joedirt US

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Channel: Elections
Birthdate: January 5th, 1970 (55 years old)

Member Since: June 18, 2006
Last Power Points used: September 5, 2012
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Comments to joedirt

qruel says...

the articles I've linked to explain that palin administration used Turbo North to sell the plane, and would give them a 1.49 cut of the sale (21 million). the article says the plane sold to Larry Reynolds, so yes I guess I assumed that Turbo North sold it to him.

why are you trying to pick the fly shit out of the pepper?

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
Ok, so you saw a percentage and multiplied it. Show me one reference where the Turbo North firm made a sale or reference for the sale.

Turbo North was contacted in April. The plane sold in August with no contact from Turbo North. Go read the link.

In reply to this comment by qruel:

Turbo North Aviation sold it for 21 million, Palin promised the broker a 1.49 percent cut of the selling price. = $31,290

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
The copy pasta said it sold quickly and for $30,000 to the broker, which never happened.

In reply to this comment by qruel:
um, which facts ?

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
Um, your facts are wrong. I'd recommend reading this:

Better sourcing for the myth of the eBay sale. Also it never "sold quickly".

qruel says...

Turbo North Aviation sold it for 21 million, Palin promised the broker a 1.49 percent cut of the selling price. = $31,290

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
The copy pasta said it sold quickly and for $30,000 to the broker, which never happened.

In reply to this comment by qruel:
um, which facts ?

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
Um, your facts are wrong. I'd recommend reading this:

Better sourcing for the myth of the eBay sale. Also it never "sold quickly".

jonny says...

Generally, I reserve instant discards for exact duplicates or for times when I think the submitter won't see it before it gets published. That one was right on the line for me. Different day, different mood, I probably would have.

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
Why no *discard ??? You found the orig.

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