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Failure to Act: Reagan's Refusal to Address AIDS Epidemic

quantumushroom says...

U.S. taxpayers are not responsible for solving the world's health problems. HIV and AIDS are not among the ten leading causes of mortality in the U.S., yet receive considerable amounts of federal research dollars. Compared to the number of lives that cancer and heart disease claim each year, HIV/AIDS research received a disproportionate amount of federal funding. The federal government should reduce AIDS research funding and divert money to research programs fighting more pressing diseases such as heart disease and cancer, which claim hundreds of thousands more American lives annually. Furthermore, unlike many other diseases, a majority of HIV/AIDS cases can be avoided by abstaining from promiscuous sexual contact and intravenous drug use.

Around the globe, 2.6 million people died of AIDS in 1999.

It is estimated that 16,000 people are newly infected with HIV each day throughout the world.

In 1997, 16,516 Americans died of AIDS.

In 1997, heart disease claimed 726,974 lives.

Between 650,000 and 900,000 Americans are currently infected with HIV.

For fiscal year 1999, the federal budget allocated $6 billion to AIDS research and education.

The National Cancer Institute's 1999 operating budget was $2.9 billion.

Besmirching one of America's greatest presidents is easier than exalting the clueless idiot in the Oval Office now.

Buying a Glock with THREE extended clips

Buck says...

"In 2007, a deranged student killed 32 people at Virginia Tech -- 30 of them in a very short period of time in one building. He didn't need high-capacity magazines because he had two guns and reloaded.
There was no one to stop him.
School shootings that have been halted were almost always stopped by the happenstance of an armed citizen on school property.
In 2002, an immigrant in Virginia started shooting his classmates at the Appalachian Law School in Grundy. Two of his classmates retrieved guns from their cars, forcing the killer to drop his weapon and allowing a third classmate to tackle him.
Thrre dead.
In Santee, Calif., in 2001, when a student began shooting his classmates, the school activated its "safe school plan" -- as the principal later told CNN -- by sending a "trained campus supervisor" to stop the killer.
Possibly not realizing that he was in a gun-free zone, the killer responded by shooting the trained campus supervisor three times. Fortunately, an armed off-duty San Diego policeman happened to be bringing his daughter to school that day. With a gun, he stopped the killer and held him at bay until more police could arrive.
Two dead.
In 1997, a student at Pearl High School in Pearl, Miss., had already shot several people at his high school and was headed for the junior high school when assistant principal Joel Myrick retrieved a .45 pistol from his car and pointed it at the gunman's head, ending the slaughter.
Two dead.
In 1998, a student attending a junior high school dance at a restaurant in Edinboro, Pa., started shooting, whereupon the restaurant owner pulled out his shotgun, chased the gunman from the restaurant and captured him for the police.
One dead.

See the pattern?"


"Letter writer Barry Ruhl is concerned about a new gun law being proposed in Florida. The changes would bring Florida's laws in line with Utah's. Both require a permit to carry a concealed handgun, but in Utah open-carry is also allowed. It would also allow non-felons to carry in all public places including schools. Ruhl fears that this will degrade public safety.

I would like to point out that Utah's murder rate is just 1.3 per 100,000 and it has never had a school shooting. When Utah enacted its handgun carry laws in 1995, its murder rate was 3.9, three times higher than it is today. Canada's murder rate is 1.8.

In each and every state that has passed a handgun carry law, all rates of crime have dropped immediately and significantly."

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

Truckchase says...

Psst... GLQuake blows. 320x200 for me. Were you addicted to this game like I was?
In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
ACTUALLY, Quake was released to the public on June 22, 1996 and the OpenGL version wasn't released for more than six months later on January 22, 1997. While all my gradeschool buddies were focused on their SNES I was tagging along with my dad to computer shows (this was long before newegg) and saving up for my first 3dfx card. That was back in the good old days where you had to use a dongle cable just to run your 2D card to your 3D card and only THEN did it find its way to the monitor. Ahhh good times...

Get ur facts straight son!

30 Years of First-person and First-person shooter

spawnflagger says...

I remember the passthrough 3DFX voodoo2 cards. And you could even put 2 of them in SLI- the origination of this acronym is Scan-Line-Interleave, where 1 card rendered the even lines, and 1 card rendered the odd lines. Since nVidia bought the defunct 3DFX's intellectual property, they could use the same acronym, but changed it to mean Scalable-Link-Interface instead.

Speaking of Acronyms and FPS, anyone remember the acronym LPB ?
Low Ping Bastards! These were the elusive few who had dual-ISDN or University network connection to the internet instead of dial-up. I always felt great when I had ping of 200+ and killed a LPB with ping <50 in quakeworld.
>> ^JiggaJonson:

ACTUALLY, Quake was released to the public on June 22, 1996 and the OpenGL version wasn't released for more than six months later on January 22, 1997. While all my gradeschool buddies were focused on their SNES I was tagging along with my dad to computer shows (this was long before newegg) and saving up for my first 3dfx card. That was back in the good old days where you had to use a dongle cable just to run your 2D card to your 3D card and only THEN did it find its way to the monitor. Ahhh good times...
Get ur facts straight son!

30 Years of First-person and First-person shooter

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^rkone:

>> ^JiggaJonson:
I'm a little peeved that they used a modified version of Quake. The openGL was not part of the original game with all it's fancy "textures."

Actually, glquake was released with quake or at least soon after, I remember running it with my bleeding-edge Pentium 2 266Mhz cpu and 3dfx Voodoo card. With that and my 50kbps cablemodem, I ruled glquakeworld!

ACTUALLY, Quake was released to the public on June 22, 1996 and the OpenGL version wasn't released for more than six months later on January 22, 1997. While all my gradeschool buddies were focused on their SNES I was tagging along with my dad to computer shows (this was long before newegg) and saving up for my first 3dfx card. That was back in the good old days where you had to use a dongle cable just to run your 2D card to your 3D card and only THEN did it find its way to the monitor. Ahhh good times...

Get ur facts straight son!

Duke Nukem: Forever Trailer

Zero Punctuation: Fable 3

lampishthing says...

Man I loved Syndicate so much...>> ^cybrbeast:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since February 8th, 2008" class="profilelink">ponceleon
Don't forget
# Syndicate (1993) (producer)
# Theme Park (1994) (project leader/lead programmer)
# Magic Carpet (1994) (executive producer)
# Hi-Octane (1995) (executive producer)
# Dungeon Keeper (1997) (project leader/designer)
I'd say that only after he founded and became leader of Lionhead Studios he screwed everything up and only produced shit.

Duke Nukem: Forever Trailer

gwiz665 says...

I do believe you have a selective memory. Compare with Half-Life, there's a world of difference to this.. and boobs.
>> ^MonkeySpank:

Well, it's been in development since 1997, and it looks like a 1997 game. What this video needs is an epicfail tag.

Duke Nukem: Forever Trailer

Zero Punctuation: Fable 3

ponceleon says...

>> ^cybrbeast:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since February 8th, 2008" class="profilelink">ponceleon
Don't forget
# Syndicate (1993) (producer)
# Theme Park (1994) (project leader/lead programmer)
# Magic Carpet (1994) (executive producer)
# Hi-Octane (1995) (executive producer)
# Dungeon Keeper (1997) (project leader/designer)
I'd say that only after he founded and became leader of Lionhead Studios he screwed everything up and only produced shit.

Ah, didn't know he was involved in some of those. All quality offerings, but I stand by my overall statement. Since Molyneux grew his gigantic fucking head, he has not made a quality game and has constantly over-promised. I'm done with him and his Miloesque bullshit.

Anti-vaccination: Rebecca Watson follows the money

spoco2 says...

And if you think "So what, what difference does it make?"

"Immunization rates in Britain dropped from 92 percent to 73 percent, and were as low as 50 percent in some parts of London. The effect was not nearly as dramatic in the United States, but researchers have estimated that as many as 125,000 U.S. children born in the late 1990s did not get the MMR vaccine because of the Wakefield splash."


"Since Dr. Andrew Wakefield's study was released in 1998, many parents have been convinced the measels, mumps and rubella vaccine could lead to autism. But that study may have done more harm than good. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States, more cases of measles were reported in 2008 than any year since 1997. More than 90 percent of those infected had not been vaccinated, or their vaccination status was not known."[91]

From the Wiki article on Wakefield, the f*ck.

Zero Punctuation: Fable 3

cybrbeast says...


Don't forget

# Syndicate (1993) (producer)
# Theme Park (1994) (project leader/lead programmer)
# Magic Carpet (1994) (executive producer)
# Hi-Octane (1995) (executive producer)
# Dungeon Keeper (1997) (project leader/designer)

I'd say that only after he founded and became leader of Lionhead Studios he screwed everything up and only produced shit.

Total Annihilation - Intro

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'rts, chris taylor, cg, jeremy soule' to 'rts, chris taylor, cg, jeremy soule, 1997, cavedog' - edited by gwiz665



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