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Member Since: February 23, 2006
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Comments to sbchapm

mlx says...

Just wanted to say THANKS for posting so well to the Rock & Roll collective. Tempted to say...You rock, dude!

choggie says...

I loved the comic when I was young, found it in the library, pouring through the tomes of books having to do with the history of illustration....the theme is the guy who eats Welsh Rarebit, having psychedelic dreams, and the illustrations are beautiful......kinda like Alice in Wonderland with bread mold,cultured cheese, and fermented spirits, instead of the opium....cheers

In reply to your comment:
Thanks very much for promoting. I haven't seen this. Great.

Krupo says...

Fortunatley James fixed everything - hurray

In reply to your comment:
I tried to do that, but I'm not sure how. It says that it's already been submitted--which is the uncensored version. Let me know how , and I'll do it. Or, if you have the ability, feel free to edit my post. I'll check back. And thanks, that was very thoughtful.

In reply to your comment:
Hey, good post - would you like to edit it to use the uncensored code?

I, and I imagine most, would rather the Sift have one good copy of a video rather than two.

Since you were the first to submit the video, you have the right to update your embed code with the better copy - let us know.

In reply to your comment:
I read somewhere of this being called "Cock in a Box" but how would we know? I couldn't read their lips, and so here's a question: which is funnier to you all Cock or Dick. I was in the cock camp (so to speak) but now I'm leaning towards dick. Seriously, dating would be easier. I kid. But for real, which do you think is the better title?

Krupo says...

Hey, good post - would you like to edit it to use the uncensored code?

I, and I imagine most, would rather the Sift have one good copy of a video rather than two.

Since you were the first to submit the video, you have the right to update your embed code with the better copy - let us know.

In reply to your comment:
I read somewhere of this being called "Cock in a Box" but how would we know? I couldn't read their lips, and so here's a question: which is funnier to you all Cock or Dick. I was in the cock camp (so to speak) but now I'm leaning towards dick. Seriously, dating would be easier. I kid. But for real, which do you think is the better title?

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