Shepppard CA

Member Profile

Real Name: Scott Sheppard
Birthdate: January 23rd, 1989 (36 years old)

Member Since: May 28, 2007
Email: Halo_spartan_717 at msn dot com
Last Power Points used: November 8, 2014
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Comments to Shepppard

Stingray says...


The time difference in the videos is because there was a Failblog ad at the end of the duped one. The one it was duped with is also in slow motion.

Also, it's generally considered that different music in a clip does not constitute a unique clip unless it changes the entire context of the clip.


In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
Out of curiosity, was the other video the same when you duped it?

Because if not, the one you called dupe on was 12 seconds longer, with a timeshift, and different music.

Just curious.

In reply to this comment by Stingray:

gwiz665 says...

You gots to use the old style embed to embed in comments.
In reply to this comment by Shepppard:

I agree with you that Morrowind was better then Oblivion.. but I think Skyrim trumps them all.

All three keep the same "Theme" (the notes played for the rising crescendo) but differently.
Morrowind has it peacefully played by flutes as it climbs, Oblivion has it played with a quicker tempo and by trumpets, and skyrim put lyrics to it, and gave it a more grand feel.)


That video is a really good way of hearing how the theme evolved throughout the three games.

(Edit: I can't embed videos anymore for some reason, so it was replaced with a link instead.)

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