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You are a woman in handcuffs? Let me punch and kick you!

newtboy says...

But that's just a single instance of officer abuse. You can't start blaming all officers for the single bad act of only one officer.....

Oh wait. That's right, it's just a single instance, that's caught on camera about 10 times a day then lied about, and often they show only one officer acting badly, but never any of the other multitude of officers stopping them, or even reporting them. I guess I can start to consider them all the same.

Bus Sucked Into Sinkhole

eric3579 says...

Sinkhole? More likely a road eroded by a river which was flowing under it and things went bad, because to much water or something like that. Awesome all the same.

Our Women Should Not Be Allowed to Drive Lest They Get Raped

gorillaman says...

So, we agree that since to be a muslim requires the absence of consistent, rational thought, then muslims are necessarily intellectually inferior to humans. Obviously that implies moral inferiority also, which is what I posted originally. It's nice to build consensus.

Humanity is defined by intellect. It's the distinguishing characteristic of our species, and when it's lacking, as it so often is, then the result is something literally sub-human.

It can be an amusing distraction to map out the ramifications of preposterous belief systems, and alright I'm guilty of that, I admit it. Actually, stupidity is stupidity. Tyrant, astrologer, anti-vaxxer or just some sad little idiot pointing its carpet at mecca and dutifully reciting its prayers, they're all the same to me; I hate them all and I want them all dead. Stupidity is no small crime; it's no less than the ultimate source of all the evil in the world.

The moral gap between stupidity and the consequences of stupidity is non-existent. What real difference is there between the merely hypocritical and the genocidal, beside the opportunities they had to inflict their defective thinking on the world?

ChaosEngine said:

What a load of horseshit.

I have no intention of arguing that Mohammed was anything other than a terrible human being.

But to say that all Muslims are guilty of mass rape or genocide is so patently absurd it's barely worth rebutting.

Are they guilty of cognitive dissonance? Hell yeah.

I've argued in the past that almost all members of religions are hypocrites; either you believe your religion is divine and therefore, infallible, or you're just making up your own morality and therefore tacitly acknowledging your religion is a flawed man-made thing.

But since the alternative is insane fanatical fundamentalism, I can forgive a little hypocrisy.

The moral gap between hypocrisy and mass rape or genocide is pretty fucking substantial. If you can't or won't understand that, then you're looking at the world in terms of absolutes and little better than a fanatic yourself.

Oh, and ordinarily, I would take this as given, but just in case you really are that simple, I think mass rape and genocide are Bad Things.

Do not rape people. Do not murder people. Especially do not do this to lots of people.


Hockey Fights now available pre-game! Full-teams included!

AeroMechanical says...

Because one is done with the sole intent to cause injury. That's pretty significant. Also, a *real* solid, bare knuckle punch to the face by a large athelete that knows how to throw a punch is an exceptionally dangerous, easily lethal thing. That's why they pull their punches (not to say they aren't hitting each other pretty hard all the same), and what is really the worst aspect of the whole thing. The players are clearly encouraged, if not out right obligated to fight.

As I understand it, long term, ice hockey is actually one of the safer of the full contact sports. While it's hardly safe in the general sense, it's not like the NFL or professional boxing where players can almost as a rule expect chronic traumatic encephalopathy and severe osteoarthritis as a result of their careers.

Deadrisenmortal said:

Hrmmm, hockey can be a brutal full contact sport with explosive mid-ice collisions and teeth rattling board checking. Any of those hits could be career ending, life altering, and even deadly. What is the concern about a few punches to the face?

nock (Member Profile)

Why Country Music Was Awful in 2013


newtboy says...

No sir.
It is pre-rendered video (or really series of pre-rendered videos) some of them slightly 'tweaked' in semi-real time, most of them not, but not ever by tracking the dancers in real time, which was the whole point of my original post and the follow ups.
Synching the pre-rendered videos with the pre-recorded music is not 'real time rendering' any effects.
An image you 'tweak' on an ipad with your finger(s) to (poorly) SIMULATE real time effects BASED ON MOTION TRACKING is not at all the same thing as real time rendered projections ON DANCERS BASED ON MOTION TRACKING THE DANCERS AND MORPHING THE IMAGE TO THEIR POSITIONS. (apologies for the 'shouting', but you keep missing the point) I'm sorry that's hard for you to understand or admit.

EDIT: For it to be "real time renderings" it would HAVE to track the dancers...which you admit it does I don't get how/why you want to argue a point you already conceded.

billpayer said:

@ChaosEngine the realitime comment was for @newtboy

@newtboy I never said they were tracking dancers. Only that it is a r-e-a-l-t-i-m-e animation not a pre-rendered video, which is 100% confirmed by the f-a-c-t that they are tweaking cameras, friction, gravity and viscosity in r-e-a-l-t-i-m-e

chicchorea (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Thanks, hello, and happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well

We are well and happy, but perhaps we ought to take out more time occasionally to give thanks, it's not really a thing here.

I think we'll skip the stuffing ourselves silly part though, all the same.

chicchorea said:

HAPPY THANKSGIVING ! ! ! ! ! (I know, but I thought it a good excuse to say HELLO)

Hope you and yours are well and happy.

Colbert interviews Anita Sarkeesian

SDGundamX says...


Thunderf00t is probably the least level-headed response you will find. His video is terrible for a lot of reasons, mostly because he does all the same things Anita Sarkessian is accused of doing (for example, cherry-picking) to an exponential degree, but I recommend you watch it anyway and draw your own conclusions.

As much as some Gamergate supporters would like the movement to be about ethics in gaming journalism, it has its roots in a witch-hunt started by claims from a jilted ex-boyfriend that his girlfriend (Zoe Quinn) slept with reporters to get good reviews--claims that were later shown to be completely untrue but not before the Gamergate movement had found a cause to rally around. From the very start, the movement had trouble separating actual journalistic ethical problems (i.e. gifts from game publishers to game reviewers... see pretty much any tweet or video by TotalBiscuit about Gamergate for a reasoned overview of the problems) from anti-feminist screeds against Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, and later Brianna Wu. And it only got worse over time.

To understand why people might be opposed to Sarkeesian's critiques, you should probably read: this article. Just to summarize the article's main thesis: there is a group of gamers out there who refuse to see a problem with the status quo and make the claim that anyone trying to point out a problem is demanding special privileges. This is not to say that Sarkeesian's critiques aren't without flaws. It is rather to explain how so many people got enraged by her analysis that they felt the need to personally attack her.

So, to put it in a nutshell, there ARE some problems with gaming journalism but they are akin to the same kinds of problems entertainment journalism has in general (Colbert's point). But there are also some serious problems with gaming culture that were brought under the magnifying glass by the whole Gamergate phenomenon.

Frankly, as a "hardcore gamer" (30+ years of gaming experience including games across dozens of consoles and the PC), watching the "debate" on the topic has been embarrassing to say the least. Gaming was finally overcoming the stigma and stereotypes that it had been shackled with before this thing blew up and made us look like the bunch of socially inept man-babies the rest of society assumed we were.

I think not only is it going to take years for our social image to recover, it is going to take years to overcome the toxicity that has pervaded the debate. People on both sides are seriously butt-hurt about how everything went down and the back and forth has been more on the emotional side than the intellectual, leading to lots of flame wars and very little critical reflection.

charliem said:

Check out some of thunderf00ts videos on sarkeesian (youtube thunderf00t sarkesian).

Level headed response and breaks down this social crusader for what she really is.

Someone thats making noises to get money for her videos / books whatever. She sounds reasonable, until you hear the other side....and then you cant fathom how you could have ever believed her bullshit to begin with.

What are the approved video hosts? (Sift Talk Post)

Automata trailer

ravioli says...

Robot movies seem to always be about them becoming aware, self-concious, or alive... I know Asimov had a great influence on this trend but still, is the lemon not pressed enough? Star Trek (Data),Bladerunner, Robocop, Wall-E, Alien(s), A.I., Stepford Wives, D.A.R.Y.L., and personal favorite : Short circuit. And now this one. All the same re-invention of the Pinocchio archetype, if one may say.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Native Advertising

Stormsinger says...

The answer to most of your questions is what I already stated. The internet is full of experiments in monetization. Notice the plural. None of them have proven successful over a broad range of content, or location. Since damned near every country has it's own legal restrictions, I think it's pretty obvious why there's no single system to work for them all. The same goes for various types of content. What works for games isn't really going to work for music, or text.

And I don't think I ever suggested trying to stop piracy, or deal with those who'd rather steal than support the artists. I gave up on those a long time ago...but I have no problem with calling those who steal thieves, especially when there -are- other alternatives. Don't like the name, don't do the deed.

I doubt you're ever going to see one new strategy to rule them all (welcome to the balkanized world). If we do get one new'll be because the plutarchs won, and we'll be more worried about buying our water than getting our games or movies.

ChaosEngine said:

@Stormsinger, then why can't I buy the music or tv shows I want from Amazon?

How come hulu or netflix aren't available in my country? I've said it before, I am happy to spend money on the content I want, just make it available to me for a reasonable price (i.e. not nearly double what people in the US are paying for it

At what point is it my fault that there is literally no legal way for me to purchase the content I want due to an arbitrary geographical restriction?

So if the entire internet is an experiment in alternative monetization, it's a dismal fucking failure.

You want some examples that work?

Steam Sales
Louis CK selling his entire show for $5
Kickstarter (hell Star Citizen alone)

Some people will always choose free. Fine, maybe they just can't afford it, and telling them to just not watch it is never going to work. Forget those people. Focus on the ones who believe that good content deserves rewarding. Make it easy for them to access your content (reasonable price, no drm or arbitrary restrictions) and they will pay.

Trying to stop piracy is pointless. It's out there and as I said, someone people genuinely have a moral issue with paying for content (the OSS zealots for example). Just assume it's going to be pirated (it already is!) and make it easy for those of us who want to pay for it to get it.

Denzel is... THE EQUALIZER

HugeJerk says...

He's got some charisma, but he's not a good actor. Lawyer Denzel, Angry Cop Denzel, Pilot Denzel, Blind Post-Apocalyptic Bible-Carrying Denzel, they're all the same mannerisms and emotions.

Sarzy said:

MADNESS. Admittedly he tends to just coast by on his charm these days (which is abundant), but if you can watch something like Philadelphia or Training Day and say he's terrible in them, there is something wrong with the way you perceive the world.

Speaking your mind under anesthesia

The Burger King Proud Whopper

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