gorgonheap US

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Real Name: Ty
A little about me...
It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child.

Member Since: June 8, 2006
Email: gorgonheap at hotmail dot com
Last Power Points used: August 17, 2013
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Comments to gorgonheap

ant says...

NP (at least you admitted it), that's why I placed a question mark in my comment in the first place.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Well it's a cover, the song (The devil went down to Georgia) was originally sung by Charlie Daniels. Then covered in the early 90's by Primus, and later rewritten by the Toy Dolls as The Devil went down to Scunthorpe. The video is similar but the audio is completely different.

And I apologize for my abrupt and rude reply to you. I thought for a second that you automatically discarded it when it is not a dupe of another video, although the animation is repeated in the Primus version the audio is completely different.

In reply to this comment by ant:
Ah OK. I wasn't sure. They did look identical. I didn't watch the whole thing. Is the whole series like this?

doogle says...

I guessed as much - the video was over a year old. It was a way to do a *.wtf invocation and assign channels in a conversation-like way, which I hear is all the rage now.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Beileve it or not VS at one time had no channels at all. But that was a long time ago.

In reply to this comment by doogle:
No channels - *wtf?
How *obscure this got on the sift without any channel assignment.

Must be that rogue helicopter pilot with his hand in the pie again. (I'm getting scared - but that's okay because it's my right.)

mas8705 says...

I got bored and looked up my name on the search, and I found out that 7 months ago, during a "geek week" you were giving me credit on my very first sifted video...

Of course back then, I was still learning, but now that I see this, a tear ran down my eye... Thank you...

P.S. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, please erase the message right away...

Doc_M says...

Actually, I was arguing that there WILL be a rapture Gorgon. hehe. If you get a chance, read the articles I linked to. There are a GREAT many reputable biblical scholars that argue that there will be a pre-wrath rapture. For ages, the catholic churched suppressed that interpretation, so it looks as though it arose recently while it most certainly did not. There are also quite a few scholarly articles out there explaining why Revelation DIDN'T occur thousands of years ago as some claim. Left Behind didn't invent the rapture, it merely popularized it.

Anyway, in general, Gracethrufaith.com is an excellent site for any believer... it'sworth a look when you get a chance.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
The rapture as many Christians know it has no real biblical basis. In fact I honestly believe that nowadays it has a more widespread base because of a fictional series of books called 'Left Behind'. (Kinda the same way a lot of die hard Catholics took the 'DaVinci Code' literally.)

The book of Revelations in the Bible is largely (As Doc_M has stated) allegorical. Not literal as may critics and ignorant readers seem to take it. I believe there will be a judgment day for everyone who has lived on this earth. But the general interpretation of the 'rapture' has no real merit with anyone who knows about the history and background of biblical text.

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