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Batshit Crazy Interpretation of Michael Jackson's 'Beat It'


Keith Olbermann reduced to minute Olbermann catchphrases

The McCain-Palin Mob

BicycleRepairMan says...

I upvoted this comment because 1)its atleast partially true, and 2)it is a fair expression of opinion 3) atleast 6 people on the sift downvoted this despite 1 and 2 being true.

>> ^rgroom1:
I live in atlanta. I strongly dislike Obama's policies (which i've read from wikipedia, and heard on all of the debates). I know you'd like to characterize anyone with a few conservative values as one of these, but i can assure you that if i walked out to Five Points, amidst the "CHANGE We Can Believe In" shirts, and started asking questions about Obama, you'd get worse answers than these. YOU are just as susceptible to spouting out catchphrases and soundbites as any other joe. The truth is, YOU DON'T KNOW THE TRUTH. You are fed the same amount of horse as the rest of us. The only people who really know what's going on are the people who create said malarkey in the form of "news".

The McCain-Palin Mob

rgroom1 says...

I live in atlanta. I strongly dislike Obama's policies (which i've read from wikipedia, and heard on all of the debates). I know you'd like to characterize anyone with a few conservative values as one of these, but i can assure you that if i walked out to Five Points, amidst the "CHANGE We Can Believe In" shirts, and started asking questions about Obama, you'd get worse answers than these. YOU are just as susceptible to spouting out catchphrases and soundbites as any other joe. The truth is, YOU DON'T KNOW THE TRUTH. You are fed the same amount of horse**** as the rest of us. The only people who really know what's going on are the people who create said malarkey in the form of "news".


Zonbie says...

Wow, Style of Substance...there's your answer McCain! Catchphrases smiles and empty but sexy promises! To...THE WHITEHOUSE!

I do feel like this 'undecided voter' group are commenting more on a sample product than the future of the US and its interests for the next for years...

Maher, Garofalo, & Rushdie destroy Fund's defense of Palin

blahpook says...

Garofalo makes a good point early on - 'let's compare her to the last vagina to be that prominent on the political scene a bajillion years ago...'

Also, I'm glad Rushie made the point I've been thinking for so long. How can anyone in the incumbent party run on a campaign of change?!

By the way, Gibson did stop in the middle of his disbelief to explain what the Bush doctrine was; Palin was just too busy trying to remember her catchphrases to notice...

Judge Rips Law Student a New Poo-hole

Zonbie says...

What a Dummy - is his hero Jack Tompson? You don't agree with me?! Then you're wrong!

The biblical approach in a courtroom nearly always goes wrong...

I think he is about to cry just as theclip finishes!
"That's Your Opinion" is now cleared to be used as a catchphrase!

Chaos Theory

Fade says...

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at ASSEMBLY 2006

/// Brought to you by:

BoyC - main code
Gargaj - synth code, music
Zoom - visuals

/// About the intro:

Apparently we finished another 64k...
...Except that ALL of us are extremely satisfied with it.
(Then again there's probably always a first time.)

Hard to believe that all it took to have an intro that's fun
to make and enjoyable to watch (for us) was around +50 BPM.
Sorry for no deep emotions or touching scene poetry this time;
we thought it was time to do something else.
Interestingly, losing BP06 and breaking the winning streak
helped the creative process immensely - freedom is AWESOME.

We're apparently going against (among others) Farbrausch, Fairlight,
and Kewlers in the 64k compo. Hard to say what chances do
we have, but one thing's for sure: we're really really happy
with our intro already, so from this point it can only get better.

We'd like to thank everyone who supported us during our harder times,
we hope a lot of you will enjoy this intro even if it's not something
you would expect from us. (Cue catchphrase here.)

Many thanks go to ryg of farbrausch for kkrunchy, and the Opera
guys at Assembly'06 for lending us a computer to enter the
intro. Also, greetings to everyone who didn't fit into the intro

Enjoy the intro as much as we did.

- Gargaj / Conspiracy, 2006. 08. 04.

* In loving memory of the BZM hills. *

/// Contact us at:

Email: contact(cns)
IRC: #cns @ IRCNet

----------------------------------------------------------------- Conspiracy (c) 2006

Bob Dylan - The Times They are a-Changin

drattus says...

A quick excerpt from the article which seemed appropriate

His 1964 track 'The Times They are a-Changin' became the anthem for his generation, symbolising the era-defining social struggle against the establishment.

Now Bob Dylan - who could justifiably claim to be the architect of Barack Obama's 'change' catchphrase - has backed the Illinois senator to do for modern America what the generation before did in the 1960s.

In an exclusive interview with The Times, published in T2 today, Dylan gives a ringing endorsement to Mr Obama, the first ever black presidential candidate, claiming he is "redefining the nature of politics from the ground up".

Dylan, 67, made the comments when being interviewed in Denmark, where he stopped over in a hotel during a tour of Scandinavia.

Asked about his views on American politics, he said: "Well, you know right now America is in a state of upheaval. Poverty is demoralising. You can't expect people to have the virtue of purity when they are poor.

"But we've got this guy out there now who is redefining the nature of politics from the ground up...Barack Obama.

"He's redefining what a politician is, so we'll have to see how things play out. Am I hopeful? Yes, I'm hopeful that things might change. Some things are going to have to."

He added: “You should always take the best from the past, leave the worst back there and go forward into the future."

Big Brother Says "OOPS"

MarineGunrock says...

And please, PLEASE fucking SOMEONE tell me how getting caught breaking the law is fascism. "Fascism: system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism."

Can we all drop this WAY overused catchphrase now?

BLANKFIST makes ONE HUNDRED!!!! Booyah!!! (Sift Talk Post)

Well Excuuuuse Me Princess! (Zelda Cartoon Montage)

blankfist says...

If there's only 13 episodes, then he must say that catchphrase at least four times an episode. And, in every instance, it's said moments before he violates the princess.

OM(onu)G! They Took "Under God" Out of the Pledge!!

xxovercastxx says...

I think "In God We Trust" was on money earlier than that, blankfist, but it became the official national motto in 1956 (what was E Pluribus Unum?). According to Wikipedia, it was first used in 1864 and wasn't mandated by Congress until 1908.

"In God We Trust" first appeared on our coins in 1864 in the midst of the Civil War. This was somehow supposed to show that we were a nation of honorable people despite the appearance of the time.

It first appeared on cash in 1957 after it became our national motto, in order to separate us from those godless commies.

It seems to me that the reasons for both adoptions should offend everyone. As an atheist, I'm not particularly offended; I just think it doesn't belong there. As a Christian, I'd be thoroughly offended that God has become a catchphrase synonymous with "we're not as evil as we seem."

The history of the motto as pertaining to money can be found here:

Darth Vader is Insane... And Easily Surprised

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