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Battlestar Galactica (BG/BSG) at United Nations (UN).

I demand more votes for my clever BSG quote comment (Scifi Talk Post)

Bear McCreary Concert - BSG "All Along the Watchtower" Live

NetRunner says...

I'm a little worried about the story coming to end after only one more episode; they seem to have way too much to wrap up and answer.

It may be that there's a single, simple way to reconcile everything. It does seem that all the questions are ones about origins and destinations on one level or another.

E.g. Where did the old cylons come from? Why were the colonies founded? Why did Earth get destroyed? Why haven't cylons been able to reproduce until Hera? What, if anything, makes Hera special? For that matter, why are they worshiping Greek gods, and naming their cultures after signs of the zodiac? Will anyone survive the confrontation of these two species, or will they merge into one? If so, were they ever really different in any meaningful way? Oh, and is Kara Thrace a cylon? Has she always been one? If so, who made her? Is resurrection merely a technological curiosity, or is that meant to factor into some sort of deeper significance about what really separates human and cylon?

That's a lot to cover in two hours, especially since we have this rescue mission thingy to carry out too, and final character moments, which are usually the main focus of the BSG series.

Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace plays the Final Five theme (1:21)

EDD says...

Now dft, you're being unfair towards BSG, up to the point of being hypocritical. If one values the show for its merits in terms of allegory, the ethical and moral conflicts and noir like you say you do (extrapolating from your examples), one could be expecting a fitting finale in terms of closure and retained style, not in terms of traditional (and utterly unoriginal) "awesome-go-out-with-a-bang" type of storytelling (which will, of course be served, come on, this is television, the industry of entertainment we're talking about).

I haven't seen the 19th episode yet, but the very idea of Galactica 'dying' - doesn't it have enough finality and noir to it for you? And what are the loose ends that are left? I for one feel like they're addressing these too excessively. They're obviously tying the Hera/Shape of things to come/Opera motif up, as well as the Roslin/Dying leader prophecy by entwining her fate with that of the old girl. No, leaving storylines up in the air isn't something they'll do.

And I'm quite sure they won't do a Sopranos ending, that's just cheating when one can't write themselves out of a corner, which the Galactica writers have already shown they're capable of doing just fine.

As for Daniel - I agree with timtoner that him being Kara's father makes more sense in the universe's mythology, but I'm also assuming they wouldn't introduce such a major character on-screen this late in the series when they're perfectly capable of finding other, if less-rational explanations for Kara's destiny. Again, I might be wrong, not having seen the 19th episode yet.

Instructional Video - BSG All Along The Watchtower on Piano

Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace plays the Final Five theme (1:21)

moodonia says...

Yes I think DFT also summed up my feelings far better than I could have

I've been pretty disappointed by the crawling pace of BSG lately, great show, I'm not kocking it but it really is going out on a whimper.

Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace plays the Final Five theme (1:21)

[defunct] Wonderbread says...

According to his blog, Ron Moore seemed to really enjoy the plodding and meandering nature of the final season of Sopranos. He even said that he was glad that David Chase thumbed his nose at the "tyranny of the narrative drive", so I don't have high hopes for the end of BSG.

The most recent seasons have been pretty disappointing, especially if you go back and watch the first first two, it's like watching two different shows.

Instructional Video - BSG All Along The Watchtower on Piano

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'battlestar galactica, starbuck, piano, final five, bear mccreary' to 'battlestar galactica, bsg, starbuck, piano, final five, bear mccreary' - edited by calvados

Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace plays the Final Five theme (1:21)

dystopianfuturetoday says...


Forgive my bitterness, but I feel like BSG's jilted lover. The first season? The New Caprica occupation? All that sneaking around on Old Caprica? Admiral Kaine and the Pegasus? So many great times that we shared together, but now the mythology has become such a convoluted load of shaggy-dogged bullcrap. They've suspended disbelief so far past the breaking point that it's almost parody at this point. So many loose ends forgotten about. So many failed plot contrivances brushed under the carpet.

What did I do to deserve this BSG? I was always faithful to you. I even got chastised from my ISP from bittorrenting you! I want out of this loveless relationship, BSG! You promised me explosions, zero-G space battles and Machiavellian power struggles, but now all you can muster is warmed over soap opera drivel.

In fairness, I was multitasking while watching this last episode, and issy hasn't seen it yet, so I'll probably end up watching it again without divided attention.

Let's hope they knock the last few out of the park.

Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace plays the Final Five theme (1:21)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Obligatory BSG upvote, and nice work by composer Bear McCreary, but why would the writers waste our time with this dull, plodding episode? This is the 4th to last show fer chrisakes! Why are we wasting so much time with Kara and some random piano player. This once great show is going out with a whimper.

(Oh, and I predict Kara will end up being the Cylon's 'one true God', for the record.)

Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace plays the Final Five theme (1:21)

BSG: Surrender? Not now, not ever.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Worst product placement ever (& major BSG spoiler)

Worst product placement ever (& major BSG spoiler)

Quboid says...

>> ^Pprt:
Medic? What good'll a medic do?

For that 1:100 chance that she isn't dead, you want a medic there FAST. It is possible (at least with current weapons) to shoot yourself in the head and not die. Very, very unlikely in this case but it could be possible. Besides, the person calling might not know the extent of the incident.

It's better to call a medic needlessly than not call a medic who could have helped, unless the medics are busy.

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