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Best. Jawa. Ever.

The Cutest Cosplay! Predatoddler

lucky760 says...

Aww, she (or he) is so adorable when the mask came off I got tears in my eyes.

The juxtaposition of scary little costume that looks like it's worn by a dwarf with the actual cuteness contained within is powerful.


sweet transformer cosplay

Baby T-Rex throws out ceremonial first pitch

Roxy Music - Virginia Plain

Cosplay - A :) Parody

London Super Comic Con - (2014)

Man of Steel from a Baby's Perspective

chingalera says...

@artician, for me the best visually stunning Superman film to date, and for everyone...I watched this vid with the sound off and watched the kid's reaction with the screen super-imposition, and pretty much inserted his dialog for him, goes something like this:

Whoa..Bad-ass costume and mountains...

( i maybe am bored,have to maybe pee, I'm hungry a liitle), "YAAAY HOLE IN GROUND- FLY THROUGH!"

clap-clap, Ok Dad, let's you and me get some titty and or chewy-chews....Yawn

Police, Lies, Videoptape - Unlawful Arrest of Protester

chingalera says...

...and still he had to be humiliated, dragged into the system after standing too close to their meat-grinder.... fines, fees, and missed work and then, that special list, a record of his past 'offenses' reserved for these evil cunt's justification for continued harassment and suspicion and inhumane treatment at some future date, when he and everyone on that list is rounded-up first, to be used as a shining example of what NOT to do, if you don't want to end-up like him.

Uniforms should be worn by party-goers, and politicians and police should wear clown costumes and mime make-up. Much easier that way to discern the thugs from humans.

doogle said:

"Dr Steven Peers, who was filming the demonstration at Barton Moss in Salford, was arrested for refusing a breath test after the policeman accused him of driving to the site drunk.

He was later charged but the case fell apart at court when prosecutors offered no evidence."

USAF Flash Mob - National Air and Space Museum

Miss Universe - Parade of National Costumes (Sift Talk Post)

Lann says...

Maybe it's my age, but I actually liked the transformer costume.

Better than the same old tired "patriot" theme. I'm surprised they haven't done a Captain America inspired costume (that I know of)

BlizzCon 2013 Epic Cosplay Showcase

mxxcon says...

These are not real fans.
These are commissioned "cosplayers". All big publishers pay them $ to make costumes and come to conventions. I think videosift has a short documentary somewhere about 2 of the girls in this video.

ghark said:

crikey, haven't seen so many good costumes all in one video before, really nice work on those.

BlizzCon 2013 Epic Cosplay Showcase

Lie Witness News - Dead Imaginary Celeb Edition

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