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Video Of Republicans Giving Tours To Insurrectionists

newtboy says...

You are so stupid you think the accusation is that violence took place during the planning stage on Jan 5th as they cased the joint in preparation for the planned assault against America and democracy the next day?

Wow, I never gave you any credit for intelligence, but that’s just brain dead sluggery. If you were capable of shame, you would be feeling it now.

What was Benghazi if not dumping on Clinton to try to keep her from running in 2016? Don’t start whining now, snowflake.

The difference is there’s an actual investigation, a bipartisan one at that, going on here, not just baseless accusation, and actually evidence of a plot to subvert democracy and stage a violent coup, where the charge against Clinton was indecipherable and without fact or evidence, and multiple investigations and hearings that SHE didn’t hide from proved it.
Trump tried to stage a coup, but is a loser so he failed. He wants another try, and you want to give it to him despite 2/3 of the country despising him and refusing to go along.

Edit: I wonder, if these tours were so innocuous, innocent, and just normal families….why did Loudermilk spend so much time vehemently denying they ever happened….then more time denying there were no more than 4 people including 2 children, eventually admitting he gave tours to up to 22 red hat Maggots that took photos of back hallways, stairs, security posts, representative escape routes, routes to Democratic representatives offices, etc? False denials are indicators of guilt, and he gave denial after denial that he eventually admitted were lies.
Asking for pardons is also an admission of guilt….who asked for them again?

bobknight33 said:

People walking around peacefully.

Such violence.

All this dump on Trump just to try to keep him from running 2024.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

Hard to find complete data on that timeframe….

There have actually been 212 so far just 5 months into this year alone with 251 deaths…if you extrapolate from this year’s rates, that’s 6000 dead in the last decade from mass shootings…but I think it’s less because mass shootings are on the rise since 2016.

And here’s a list of over 10 years narrowed to incidents of 4 or more deaths that adds up to 601 in the last decade…so extremely conservatively at least double that if you account for the vast majority of mass shootings that end with <4 deaths, likely triple or more.

No matter how you count, it’s more than Chicago over one year (including police shootings? Suicides?)
Apples to oranges anyway.

Wonder why you chose Chicago….hmmmmm….why could it be?….

St. Louis, MO (69.4 murders per 100000 residents)
Baltimore, MD (51.1)
Las Vegas, NV (31.4)
Kansas City, MO (31.2)
Memphis, TN (27.1)
Chicago, IL (24)

bobknight33 said:

Add all the mass shootings over last decade and then compare that number to Chicago's 2021 murder rate Of nearly 800 killing s

Heroic save

Deceiving the brain with the rubber hand illusion

Deceiving the brain with the rubber hand illusion

newtboy says...

Is this an accepted torture technique?
It seems like it could work wonders without causing any actual damage. Exactly what an interrogator would want.
You need more convincing rubber hands though.

Record Jet Suit Mountain Ascent

Digitalfiend says...

What I wonder though is how much medical equipment can be carried and if someone is in dire need of medical attention at a hospital, won't they still have to wait for the helicopter anyhow? I guess if the medic can get there quickly to stabilize the person...

Anyhow, not saying this doesn't have valid use cases but I see this having more military or industrial/engineering applications.

makach said:

they are still messing around with the equipment. this might have real applicability. I am glad they are experimenting with it.

weather was too bad for helicopter to land, so there might be a use case for this equipment.

Avatar: The Way of Water | Official Teaser Trailer

newtboy says...

You are not alone. I kept wondering if this was for a video game, the cgi looked terrible on a small screen.

I member Avatar.

mram said:

I feel like I'm the only one who was unimpressed by this.

No story, no hook, no engagement, no emotional resonance, just a NVIDIA/AMD demo reel of graphics.

I did like the first movie. I love all of JC's movies. I still have incredibly high hopes. But just being honest, this played so slow and cold for me. In fact when I watched it the very first time I wasn't sure if this was recap from the first movie or something new.

They are obviously taking the slow burn approach to marketing here... like "hey, memberberries Avatar?"

I am anxiously awaiting something that gives me that "whoa" moment.

Living person placed in a body bag for cremation

cloudballoon says...

What this video didn't mention, was that 3 officials are already punished (fired). I wonder would anyone responsible would be fired so quickly in my country Canada or the USA? Highly doubtful, more likely they'll be "relief of work with pay."

newtboy said:

Terrible, scary, but to be fair this happens in America too. Overworked, undertrained staff make mistakes….sometimes deadly mistakes. At least the people involved are admitting it, that’s better than many cases I’ve heard of.

The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History

luxintenebris says...

kinda makes a body wonder doesn't it?

how much lead could have lead to one's suppressed mental functions?

what could have been?

am no velvet tam wearer, but certainly not red mad hatter material.* maybe should be proud of what little there was to work with. a little less embarrassed about what didn't go right either.

maybe if this was known, would have given license to beg off father's "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!"

"Sorry Pops. All that lawn mowing must have affected your son too much."

But then...WTF is the excuse for Twitter?

*mad as a hatter. mercury nitrate.

BSR said:

My first job was when I was 14 at the town newspaper at the end of my street. They had a machine called a Linotype. (line of type)

It made type ingots from lead which would print text after being inked up and then pressed onto paper. Sometimes my job was to clean the ink off them and put them into buckets so they could be melted down and used again. My hands would be coated with lead.

I also handled lead type in high school for two years.

Guess I should get tested eh?

When it comes to memory issues, I've had a bad memory for as long as I can remember.

You can see the lead bar hanging on the machine.

Wikipedia's Bias

luxintenebris says...

Ever try to trick a dog w/the fake stick toss? Even they stop and scan to find evidence. (ours learned the ruse quickly)

spins my gourd that folks are SO EASILY misled by these fairy tales of teachers indoctrinating kids (yet, they can't get them to sit still, stop talking, or return materials on time); fears of giving citizens PSTD with known history (but explaining why 'person. woman. man. camera. tv' is NOT unsettling); or libraries can't be trusted to be run by librarians but the by the government (what were Ben Franklin and Andrew Carnegie thinking?)

look, boy! go get the stick! (no wonder all the anger. can't find it. but it has to be here!)

BTW: Roy and Silo thing is nuts. (not mentioned but peripheral involved) rather listen to John Oliver analyze "Air Bud". a lot less loopy.

newtboy said:


Wikipedia's Bias

newtboy says...

Poor bob. A wonderful libertarian information clearinghouse hasn’t become a home for right wing nonsense, lies, and propaganda. Tragic!

Still talking about Hunter Biden, eh? You still have nothing better? Another Benghazi nothing burger with fries….something fake to keep you mad at the right person. There’s zero credible evidence on that laptop, no evidence it ever belonged to Hunter, at best there’s evidence someone who hacked his email account at the same time the Russians hacked Clinton and the DNC created it, adding tons of fake information, photoshopped photos, fake and doctored emails, etc. Because the right had possession of it, and tampered with the contents for 9 months before “turning it over” (to Giuliani?), it’s nothing. Like a piece of evidence allegedly taken from a crime scene, washed, dipped in blood, exposed to close range gun fire, wiped with dna, tested at a filthy unaccredited lab with zero anti-cross contamination protocols, then handed to police and expecting a conviction. Just so stupid.

They don’t “vouch” for the emails….they say there are indications some of them are real….not all. Liars.

So family is fair game….now….but not Trump’s criminal family that undeniably took BILLIONS in bribes from horrific murderous dictators and Trump covered for them, directed his DOJ to not investigate or to just exonerate people like Mohammed bin Salman, even bragging he saved Mohammed’s ass from consequences for the live dismemberment of an American. Far from the only KNOWN bribe, Melania…..Don Jr, Eric, Jared, likely Barron too. Better investigate since this kind of stuff outrages you….but it doesn’t really, now does it? It’s just a crutch you cling to like an emotional support blanket, propaganda.

Oh wow! Right wing media isn’t reliable!? Who knew!? (EVERYBODY KNEW, YOU DUMB SHIT…for decades)

Whine some more, snowflakes. Why not create your own? (Because it would be chock full of insanity from day one, with zero real information or usefulness and you know it).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

luxintenebris says...

just wanted to make sure you caught this tidbit...

Republicans’ use of “grooming” rhetoric comes as one of their own, former state House Speaker Lee Chatfield, is under investigation for allegedly sexually assaulting his future sister-in-law starting when she was a minor.

Clips from NBC NEWS: The sister-in-law of a former, high-ranking Republican leader in Michigan accused the lawmaker of sexually assaulting her for years when she was an underaged teen, officials said Monday.

Lee Chatfield, 33, who served as speaker of the state House of Representatives in 2019 and 2020, denies any criminal wrongdoing and instead admits to extramarital — but consensual — sex with the accuser, defense attorney Mary Chartier said. (he claims the affair began after his wife's sister turned of age)

“He destroyed me, and has controlled my life since I was 15-16, the past 10-11 years,” she told the non-profit news outfit.

a couple of items didn't list that add more 'ickiness' to the mix.
link to the story:

any wonder the Right thinks someone is after their kids - their own Party members are!

IMAX projection. 1000%

newtboy said:

100% Projection.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Turns out the Florida book banning session by Desantis was based not on the books or anything in them, but a supplemental worksheet posted online by “Joe” that had clearly been edited poorly to add things like Maya Angelou being sexually abused by her parents to math problems. Not even remotely CRT even by the fake definition the right uses….but enough for Republicans to start book burning.

Actually the math part of it is before the blatantly fake non sequitur word problem, “Y equals X plus two, three X plus six Y equals 12. Angelou was sexually abused by her mother's blank at age eight, which shaped her career choices and motivation for writing.”

That’s the example given by Desantis to excuse the book bannings. It’s a blatant fake, a fake about math books in Missouri, not Florida.

Your people. Anti education, anti math, anti reality, anti truth. You must be proud.

Edit: I wonder how long it will take you to solve that 4th grade math problem. I’m embarrassed to say it took me over 2 seconds….including reading time.

The $5BN Mega Resort in the Desert

newtboy says...

I hope this monument to opulence fails miserably and the developers lose their shirts.
There’s no way they won’t damage or destroy that reef.
The first big storm is going to destroy much of the sand island.
But, 10% are special protection zones! Won’t matter, they can’t survive if huge amounts of the non protected reef are destroyed.

Not to mention sea level rise will put it underwater quickly, it’s barely above current sea level in the plans.

Look at Mexico, dozens of comparatively tiny resorts not even on the reefs, but on land, and that reef is not 10% what it was in the mid 80’s. Building ON the reef is guaranteed to destroy it, as is tourism.

I hate when companies are allowed to build on natural wonders to exploit the beauty, they invariably destroy that beauty within decades. That entire reef/coastline should be off limits to construction so the two desert properties have an attraction. When the reefs die from sun tan lotion poisoning, bleaching, sand displacement, accidents with supply ships, the first major fuel spill, etc, that place will be a $5 billion waste, abandoned to the desert.

Remember the “islands of the world” project in Dubai? This sounds even less thought out than they were, more ecologically disastrous, needing more infrastructure to be built, requiring ships to bring fuel as there’s no nearby port to run pipelines from (guaranteeing oil spills). All for what? So billionaires can get off their yachts for a while in luxury?

Wiki-Significant changes in the maritime environment [of Dubai]. As a result of the dredging and redepositing of sand for the construction of the islands, the typically crystalline waters of the Persian Gulf at Dubai have become severely clouded with silt. Construction activity is damaging the marine habitat, burying coral reefs, oyster beds and subterranean fields of sea grass, threatening local marine species as well as other species dependent on them for food. Oyster beds have been covered in as much as two inches of sediment, while above the water, beaches are eroding with the disruption of natural currents.

That was a $12 billion project to exploit the pristine coast and beautiful waters that no longer exist, the islands themselves are sinking and eroding, most were evacuated or never used at all, the water is now mud colored, the reefs are gone. An unmitigated disaster. This sounds extremely similar.

Oppose this and similar projects.

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