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Comments to BicycleRepairMan

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^enoch:
i feel i should clarify.
i was not calling you stupid,nor did i mean to come across as inconsiderate.
if i did..i apologize.
i was using the term agnostic in its literal sense,not as a perjorative towards you.
but as usual my point gets lost in my own translation.
just wanted you to know that man,i dont play like that.
im just not a fan of sam harris,his execution is weak in my opinion.
ill take richard dawkins or christopher hitchens over sam harris any day.
hope i cleared any misunderstandings up.

Hey, no worries here, I never took any offense of anything that you said, I simply meant to respond to your (in my view) misunderstood opinion of Harris and other atheists. I do fall into the category "agnostic" AND "atheist", I do however prefer to think of myself as an atheist if I am forced to pick one. The argument for this is kind of longwinded and I think rather unnecessary, since it is more a semantic issue rather than a philosophical one.

Basically I do not see any good reason to believe in God, just like I see no good reason to believe in santa. I cant be absolutely sure, of course, so technically that makes me "agnostic" on both God and Santa.

But the common use of the word agnostic is to describe someone who is really UNSURE about the existence of God, they may see it as a "50-50 chance" or maybe a "30-70" or something in that ballpark. I am not really unsure in that sense, I simply see NO good reason to believe those who claim there is a God, thus I place myself firmly on the non-theistic side, thus I refer to myself as "atheist" as opposed to "theist". But just because I'm not really unsure about Gods existence (I'm pretty damn sure god doesn't exist) doesn't mean I am absolutely 100% forever-and-ever sure, and it certainly doesn't mean I'm "dogmatic" about it: I WOULD change my mind. I'd happily change it, and I'd change it instantly, if only the evidence convinced me, but it doesn't..

enoch says...

i feel i should clarify.
i was not calling you stupid,nor did i mean to come across as inconsiderate.
if i did..i apologize.
i was using the term agnostic in its literal sense,not as a perjorative towards you.
but as usual my point gets lost in my own translation.
just wanted you to know that man,i dont play like that.
im just not a fan of sam harris,his execution is weak in my opinion.
ill take richard dawkins or christopher hitchens over sam harris any day.
hope i cleared any misunderstandings up.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 250 stars, earning you status of Bronze Diamond member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

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