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peggedbea (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

We don't know each other any better than Tiny Tim knew Ghengis Khan, but that doesn't mean I don't know the words to "Tiptoe Through The Tulips."

Seriously, please don't flame out on us. I like what you've brought to our little corner of the intertubes, and I'll feel diminished if you fly apart into the four winds of the ether. This place already suffers from a poverty of XXs, so losing a witty femme such as yourself would really hurt us all.

I don't know what happened between you and gwiz. Regardless, I don't want you to leave because of it. Stick around, we don't all bite. Just think about it, merci?

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
why would anyone bother to tell a narcissistic nihilist like yourself ever? what would be the point? like trying trying to tell a brick that its a fucking brick. it wouldnt hear you, and it doesnt care.

youve said it yourself, on my front porch and several places on the sift im sure, that you dont fucking care. you see no reason to curb your behavior or watch your mouth because thats "censorship". well sir, there is a reason human beings take care not to alienate eachother, because we are herd creatures. our health depends upon the health of the herd. and furthermore, the word for people who throw whatever kind of disgusting bullshit they feel like around with no regard for how it might make anyone feel, and indeed no insight into how others feel, is sociopath.

the measure of a man is how honestly he loves and how careful he treats people. you sir are no man. you are a baiting groping creepy disgusting creep. and you need to take a long hard look at your interactions with rae and see where what youve said in private and what immature bullshit youve posted publicly that could have made her feel like she couldnt even stand being on the same URL as you. and if you can do that, maybe MAYBE theres some hope for you.

you are what happens when spoiled ugly children are left to their own devices with noone to challenge them. they are left with computer games and pop culture and pornography as their only insights into women and the world at large. and they end up isolated clueless 26 year old virgins with a fucking website as their lone social outlet and the only place to throw their inflated self deluded egos around. you are indeed suffering from serious delusions. and i pity you. i pity you sooooo much.

and theres my flame out. /bye

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Deano (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

I'm glad you liked it.

Also, if you still want to keep the Motorhead video on the Wheels channel page, you'll need to replace the one that's there, because the audio was swapped with classical piano music (because the record label forced him to remove the audio portion). Here's where you can find an embed to replace it, and it shouldn't go dead or be altered because it's hosted by Spike TV - a division of Viacom that's deep in cahoots with the music industry:

Or if you want to replace it with the choo-choo video that's cool. Change is good. I won't throw a tantrum. I think.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
You know me too well. Thanks. I might make it the wheels channel page video, but I still love the motorhead one I got from you. I don't even know it it's still there, now I think about it.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Something for your inner engineer:

schmawy (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

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schmawy (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

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