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Darkhand (Member Profile)

World War Two Movie Making Gone Wrong

Asmo says...

It's got nothing to do with being a cyclist and everything to do with common courtesy...

Seriously, it's not hard to notice a bunch of period dressed people + cameras and volunteer to take 5 minutes out of your day to not be a cunt...

But hey, continue arguing about how cyclists are going to cause the next world war or some fucking bullshit, I stopped reading once the paragraphs got taller than my 1200 pix tall monitor..

Donald Duck as a Nazi

aaronfr says...

via Wikipedia:

Der Fuehrer's Face (originally titled Donald Duck in Nutzi Land) is a 1943 American animated propaganda short film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released in 1943 by RKO Radio Pictures. The cartoon, which features Donald Duck in a nightmare setting working at a factory in Nazi Germany, was made in an effort to sell war bonds and is an example of American propaganda during World War II. The film was directed by Jack Kinney and written by Joe Grant and Dick Huemer from the original music by Oliver Wallace. The film is well known for Wallace's original song "Der Fuehrer's Face", which was actually released earlier by Spike Jones.

Der Fuehrer's Face won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film at the 15th Academy Awards. It was the only Donald Duck film to receive the honor, although eight other films were also nominated. In 1994, it was voted Number 22 of "the 50 Greatest Cartoons" of all time by members of the animation field. However, because of the propagandistic nature of the short, and the depiction of Donald Duck as a Nazi (albeit a reluctant one), Disney kept the film out of general circulation after its original release. Its first home video release came in 2004 with the release of the third wave of the Walt Disney Treasures DVD sets.

186 mph motorcycle gets passed by a station wagon (Audi)

chingalera says...

When you consider Germany's infamous history with guns and the power used with them to manipulate their people's recent legacy it's not that "terribly" sad. Sad as it may be, Germany's pogroms of Jews rate higher on the WTF scale than the U.S.'s 'purging of the indigenous' genocide as far as shock value is concerned.

German's like the Japanese were kept in an international box after the second world war and their toys were put in a box as well that read, "Don't open till we say so."

Except for the Yakuza, Japan simply forgot they had a fucking toy box and but I believe you can hunt squirrels with a rifle if yer a good German these days...

SFOGuy said:

That's a terribly sad ratio.

Grown man from UK reality show can't answer basic questions

aaronfr says...

Yes, of course, judge an entire generation by the babblings of a C-list reality star-tard. After all, the history books are littered with similar examples:

Pretty sure it was all those uneducated, worthless orphans and factory rats that caused World War 1

And don't forget how absynthe, ganja, and the Charleston caused the Great Depression.

Then there was that greatest generation of war-hungry, shell shocked GIs that could barely even put people on the moon.

Only to be followed by hippies and disco queens that gave us Reagan and Thatcher (think my faux-nalogy is falling apart here...)

A10anis said:

The latest generation feel no need to gain even basic facts. Technology, with it's access to information, promised to make us more intelligent and knowledgeable, but it hasn't. The current logic is; "if ever I need to know, I will look it up." Dumb, and Dumber, comes to mind.

Russell Brand talks politics and revolution on Newsnight

radx says...

Depends on your definition of revolution, I suppose.

Look at Europe for a minute.

- The Greeks see the rise of Golden Dawn, an openly fascist party.
- Marine Le Pen's FN, an extreme right wing nationalist party, is polling at #1 in France.
- Italy got rid of Berlusconi, which for them is about as close to a revolution as you can get without massive bloodshed.
- The society in the UK has gone so unimaginably lopsided that the Red Cross is handing out food packets for the first time since the end of World War 2.
- Let's not even talk about the Hungarian government and its atrocious track record over the last years.

These are some pretty drastic changes, and rarely for the better.

Mammaltron said:

Revolution most certainly will not happen.

isreals new racism-the persecution of african migrants

dannym3141 says...

@NinjaInHeat what would you say are the biased bits? I don't recall if he embellished in the commentary that much but the footage was pretty damning in itself. With the governmental ministers raving about infiltrators?

I'm sure not all of israel is like that, but i have to say that with a people so historically persecuted you'd almost expect the good israelis to show up to lambast the ignorant ones and/or raise them better, shame them in their own communities for being xenophobic. It's the same thing that i think of when it comes to terrorism. Surely terrorists are best tackled by the community and family and people that they come from, and if so then surely it will become less and less of a problem over time. If not, then maybe the overwhelming amount of good people from wherever you're talking about should be more proactive in stopping minority lunatics doing what lunatics do.

When nice people stand aside and allow some fringe element to politically and socially ostracise an ethnic minority based on colour or creed, things like world war 2 happen before it's resolved. And that's only if you're fortunate enough to have people in other countries to come and stand up for you. I'm not being funny, but i really would expect a jewish person to appreciate that.
(2nd and 3rd paragraph not directed at you specifically towards you ninja, speaking my general thoughts there)

Parachutist Survives 15,000 Foot Drop

World War II in the Pacific: Day by day change

Unsung_Hero says...

I'm a fan of learning about the Pacific battles in World War 2.

Seriously, WW2: Pacific, Get your shit together..... WW2: Europe is kicking your ass.

TeaParty Congressman Blames Park Ranger for Shutdown

silvercord says...

In the interest of full disclosure is this observation from the Washington Times. Notice the quote from one of the Park Rangers.

The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.
“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

Yep. Kinder and gentler.

World War II in Europe: Day by Day Change in Map

World War II in Europe: Day by Day Change in Map

World War II in the Pacific: Day by day change

World War II in Europe: Day by Day Change in Map

World War II in the Pacific: Day by day change

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