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Birthdate: February 19th

Member Since: July 16, 2010
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Comments to MonkeySpank

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 4 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 3 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

Mobius says...

Notice the addendum added " *edited for sarcasm. Too subtle I guess. "

I guess he thought he/she was being cleaver or witty with that remark, such a sense of humor or whatever the intent, was ill received and rightfully so. The "sarcasm" was not detectable in the slightest, not with the militant right wing god fearing dumb asses that log into this site.

MonkeySpank said:

I think that was meant to be sarcasm. Notice the gray font.

SDGundamX says...

In Chiba, where I live, they do have a recycling program but it could use improving. For example, you'd be amazed at how many types of plastics are considered "burnables" here. However, they do have clothing recycling which comes ones every two weeks. I'm told the clothes are given to needy folks in Japan or sent as donations overseas if they are still in good enough condition, which is pretty cool.

Second-hand stores here have gotten really big recently--two opened in my area in the four years I've lived here. Used book/manga/game stores have always been big but these new places stock everything you can think of including kitchen appliances, surfboards, etc. They pay utter crap and turn the items around for ridiculous mark-up, but given how stuffed from floor to ceiling with items they are, clearly people are using their services regularly. We actually have gotten lots of great children's toys for our daughter from them--stuff that retails for $40 (US) or more we've picked up for $5 or less in excellent condition. Also picked up a mini-fridge for the office for cheap.

MonkeySpank said:

This is awesome! Does anyone know if Japan has a good recycling program? I'd like to think that they are not wasteful.

Do they fold your shirts like this when they move you?

Sagemind says...

Ya, I'm a crazy star wars fan and collector.
I'm feigning mock disassociation.

I have to agree though, there was nothing special about those Slave Leia clips - I saw those clips many years ago, even have them on an old "behind the scenes" VHS tape I have.

I think people cling to clips like those just for nostalgia's sake.

Growing up with Star Wars, I've been collecting SW stuff ever since. It's an ingrained part of my life. I'm not freaky crazy about it. You'd never know from meeting me but my friends know about the 500 or more Star Wars figures I have still in packages - (oh, and so much more - to my wife's dismay and constant face-palming)

It's not like religion for me or anything just a fun pastime/hobby

In reply to this comment by MonkeySpank:
I honestly can't tell if this was sarcasm or not...

In reply to this comment by Sagemind:
Ya, why are you guys all obsessed with Star Wars - Geez...
>> ^MonkeySpank:

Why is this footage important? Maybe I missed out on that whole Startwars thing. Seen the movies; I still don't get the obsession.

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 2 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

oritteropo says...

Lazy, like the videosifter who starts to transcribe, gives up, goes straight to google, and doesn't check the whole list

Well spotted.
In reply to this comment by MonkeySpank:
The Wikipedia entry is wrong:

"Parmi nos articles de quincaillerie par essence paresseuse, nous recommandons le robinet qui s'arrête de couler quand on ne l'écoute pas."

Frame at 5:30 states paresseuse, meaning lazy, not par essence.

which translates loosely to:

Among our articles of lazy kitchenware, we recommend the faucet that stops leaking when nobody listens to it.

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