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Worst product placement ever (& major BSG spoiler)

Krupo says...

>> ^Quboid:
It took me a while to figure out what the joke was because I was looking for product placement and when the commercial came on, I thought it must have been the wrong video playing. Product placement is a company gets their product used in a program, a commercial advertisement is when the program cuts and the whole transmission, video and audio, is about a product.
For terrible product placement, just look at the phone usage in the last 2 Bond films. Every time they appear, all immersion disappears because the Sony executives want to remind me that their phones have GPS mapping and cameras and all kinds of cool stuff. Thanks guys.

You're right... but it's an excellent way of confusing people and then BOOM, headshot.

Premium Plus head shot...

Worst product placement ever (& major BSG spoiler)

Worst product placement ever (& major BSG spoiler)

Payback says...

>> ^EDD:
Didn't you take a look at the clues posted on SciFi's The one outed by Thigh as the final Cylon really is the final one - I (along with thousands of fans) deduced it by following the clues a couple of days before the 11th episode aired.

I was just saying that BSG is well known for fraking with your head. Like the 13th tribe.

Worst product placement ever (& major BSG spoiler)

Worst product placement ever (& major BSG spoiler)

EDD says...


<embed src="" height="150" width="250">

>> ^Payback:, and I thought I was the only one who didn't like that character. Damn. That's cold.
Now, having watched the episode, and understanding it, and given what other "revelations" in season openers for BSG have done in subsequent episodes, I do hereby wonder who the final Cylon will turn out to be as the revelations in this episode I fully expect are complete BS...

Didn't you take a look at the clues posted on SciFi's The one outed by Thigh as the final Cylon really is the final one - I (along with thousands of fans) deduced it by following the clues a couple of days before the 11th episode aired.

Worst product placement ever (& major BSG spoiler)

Payback says..., and I thought I was the only one who didn't like that character. Damn. That's cold.

Now, having watched the episode, and understanding it, and given what other "revelations" in season openers for BSG have done in subsequent episodes, I do hereby wonder who the final Cylon will turn out to be as the revelations in this episode I fully expect are complete BS...

BSG season 4.5 promo

spoco2 says...

>> ^dag:
I've gone over to the Sarah Conner Chronicles for my dramatic serial SF needs. It's actually pretty damn good.

Oh god no. I watched the first few episodes of that and could go no further thanks to the horrible lack of anything resembling coherence. One of the BIG things with the Terminator world is that metal can't travel through time unless it's wrapped in living flesh... hence the T800 et al... (The T1000 can time travel because it can mimic human flesh) and yet in the first episode they have an unclad T800 come through time.

That and other god awful plot holes made me drop it in no uncertain terms.

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...


1) Season - Autumn
2) Place in the world - Livingstone, Zambia.
3) Children's book - Guards! Guards! Guards! by Terry Prachett
4) TV Series - The wire, BSG, mad men and the x files.
5) Word - Clover Gs (don't ask)
6) Film - Bladerunner and there is alot more...
7) Curse - fuck
Creature - chameleon
9) Past time - gaming and ill informed political banter
10)Person - my buddy.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - cats
12) Sweet or savoury - savory
13) Cereal or Toast - toast?
14) Tan or pale - both in equal measure
15) Shoes or barefoot - shoes?
16) Desktop or laptop - desktop
17) Drive or walk - walk
18) Drama or comedy - sci fi
19) Sex or food - yes
20) Futurama or Simpsons - both jumped the shark.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - all my videos are favourite submissions, but my Luna playlist has my fav muscial picks.
22) A great comment on one of your vids - The whole Andres Segovia comment thread! DOWN WITH JAKE SIKAKAKBURORMO!
23) Most off the wall member - choggie
24) Favourite user name - plastiquemonkey
25) Your most used channel - music and obscure
26) Personal dumbass moment - sifting and commenting drunk, then waking up reading what I wrote.
27) Best avatar - Rickegee and Ravenika.
28) Partner in crime - Mink and Kulpims. The Eastern European Mafia.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Not really. I kinda dropped the habit.
30) Idea for the site - The LONG FUCKING CHANNEL ironically we waited a LONG time for it too.

About you

31) Where do you live - Kuwait
32) Smoker/non-smoker - occasionally
33) Left or right handed - right
34) Hair colour - black?
35) Relationship status - single
36) How tall - 5 '4
37) Children - no
38) Ever had an operation - Yes, I enjoyed the drugs alot.
39) Best feature - I guess it's interesting to talk to me?
40) Use four words to describe yourself - nomad, aware, misanthrope

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Martin Luther King
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Amensty International
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Everyone...
44) Relive a moment in your life - My trip to Turkey.
45) Have a superpower - cloaking
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know -
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - crazy irrational emotionally unstable women.
48) Be president for one hour - Dissolve the Fed. open all state secret archives from 2000 down.
49) Delete a period in history - Bush's presidency.
50) Achieve one thing - Learn to fly a helicopter.

The Hour: Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica)

radx says...

They have a seriously fine cast on BSG, even though certain comments of mine about 'em had me spend the night on the couch.

Time for them to release a BD version already, the SkyHD caps take up too much space hehe

VP Debates Webcast live on the New York Times (Election Talk Post)

jonny says...

Agreed rougy - I thought Biden let her off easy on too many points. The coaching on his side must have believed the BS about him looking like a bully or sexist if he really went after her.

>> ^Farhad2000:
>> ^jonny:
farhad - I think you may have reverse beer goggles on. You're assuming that the average voter in the US is more concerned with Biden's command of facts and issues versus Palin's hockey mom charm. No doubt Biden kicked her ass on substantive points, but she often was able to successfully retort with bumper sticker slogans (thanks SG - that's a great line - hmmm, BSG 9000?).

Oh yea I forgot. Most Americans are simpletons and pick their heads of state based on whether or not they would like to have a beer with them.

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. No, most Americans are not simpletons, and they also know that no one has all the answers. That's why it is easier to lead them towards a "straight-talker" instead of a policy wonk. When someone comes off as a know-it-all, it doesn't ring true, because everyone knows better. Individually, they may not have any coherent response to a particular issue, but anyone that comes across as "I know all about this stuff better than you" is viewed with great suspicion. Look at GWB's first presidential campaign. Or Reagan versus Carter.

And that goes back to rougy's point about Biden not clobbering her when he could have. He would have come off as "Mr. Smarty-pants", and she would have been the darling with good sense and decent values.

VP Debates Webcast live on the New York Times (Election Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^jonny:
farhad - I think you may have reverse beer goggles on. You're assuming that the average voter in the US is more concerned with Biden's command of facts and issues versus Palin's hockey mom charm. No doubt Biden kicked her ass on substantive points, but she often was able to successfully retort with bumper sticker slogans (thanks SG - that's a great line - hmmm, BSG 9000?).

Oh yea I forgot. Most Americans are simpletons and pick their heads of state based on whether or not they would like to have a beer with them.

VP Debates Webcast live on the New York Times (Election Talk Post)

jonny says...

farhad - I think you may have reverse beer goggles on. You're assuming that the average voter in the US is more concerned with Biden's command of facts and issues versus Palin's hockey mom charm. No doubt Biden kicked her ass on substantive points, but she often was able to successfully retort with bumper sticker slogans (thanks SG - that's a great line - hmmm, BSG 9000?).

shuac, I think if you look at the replay, she fumbled at least a couple of times, but tended to recover. So, unless you think it's a disaster that she didn't implode, then I give advantage to Biden. But not a big one.

I think the big question for Palin is can she now go out on the campaign trail and keep this up. It was the same question after her acceptance speech, for which she was also heavily coached. She failed to impress already on her own, and I think she will again if they let her.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

NicoleBee says...

The middle of Canada. The last television show, except for doctoro Who, I took any interest in was Heroes... And only the first season of that.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
I hear ya'. Issy and I don't watch TV either, except for bittorent BSG and the occasional Daily Show clip online. Where are you from?

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
Eep! No, sorry. I don't think I've seen a full episode since Colbert left, but not for that reason.. I just don't watch tv a lot, and the daily show clips here are largely region blocked..

But us bees have to stick together!


In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
Do you not know who Samantha Bee is? She's on the Daily Show.

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
You have a similar sense of humor.

Oh no, that poor girl

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I hear ya'. Issy and I don't watch TV either, except for bittorent BSG and the occasional Daily Show clip online. Where are you from?

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
Eep! No, sorry. I don't think I've seen a full episode since Colbert left, but not for that reason.. I just don't watch tv a lot, and the daily show clips here are largely region blocked..

But us bees have to stick together!


In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
Do you not know who Samantha Bee is? She's on the Daily Show.

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
You have a similar sense of humor.

Oh no, that poor girl

The Difference Between Barack Obama and Ron Paul

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