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Member Since: December 5, 2006
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I bought an new USB cord, and ignored the probable cause of the problem for over 3 years and the compy is still chuggin along!
Thanks for the help though!
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
So did you fix it?
Roast XII begins at High Noon-ish MST, on Friday, December 11, 2009.
MC: laura
Roastee: NeuralNoise
See survey here:
Thinker247 hit a ton!
There is a party and you are Welcome to come over

Mintbbb 250 Diamond Party
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:

OMG I LOVE YOU!!! [ snip ]
Lol I love you too.
_________I love y____________I love yo
______I love you Jus_______I love you Justi
____I love you JustinI ___I love you JustinI
___I love you JustinI love you Just_______I lo
__I love you JustinI love you Just_________I lo
_I love you JustinI love you JustinI _______I lo
_I love you JustinI love you JustinI love______I
I love you JustinI love you JustinI love you__I l
I love you JustinI love you JustinI love you Ju_I
I love you JustinI love you JustinI love you Just
I love you JustinI love you JustinI love you Just
_I love you JustinI love you JustinI love you Ju
__I love you JustinI love you JustinI love you
____I love you JustinI love you JustinI love y
______I love you JustinI love you JustinI l
_________I love you JustinI love you Jus
____________I love you JustinI love y
______________I love you JustinI l
_________________I love you Ju
___________________I love yo
_____________________I love
______________________I lo
Ima spam your profile with my lovins.
Roast Announcement made.
Don't you know not to expect things from strange women? You will almost always be disappointed.

In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
I just find it funny that when one person acts immature (me) everyone else feels the need to join in, but judge at the same time. If you're going to look down on me for what I said, don't post immature comments yourself, especially in the same thread. You know who you are.
I admit I acted harshly, but at the same time, I think everyone can understand WHY I acted that way. Anyway. It's done, nothing else needs to be added, sometimes conflicts occur, even on The Great Videosift.
One thing I'm not going to ignore though, is how LittleRed had to bring out the fact that I was almost homeless and that karkarlee and I are on separate continents. That was just fucking mean, and this isn't the first time she's personally attacked someone. That had nothing to do with anything discussed here and I DO expect an apology from her for that. (LittleRed, you don't know karkarlee so don't tell the world what she is and is not capable of, or what her choices and decisions in life should be. That is not, nor never will be, up for you to decide. You don't know her. Period.)
>> ^LittleRed:
No, it's not sexual harassment. "What do you think about pale and scrawny?" doesn't constitute a "hostile environment." If she was offended by it, that's her own problem. She's a big girl - she can fight her own battles, or attack men for their harmless, entertaining comments if she chooses. She shouldn't have to send her boyfriend on another continent over to say rude things. That's something that should be addressed in private profile comments, and from her to him.
Grow up. Empty threats from a homeless guy on the internet aren't scary - they're immature.
>> ^SDGundamX:
>> EDIT: karkalee apologized while I was posting. I applaud that. Let's see what Obsidian does.
I've apologized, you probably just missed the post.
Also, I'd like to rephrase my original posting now that I'm calmed down:
moodonia- Please don't joke around in that manner to karkarlee because it both makes us uncomfortable, for different reasons. I see now that you really didn't mean any harm from it, but at the time I saw it in a different light. Sorry dude.
Lastly, I'm sorry Octopussy for hijacking your thread with our quarrels. Atleast you get some publicity for it though eh?
>> ^Obsidianfire:
1) It's none of your business.
2)It's none of your business and no one ever asked for you to spam my profile with your opinion.
Spamming your profile? OH NOES. One message from a user that might not agree with what you have to say is now spam? Last I checked, this website is based just as much on discussion and sharing opinions as it is on vote whoring and submitting videos. I will share my opinion with whomever I choose. If you don't like it, don't pay attention.
It's YouDieJoe's 250 Party!
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
My first ignore on the sift! Thanks for being such a great person by letting me finally use a feature I've never used before.
1) Holy shit. Next time you have a bad hair day, try not taking it out on anyone else.
2) Don't you think that would be counter-productive? If you honestly think this guy is trying to make sexual advances toward your girlfriend, ignoring him would be the last thing I would do.
I'll definitely give blender and indigo a go this morning. At the very least, I still have to sculpt him some gloves and probably try to reproduce the freeze ray.

In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
Indigo does SSS, and matte, so it works fine on skin.
In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
I'm looking at the indigo gallery right now and it does indeed look very awesome! I do notice a conspicuous absence of flesh/organic render images at their site, although seeing their other stuff I can't imagine it would be a problem.. How is it for those?
I'll definitely have to pick them up when I get home from work.
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
Well here are some results from Blender and Indigo. Once you get it set up, the renders are sweet. http://definekkl.heliohost.org/?p=4
In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
Thank you very much!
I'm not sure what I intend to use to render my eventual sculpture here. I've been used to using my old copy of max and milkshape exclusively, and haven't really needed to go into the whole setting up a render dealie, since most of everything would eventually be ported into a game renderer.
I'm looking at the indigo gallery right now and it does indeed look very awesome! I do notice a conspicuous absence of flesh/organic render images at their site, although seeing their other stuff I can't imagine it would be a problem.. How is it for those?

I'll definitely have to pick them up when I get home from work.
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
Well here are some results from Blender and Indigo. Once you get it set up, the renders are sweet. http://definekkl.heliohost.org/?p=4
In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
Thank you very much!
I'm not sure what I intend to use to render my eventual sculpture here. I've been used to using my old copy of max and milkshape exclusively, and haven't really needed to go into the whole setting up a render dealie, since most of everything would eventually be ported into a game renderer.
Thank you very much!

I'm not sure what I intend to use to render my eventual sculpture here. I've been used to using my old copy of max and milkshape exclusively, and haven't really needed to go into the whole setting up a render dealie, since most of everything would eventually be ported into a game renderer.
In reply to this comment by Obsidianfire:
Blender3D http://www.blender.org/
Python (For Blender) http://www.python.org/
HDR Images for HDRI lighting http://athens.ict.usc.edu/Probes/
Blender Textures http://tellim.com/texture_cd/
Indigo Renderer http://www.indigorenderer.com/joomla/
NK Materials for Indigo http://deeppixel.uw.hu/projects/NK_materials.html
Blender Tutorials http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro
All of this is FREE.
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