00Scud00 US

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Member Since: February 7, 2010
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siftbot says...

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siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 1 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

GoodAttorney says...


In reply to this comment by 00Scud00:
>> ^GoodAttorney:
Only in first world countries do people enjoy the luxury of struggling with the stupid moral dilemma of loving animals more than people. The 40+ billion spent every year, in this country alone, on sparky and captain whiskers could feed, clothe, and rehabilitate an awful lot of people.

Of course you could apply that same logic to almost anything, yes if we all stopped spending money on -Fill in unnecessary expense here- then that problem would be solved, sounds simple enough but in practice it gets more complicated.

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