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Member Since: April 18, 2007
Last Power Points used: March 18, 2013
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Comments to berticus

BoneRemake says...

You told me what they are not but not what they are, you told less than half thes tory, golfed one shot out of par. Started the hole but didnt finish it. I could go on.

Can you see a star from where you are ? I can see one out the crack in the curtain.
In reply to this comment by berticus:
golfing analogies are lost on me sorry :
In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
You wanna putt the golf ball into the cup or just drive the ball ?
In reply to this comment by berticus:
they weren't aliens
>> ^BoneRemake:

Grooved hard to this over the past month, watched the movie because of it.. again Spielberg with the flipping aliens.. at least it made more sense than Indiana 4.
righteous song.
I like your floor.

jonny says...

In reply to this comment by berticus:
it's not bad! i'm just sure there's gotta be some better ones.. (not that i have a fucking clue where they are, so i will shutup and disappear now)

You would be amazed at how hard it has been to find a really good top-to-bottom description of basic neuron function. If you can find one, I can promise multiple promotes and qualities and endless thanks!

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your socialization with the community in Sift Lounge has earned you your "Lounge Lizard" Level 6 Badge!

dystopianfuturetoday says...

What text(s) would you recommend?
In reply to this comment by berticus:
Actually, there is an enormous literature on persuasion, argument, attitude change, etc. Social psychologists love that stuff. You should look into the psychology of persuasion, it's fascinating -- but prepare to be depressed.

As to your 'mental states', I doubt it's black and white. I'd say it's a continuum as per jonny's comments, and shifts along this continuum are due to attending — or not attending — to certain cues at certain times that change the way you argue.

jonny says...

Hey - do you have any interest in taking the Brain channel? Or did I already ask you that once before? I don't know of any other VS users with a significant background or interest in brain science that might want the channel. I barely have time to visit VS on occasion now, much less try to properly maintain a channel.

[edit] I'm pretty sure that dag and lucky would go for it despite the gold star. You've been around and contributed too much.

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