco-Cola (up to chogg, we'd have the cocaine back in the shit)

Legalize all drugs, and let those abuse who will abuse, use, and lose. tackle the real power....Oil, MIC (military industrial complex), and the FED...this is a hard one....start by staying home from work for a week, and not using gas, this tactic repeated until demands are met-soldiers, tell you commanding officers to blow you, and go back home...(mass AWOL)-*note: can't do this with countries like China and N.Korea being fascist/socialist, gotta end that shit first-

See where were going with this??? As long as clueless, lazy, domesticated primates give the power they have to idiots (everyone running for president 08', and current reps and congress-folk) change will come in the form of ever increasing waves of bullshit......till te whole world goes non-linear-

Mike Moore, you fat, bitter fuck. Please, super-size yer ineffectual, self-serving ass, off the TV, and off the planet....Slow, pathetic, death, is a hard one to watch...yer cult of personality, includes mostly, the bought and paid for, with crocodile tears, and vampire blood.....

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