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Member Since: October 13, 2008
Last Power Points used: April 11, 2011
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Comments to kymbos

BoneRemake says...

Plecostemous' should come with a flippin warning " attention : This fish shits strings of poop four times its body length per day "

FUCK ME ! its shit heaven over here.

BoneRemake says...

Thanks !

THAT DOES LOOK NEAT !@ I just have a CFL spiral bulb keeping the Star Grass alive ( and quite well)
I will put more plants when I get a proper hood and lights. I have over come some fish sickness and initial start up problems, I am learning a bit everyday.

In reply to this comment by kymbos:
Looking good, BR. But where's the red tiger lotus? Don't make me come over there!

alien_concept says...

I know exactly what you mean, I put that down to the fact he is a dog and it's normal to have a foreign breed. Do we ever find out what breed he is? I'm surprised the Aussie Ryan is weak, as you say. Then again Elijah Wood is king of the underplay, he does SO well in this I think. Also it seems the Aussie one branches out a bit more for Wilfred, but I suppose there's time if they make another series. Glad you're getting to enjoy it all over again anyway

In reply to this comment by kymbos:
Hey, just watched the first episode of the US Wilfred. I think it's possibly better than the Aussie version, which looks like a rough draft compared to the finished US product. Elija Whatsisname is a much better human than the Aussie version.

I love the way they don't make any effort to explain why he's an Aussie bloke, and don't make any tired Aussie stereotype gags, but he references Australian things like eating possums - which dogs do, by the way.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
NO!!! I've tried to buy the DVD boxsets but you can't get them here yet, but I imagine that will change soon. That was as a present for my mate for christmas though, I'll just download them once season 1 US version is finished on TV. I'm sure it'll be funnier

In reply to this comment by kymbos:
Have you seen the original Aussie series, AC? Worth a look. I sifted the first scene from the first episode a while ago.

alien_concept says...

NO!!! I've tried to buy the DVD boxsets but you can't get them here yet, but I imagine that will change soon. That was as a present for my mate for christmas though, I'll just download them once season 1 US version is finished on TV. I'm sure it'll be funnier

In reply to this comment by kymbos:
Have you seen the original Aussie series, AC? Worth a look. I sifted the first scene from the first episode a while ago.

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