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So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

dag says...

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I'm deliberately not reading this post, as I'm still working through season 3, but I'd just like to say that BSG is cheesy schmaltz most of the time. If I have to see Adama and Apollo hug once more to swelling music, I think I'm going to barf.

The Terminator series is much better, at least I'm only dealing with teen angst.

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

ElJardinero says...

BsG had a slim chance of a satisfactory closure, Lost has even less or none.

But they both had fantastic runs. Better than probably most series.

I think I've never bonded to tv characters as I did in the first couple of BsG series. I felt like I was a cat lady watching a soap.

7 New Clips from "Caprica" Pilot (Possible Spoilers)

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

That made me LOL. HATERS heheh...I love raw venting

>> ^alien_concept:
"And gwiz, what the frak is that, equating Lost and BSG?... You are dead to me"
How is hoping an ending of one show isn't as crap as this one equating it??
Fuck off EDD Lost will surely surpass this bullshit! Fuck off alllll you haters! I hate you!

Lost better have a great finale

7 New Clips from "Caprica" Pilot (Possible Spoilers)

BoneyD says...

Wow, this looks like a series that really needs to be made

Maybe this prequel series can have extra flashbacks that tell us about an even earlier time!

Seriously though, is this going to have any relation to the BSG canon? Or is it just going to be riding on its coat tails.

I'm sorry... I just get tired of all the Kool-aid drinking that goes on by these creators. Can we have a popular show that doesn't misuse the 'previous history' storytelling tool?

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

As empty and hollow as the Matrix ending felt, it too was also far superior to BSG's ending. Ron Moore should bow his head in shame.

>> ^EDD:
Oh, and I'll just say this - the very central motif of BSG was - from the very beginning till the very end - the morality of co-existence with AI. In brief, I was satisfied with their conclusion - for one, it was way better, if somewhat alike, than that of the Matrix movies.

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Lost is superior in every way. BSG was good up until, well, basically everything with Hera was for naught. "Angels" or whatever they were. Kara Thrace ended up just being crap. I like things that make sense and as weird and fucked up Lost is, it makes much, much more sense than BSG. Rest in Piece, BSG, you died a horrible death. Hopefully no one is going to resurrect your stinking corpse in a spin-off.


>> ^EDD:
I'm sorry I only have the time to downvote a couple of pretentious tossers' comments, and sorry that I don't have the time to delve into the revelations at the moment, but rest assured I will take the time in the next 24 hours or so to express how I felt/feel about the finale.
And gwiz, what the frak is that, equating Lost and BSG?... You are dead to me.

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

"And gwiz, what the frak is that, equating Lost and BSG?... You are dead to me"

How is hoping an ending of one show isn't as crap as this one equating it??

Fuck off EDD Lost will surely surpass this bullshit! Fuck off alllll you haters! I hate you!

Lost better have a great finale

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

EDD says...

Oh, and I'll just say this - the very central motif of BSG was - from the very beginning till the very end - the morality of co-existence with AI. In brief, I was satisfied with their conclusion - for one, it was way better, if somewhat alike, than that of the Matrix movies.

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

EDD says...

I'm sorry I only have the time to downvote a couple of pretentious tossers' comments, and sorry that I don't have the time to delve into the revelations at the moment, but rest assured I will take the time in the next 24 hours or so to express how I felt/feel about the finale.

And gwiz, what the frak is that, equating Lost and BSG?... You are dead to me.

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

^ I'm on the same wavelength as you. I could spend a couple pages flaying it to pieces, but I've enjoyed the show so much, I'll forgive the total deus ex machina ending that didn't answer hardly any questions.

Two nits I do want to pick. First is the issue of Greek mythology and Zodiac. Did the greeks find the Scrolls of Pithia, some 147,000 years after the Colonials landed? If not, why did they end up with their own version of the exact same frakkin pantheon as the Colonials, long, long, long, long after they must have died out?

Second, is agriculture. As much as the colonials seemed to want to give up technology, they all seemed to be talking about building subsistence farms and shacks. 150,000 years ago, that was a technological revolution larger than the printing press in terms of how it shaped human society. No, it's not the same as laying down a futuristic city in Tanzania 150,000 years ago, but our contemporary society would be some 140,000 years more advanced than it is today.

However, I think they're doing a similar thing to what Babylon 5 did when it ended -- wrapping up character plot, and giving us new major revelations that raise more questions than they answered. They both think they have a new series to slowly work out the rest of their plots (Crusade for B5, Caprica for BSG).

Based on the trailer for Caprica, it looks like the theme of God & Resurrection will be front and center, and since the elevator pitch for that series is that it's also about the genesis of the 50-years-ago branch of cylons, it has an opportunity to answer questions about the final 5, and why they kept saying "this has all happened before..."

All in all it was a good ending on the character front, though I was deeply saddened by their choice to have Roselyn die, and Starbuck vanish. I think they deserved happier endings.

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

It's kind of sad to see that there was no overarching plot outline, or any genuine meaning behind all the mystical mumbo jumbo. I could probably fill a page or two with criticism, but what's the point? I got a lot of enjoyment out of this show and its characters over the past few years, and it's one of the few TV programs I've seen in its entirety. Yes, this last episode was preposterous and an absolute cop out, but after seeing this show devolve into a meandering mess over the past season and a half, I really didn't expect anything better. Let's just try to remember the good times.


Battlestar Galactica (BG/BSG) at United Nations (UN).

Xax says...

I like Eddy, and am a big BSG fan, but I've always hated, "So say we all!" I cringe every time I hear it.

And was anyone else supremely disappointed with the BSG finale last night? This isn't the forum, perhaps.

ant (Member Profile)

Battlestar Galactica (BG/BSG) at United Nations (UN).

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