MST3K Ultimate collection
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 5 months 1 week ago
Views: 3,697
Joel, Mike, Tom Servo, and Crow. I remember each show that hour and a half flew by like 90 minutes. So come join the crew on the Satellite of Love for some of the worst ideas humanity has ever put on film.

Great MST3K short piece (just shy of 10 minutes) on grooming and hygiene. Good times.
posted by callistan 1 decade 8 years 1 week ago • 2,002 viewsThe very catchy Theme from Gamera vs. Guiron played by Michael Feinstein on Mystery Science Theater 3000.
posted by wildmanBill
Clips from Prince of Space, Night of the Blood Beast, and Space Mutiny. Space Mutiny being the one with the huge list of manly names. Big McLargehuge! Stump Beefgnaw! Punch Rockgroin!
posted by intangiblemeg
Here the trio picks apart the Canadian equivalent to "Mitchell", Zap Rowsdower...Eye on the Sammich!
posted by AnimalsForCrackers 1 decade 7 years 9 months 3 weeks ago • 1,766 viewsTom Servo puts on a planetarium show while Crow makes serveral jokes about a certain planet... From episode 609 - Skydivers.
posted by batmanuel
Yes that's right! GENE Corman (producer of this gem), Roger's little brother who is just as much the schlock-meister as his older sibling. No doubt shot the same week as "High School Big Shot", Roger... continue reading
posted by wildmanBill
And now a short about the wonders of your state fair; made betterer by Joel-era MST3K.
posted by AnimalsForCrackers 1 decade 7 years 9 months 2 weeks ago • 1,931 viewsMST3K takes on a foreign B movie classic, the day the earth froze. Also included is the short Here comes the Circus
posted by werthless 1 decade 7 years 9 months 2 weeks ago • 2,685 views
The most notorious MST3K shorts
posted by swampgirl
The most notorious of MST3K's shorts
posted by swampgirl
A classic! One of my favorite movies, Revenge of the Creature (1955) marks a return to the Black Lagoon, where my favorite classic movie monster, The Gill Man, awaits his revenge on the world of science!... continue reading
posted by raven

One of my favorite MST3K shows. Pod People is a 1983 Spanish science fiction film directed by Juan Piquer Simon. A young boy discovers a lovable alien creature, but the alien's mother is on the prowl.... continue reading
posted by gorgonheap