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Rhett & Link - My OCD (Song)

Sagemind says...

...Even my closet is colour coded... I may have a problem....
oh, ya, and I got rid of all the odd hangers so all my hangers are exactly the same.
My shirts, all the same, just different colours.., cause it's so much easier to grab the next one on the rack, than choose which one to wear.

Russell Brand to Jon Snow; "Listen you, Let me Talk"

JAPR says...

Everyone here saying "you can't call for revolution without the answer already in hand" is missing the point. If you come to people with an answer in hand, most of the time they will use their current political BELIEFS to decry your plan as impossible and shut down from the conversation all the same.

This whole "it's not broken, so don't fix it" nonsense doesn't work when it comes to our societal structures. We have poverty in all the modernized, rich nations still. How the fuck is that a thing? It needs to change, we need to change that. Recognizing that need for change comes first. After we've come together and said "hell yeah, we need to make this a real priority!," THEN we can start discussing potential answers.

When you still have a huge portion of society either drowned in garbage rhetoric they've been force-fed since youth ("America is the best! Drugs are evil!") or blindly ignorant of the problems because they've grown up fortunate enough to live away from poverty and violence, you have to bring attention to the fact that what we're doing isn't working first before you can agree that you need a revolution, before you can decide what that revolution would entail.

It sounds like what you're saying is "yes, we need to fix this shit," so instead of complaining about calling for revolution, how about you start figuring out how to impact attitudes and opinions of people around you about things that need to be fixed/change? This is the long and difficult part of the process, but it has to happen before anybody can really expect political action to occur, especially with how our societies roll these days.

OK GO - The writing's on the wall

poolcleaner says...

Haven't all of their videos had the DIY feel to them? Kinda dirty but amazing all the same?

EMPIRE said:

cool video, great concept. Terrible camera. It looks nice every time they set the camera down, but it looks terrible when in motion, and considering the amount of times it's actually moving, it brings the quality down quite a few notches.

A New Twist on Fast Food ADS vs. REALITY

yellowc says...

It's clear you have never tried this form of employment?

I was a checkout person once, at the start I wanted to top the fastest average scan list they released every week, I took pride in knowing all the veggie/fruit codes for quick weighing, I pre-scanned the belt to see how I was going to pack the bags and what room I would have to put things aside etc

That lasted a little while, until my soul was drained from my body, my back started to ache quicker and quicker, my feet got blisters and one inconsiderate asshole customer after another made my day a little shittier with their stupid inane behaviour. Do you know how your fucking eggs got delivered to the store? They're going to be fine.

Well then I realised why the women working full-time was slow, didn't give a flying fuck about where she packed things and couldn't be damned learning the code for bananas. It simply didn't matter in the slightest, you're all coming back for your shitty groceries week after week, I'm getting paid all the same and my shitty day isn't going to go faster being happy than it is being miserable.

That effect only lasts 1-2 hours, no matter your attitude, packing shit for 8hrs is going to get stale. Packing shit for 8hrs a few times a week or every day, well you're constantly thinking "Would I get fired if I punched this guy? Maybe, I think I can make a solid case."

I could craft you a nice burger all the time or I can just slap together some shit your gonna shove down your greasy gob anyway. How much do I get paid again? Oh yeah, fuck all.

Sagemind said:

Goes to show, they CAN make it look better, do it properly.
Most of the time, they are just too lazy to do the job right the first time!!!!!

The REAL Reason You're Circumcised

SveNitoR says...

I agree we should not let "it isn't natural" be a counter argument, that is after all the same argument anti-vaxxers use.

"No harm" is where I doubt the report you link (though I guess you do not actually mean NO harm). I see a lot of cited reviews in the Mayo report on the negatives of not being circumcised and very few on the negatives of being circumcised which leads me to suspect bias, or that less research has been done there. There are also pretty big flaws in some of the reviews I had access to (for example one of the randomised studies on sexual dysfunction that is cited by a review are entirely based on self-report [and some results were puzzling and not explained] and only over a few years - this still proves nothing when it is done to infants though I doubt it has large effects on sexuality if any). Unfortunately I can't access most articles due to being at home.

Of course my scepticism could very well be a cultural prejudice to it being "wrong" and me searching for minor flaws in their argument.

SDGundamX said:

Whether he had one or not is irrelevant. The studies that were done on those who actually did have them later in life showed that it usually had either no effect on sex or actually improved it unless complications developed from the procedure (see the American Academy of Pediatrics 2012 Technical Report on Circumcision).

The benefits of newborn circumcisions are well-documented at this point (see for example the Mayo clinic's most recent report on the topic.) We know it also can reduce the risk of HIV infection in at risk populations.

Basically, if it does no harm and can actually have benefits, it's a valid medical procedure regardless of whether parents are choosing to do it for religious reasons or not.

Of course, should future research actually prove the risks outweigh the benefits then it should be stopped. We need to base these decisions on the medical evidence and not on our cultural prejudices.

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

newtboy says...

Bobknight33...not to be rude, but did you go to school? Did they teach science there? You seem to not understand the terms you are using in the least....
Evolution is a biology term, describing the changes in biology over time due to environmental pressures.
Multiple dimensions is theoretical physics, attempting to describe how reality works....not biology, no evolution here.
Quantum physics is a different, somewhat theoretical, physics, attempting to describe how reality works at the mico level (which oddly is completely different from how it works on the macro level)....again, not biology, no evolution.
There are no clear, accepted theories about what happened before the big bang...yet. Normal physics breaks down at the beginning/bang, so anything said about what happened before is a guess, an educated guess at best. This is also a physics issue, not biology, so evolution doesn't enter into it.
Do you truly not understand this? If so, I blame your education, and suggest you go to night school and learn some science, especially if you intend to comment publicly about it and don't want to look a fool.

EDIT: Your questions are analogous to a person asking why the Old Testament doesn't explain the works of Muhammad, or really closer to asking why Shinto doesn't explain the life of Jebus. They aren't related except loosely in the 'religion' category, just like your post mixed up ideas from the 'science' category to imply it's all the same and related directly and one should describe and explain the other...that's just not right.

bobknight33 said:

I don't care to get into a pissing contest with you but there are things that just don't fit the evolutionary thought.

If evolution is the order of the day why would we need to have multiple dimensions. Physicists theorize that there are about 10 or 12.

Where does Quantum physic fit into evolution?

We all believe in the big bang theory but where did all the matter come from? What evolutionary reasoning explains this?

There are stuff out there that just make you stop and think otherwise.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

newtboy says...

In reply to Chingalera:
And more ranting, insistence that you control others, insistence that YOUR issues are others issues, not yours, and completely ignoring of the fact that it is Ching that is the unwanted, vulgar, insulting, and always angry poster here, that instigates fights with anyone not in lock step with his insanity, and constantly and vulgarly insults all those that won't capitulate to his outrageousness. Too bad buddy, it's still not working for you, and it pushing others towards actual ACTION rather than simple cajoling. Is it not true you've been banned 5 times already Choggie?
Is there anyone NOT on the ching shit list? Sounds like a badge of honor from where I sit.
It's astonishing that your lack of self examination allows you to spout such insanity as " It is YOUR actions against me and the entire site's users," which was not an English sentence, and the sentiment you were attempting to state is 100% backwards. It's YOU who is outrageous, vulgar, insulting at every turn, and completely lacking respect or honor. I have never had trouble with another user on this have trouble with at least 3 right now that you've listed by name, and far more that I know of right now, and at least 10 more in the past if you've really been banned 5 times (as I think you have). D'oh!
Really, were you really trying to lure a 13 year old girl alone from over seas to your home for 'vocal training'?!? Just plain OMG! That's what your post seemed to have said you wanted, I went way back to read it. D'oh!

For the sift, and perhaps @dag, is it time for at least hobbling here?
I have tried to ignore this user, to no avail. We agreed together to no longer 'private message' each other on our profile page long ago, an agreement Ching was wholly unable to fulfill, as he constantly posts outrageous, insulting, vulgarity filled private messages to my profile (and in public in response to most of my comments, which he seems pathologically incapable of not insulting or degrading with outrageous vulgarity and vitriol). Sometimes he realizes he has gone way too far and tries to edit away the vulgar insults before they're immortalized, which is at least in part what hobbling is about right? Ching is unable to not personally insult, personally attack, or to be reasonable or respectful for more than one short post at a time (followed by at least a day of ranting insults, attacks, and vulgarity).
I often do comment about Ching's behavior/posts, but not his person. I don't know him, I only know his actions here.
I've also been a sifter since near the onset of the site, and I've never been banned! I just didn't sign up for a membership for years while I 'lurked'. I don't see how that makes a difference, this is about behavior. Ching's behavior is far beyond site guidelines....until now I've let that slide with only my words to him in response. Because he is now ramping it up again, any further "private" message, or trolling my comments will have me begin a push for actual action against Ching. He's just getting out of control and his vitriol is building. He alone is making the sift a far less pleasant place for many.
Consider this, I or others may be on the autism spectrum, is ridiculing the mentally challenged with vulgarity and personal insult proper or respectful?
I'm still really wondering how on earth Ching was allowed back on the site after being banned 5(?) times!?! Second chance...OK, 5th chance and still doing his best to be annoying and vulgar to all, WTF?!?
I made a promise to no longer private message Ching...I am a man of my word, and I intend to never allow his rantings on my profile to remain, ching, are well aware of this, it was at your request, and you've been reminded repeatedly, so your whining about it is called out as the completely fabricated BS that it is. If he doesn't want to hear from me about his insanity laden cursing fit's of posts, publicly, he could just as easily stop making them directly to or about me and he would be ignored by me, but that is not happening.

chingalera said:


"IF THERE'S ONE THING I'VE LEARNED ABOUT MYSELF FROM MY TIME HERE AT THE VIDEOSIFT since the place was about 4 months old, for anyone who hasn't that fact plugged the fuck into their meat yet (THE HARD WAY), it is this:"


Take that fellas, to yer private little shat-parties, and play with yourselves all-day-long, and if you can stand to admit your own failings, we may very well get along some day.

Until then you are all on the standard choggie shit-list. That fucking clear enough for the sycophantically bewildered whose best-interest if it be in mind would be to get a clue??

I'd also reiterate for the slow and cumbersome, that I do not ignore rather, I engage. It is YOUR actions against me and the entire site's users, that I remind the accused of these facts.

This is the LAST public statement on the matter I will post here, and again, I'd ask these users to respect my wishes that any future comments y'all feel so compelled to make in response to my interaction with you be marked "PRIVATE" on my personal profile, as I extend to ALL the same courtesy as a matter of course. These users have gone the opposite direction to their own detriment and embarrassment, and it is for this that I am the most empathetic towards them, and where my sympathy and heartfelt desire for their healing resides.

chingalera (Member Profile)

chingalera says...


"IF THERE'S ONE THING I'VE LEARNED ABOUT MYSELF FROM MY TIME HERE AT THE VIDEOSIFT since the place was about 4 months old, for anyone who hasn't that fact plugged the fuck into their meat yet (THE HARD WAY), it is this:"


Take that fellas, to yer private little shat-parties, and play with yourselves all-day-long, and if you can stand to admit your own failings, we may very well get along some day.

Until then you are all on the standard choggie shit-list. That fucking clear enough for the sycophantically bewildered, whose best-interest if it be in mind would be to get a clue??

I'd also reiterate for the slow and cumbersome, that I do not ignore rather, I engage. It is YOUR actions against me and the entire site's users, that I remind the accused of these facts.

This is the LAST public statement on the matter I will post here, and again, I'd ask these users to respect my wishes that any future comments y'all feel so compelled to make in response to my interaction with you be marked "PRIVATE" on my personal profile, as I extend to ALL the same courtesy as a matter of course. These users have gone the opposite direction to their own detriment and embarrassment, and it is for this that I am the most empathetic towards them, and where my sympathy and heartfelt desire for their healing resides.

The neverending Model Train Loop

chingalera says...

Ok, this is totally psychedelic.....and a would make a great inclusion in a case-study of obsessive-compulsive disorder. This crazy motherfucker spent a shitload of coin on all the same grain cars (same colored grain cars no less) to do this. My oh my, but the world's an astounding and frightening place indeed!!

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

chingalera says...

Say what you will about Obama, I have no idea who and what he is or represents and I'd vote for him just for a chance to ride his cock. I love how he's a better actor than he is any sort of leader, just follow his lead and the world will ooze jelly donuts-filling and Pop Tart pastries in your favorite flavor will fall right off the trees and into your toaster!

So let's keep the spirit of complete douch-nozzle, spit-popping cuntitude going shall we?? (all five of my buddy-crew here who can do nothing else including think, without being told how and what to think about) y'all chime-in.

Which sift asshole piece of shit will be the first to think for themselves without having the television dictate how much of a complete cunt to be, and try to squash and render this asshole's newsspeak into the fertilizer it was meant to be, exposing for what it truly is, pusillanimous, robotic-script drivel, who can pssibly and effectively change the subject?

Lantern? Bobknight? Surely QM has something to say that I can call him out simply to shit upon him? ME, ME, ME, motherfuckers, nothing else matters but FUCKING ME!

Or will one of the few people who knows me better than I know myself, dismiss it reiterating how the parties are all the same in it's usual style of calling shit for what it is, identifying correctly, the crux of the biscuit???

(In case you haven't heard voodoovovovoovo, choggie ain't around here anymore. He was fired.)

*edit: OOPS! Forgot to hit the sar-chasm button. <(lying)

VoodooV said:

say what you will about Obama, I love how he doesn't shy away from hecklers or he even lets them have their say.

so lets see if we can keep in the spirit of calling out hecklers. which sift troll will be the first to parrot some fox news talking point to try and change the subject? Lantern? Bobknight? Surely QM has something to say about his ears. Or will choggie dismiss it all with how the parties are all the same in his usual style of sound and fury, signifying nothing?

all in today's episode of...NAME THAT HECKLER!

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

VoodooV says...

say what you will about Obama, I love how he doesn't shy away from hecklers or he even lets them have their say.

so lets see if we can keep in the spirit of calling out hecklers. which sift troll will be the first to parrot some fox news talking point to try and change the subject? Lantern? Bobknight? Surely QM has something to say about his ears. Or will choggie dismiss it all with how the parties are all the same in his usual style of sound and fury, signifying nothing?

all in today's episode of...NAME THAT HECKLER!

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

yellowc says...

It really is scary that they can tamper or restrict access to this sort of evidence.

These tapes should be locked with no access by the the police themselves but in control by another independent body, police can have 100% access to *copies* of these videos but can never be in a position to destroy any of it or restrict it from use as evidence.

Of course the pessimist in mean says this other group will just be corrupted all the same. So perhaps we just carry on with our lives at the whim of power hungry morons and skip the extra taxes to line more pockets.

TYT - A Great Way To Save USPS, But Will It Happen?

spawnflagger says...

I think Warren's idea is a good one. There are post offices in other countries that have a banking service (not sure about 'payday' loans). It promotes a savings culture from early age.

Many poor people don't have bank accounts because the banks won't give them one. Even if they did, traditional banks don't have 'payday' loans either. (The places Cenk is talking about are a separate entity- not subject to all the same bank regulations, and that's why they can charge outrageous interest, because they are all high-risk loans).

South African Goes For Tacos In Los Angeles

Obamacre Navigators Exposed Coaching Applicants to Lie

RFlagg says...

@lantern53, basically what @enoch said.

EDIT: Warning.... very long post ahead... I'm sure there will be many TLDRs.

Let me be clear. I have no objection to businesses making a profit, or the people who run and operate those businesses to make more income than their workers... where I have a problem is when a bushiness fires 350 people, then tells the rest of the employees the company can't afford to give them raises then the owner goes out and buys a jet on the companies dime, the next year he fired 250+ people, and last year 450+ people, and no raises to anyone but the executives all those years, because the company couldn't afford it. How many jobs did that jet cost? Apparently 1,000 jobs so far, and many more who've made minimum wage for 4 years now so that one man can have a jet? Unrepentant greed is my issue. Where I have a problem is where the 6 Walmart heirs have a net worth over the bottom 30 some percent of the American population, meanwhile they pay their workers minimum wage and give few benefits... All of that would be somewhat acceptable, but for the fact that those on the right get mad at those 1,000 people that guy fired to have his jet for having lost their jobs, they are mad at the employees still there and working jobs like Walmart, Target, McDonalds and the like for not being paid a living wage. People on the right are mad at the people stuck at the bottom rather than saying those at the top should be held mildly accountable. It's like that cartoon where a rich guy, a middle class guy and a low wage worker are all at a table with 100 cookies, the rich guy takes 99 of them, the middle class guy gets 1, and the rich guy points to the poor guy with crumbs and warns the middle class guy that the poor guy wants his cookie... and rather than be mad at the rich guy for taking everything from everyone, the middle class guy (read those on the right, or at least those who vote that way, as those in control know what's going on) gets upset at the poor guy who was left with crumbs. The right are angry at the victim rather than the person doing the crime.

And like Enoch pointed out, it isn't Democrat vs Republican. They are very much the same, especially nowadays. The ideological differences are greatly exaggerated by the media... [And no, there isn't a "liberal media", at least not mainstream. Over 90% of the news is controlled by like 6 companies, none of whom have an interest in making American's aware of just how big the wealth distribution divide is, how fast it's growing, how the income gap is growing at an alarming rate... The fact that if minimum wage kept up with inflation since 1968, it would be over $10.50 by now, and if it kept pace with worker productivity it would be over $21.72 and a bit higher (I can't find the exact figure at the moment, but it was around $24) if it kept pace with executive/CEO pay... but I'm getting way off topic.] The truth is, they are far more alike then the media makes it out to be, especially right wing media. The reason it seems so vast is because that drives ratings, making people angry and distracted. Making mountains out of molehills, keeping people up with the Kardashians, Honey Boo Boo, Miley Cyrus, and other people that don't matter rather than focusing on the stuff that matters... rather than just report the news, they now feed you how to think about it (especially used by those on the right when they go "if you really think about it" then make some logical leap that isn't there, but makes their listeners/viewers think they are being smarter than they are... mainstream media does the same though, so...)

I am ultimately an anarchist. I'd love to see an end to government, but until such point that humanity can grow up, get past the evils of greed, lack of education, lack of empathy, and superstitions, then government is a necessary force to maintain those with greedy motives that want to take advantage of those lacking education, who are superstitious. We need a government of people of empathy who can understand those people, and help those people free themselves of the greedy elite are are pulling way too many strings... sadly they are using government to do so, but that is the thing about democracy, representative or not, we can change the outcome, we can make things better for all, not just a select few.

I get it. I used to be a hardcore Republican. I used to hate the poor, and thought that "teach a man to fish" type stuff, and thought the best way to help them was to kick them in the water and let them sink or swim essentially, some may drown, but many would swim and rise above it all. Then I started to have issues with how the Republican party wanted to control what people did on their own, that wasn't hurting anyone else, and I became a hardcore Libertarian, still belittling the poor (funny as I was poor myself). I stopped watching and defending Fox and Rush and the like, but I held to the Libertarian ideals of free markets being the best solution. Then as I studied God's Word, I started having issues with how the Republican right and Libertarians were sort of contrary to His teachings that I already commented on in my earlier post. At the same time I was learning critical thinking to analyze not just what was said, but who's saying it, and vetting their sources, and I started to see that not only did it conflict with my faith, it conflicted with logic, at least with how man is now... that critical thinking would soon be applied to faith as well, already shaken by the fact that so many people were clearly voting for a party that proclaimed Christianity but was so vastly opposed to the teaching of Christ I had to ask why wasn't God screaming at His people that they were wrong (some liberal Christians would agree that perhaps God was saying something, but making sure the right lost the Presidency, as God is in control, and appoints all leaders, but I was too far off faith by that point). I came to question other aspects of faith, and eventually lost it fully. [I think the Christian Right has been taken over by Christian Reconstructionist who don't admit they are Reconstructionist or even Calvinist, but they clearly are. They try to slightly distance themselves from Rousas John Rushdoony and his ilk, but they are all the same, and they will turn more and more people off Christianity than anything else in this world... save perhaps education and learning to think critically... and ultimately is the true power behind the Tea Party movement... Reconstructionist mixed with a healthy dose of Millennialism...] Anyhow, again getting way off topic, I get it, I was there once myself. I have an old account here on the Sift (I could never resurrect as Hotmail kept losing the password reset requests) where I defended Fox News, where I said something stupid and ignorant about evolution... heck, one look at the old political or religious posts on my blog (personal blog, not a videosift blog) and one would see how far to the right I used to be. I learned though that everyone is closer to one another than the media and politicians and the elite that are pulling the strings would have you believe.

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