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Piers Morgan: "You are an incredibly stupid man"

rottenseed says...

How then, do you go about removing the guns from America? Essentially we have 1 gun per person (accounted for). So if a wizard could magically snap his fingers and *poof* there went the guns, then yes, I'd say we should get rid of them. But what you're saying is the equivalent of "man, you should really get rid of cancer, it's killing people. You should make cancer illegal."

The poison is already in the well, and you can't get it out, so people do the best they can do: buy guns for protection.

kulpims said:

no, man, you misunderstood me. I'm not opposed to americans owning guns. I mean, go ahead; shoot yourselves to death, I don't give a fuck. just saying, seems bloody insane to me ... why would you need policemen then, if all you need is to arm every man, woman and child in america so they can defend themselves against each other? you're not living in the times of the wild wild west any more and you're not some 3rd world country where non-functional states can't provide adequate protection for their citizens ... and don't give me that 2nd amendment bullshit, cause you're all reading it wrong

Are Star Trek and Star Wars Mutually Exclusive? (Geek Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Oh, and books, lots of books.

Read to them lots and let them see you reading - that's how they will learn and not know they're learning.

All the good stuff from Alice in Wonderland, Narnia, Wizard of Oz.
As they start to read, get all the early readers based on super heroes, star wars and all the geek stuff. Make sure you stick to variety or they'll get bored and you'll lose them.

kymbos (Member Profile)

Oz the Great and Powerful - Official Trailer #2

Scientists Convicted of Manslaughter Sentenced to 6 years

Black Sabbath ~ The Wizard

Black Sabbath ~ The Wizard

deathcow says...

>> ^lurgee:

>> ^deathcow:
WHAT an album !!! 42 yrs old now

I can recall cruising on big wheel while the hearing them being blasted from 8-track players in my old hood.

My older brother had this 6? foot long by 3 foot high cabinet stereo where the top slid open and it had a turntable and the controls. It had like wood lattice speakers and really coarse cloth over them under the lattice. He would play it on there.

Black Sabbath ~ The Wizard

enoch (Member Profile)

Mr. Wizard Is Still a Dick

Mr. Wizard Is Still a Dick

ZappaDanMan (Member Profile)

I'm Harry Potter - I just play a guy called Daniel Radcliffe

Wizard Of Meh. - pogo

How Jaws was Restored on Blu-Ray

probie says...

I made it a rule not to buy any movies older than 2005 on Blu-ray simply because most movies would just be upscaled versions of their DVD counterparts with some possible cleanup involved. *Unless* it was a classic and went through a complete restoration, The Wizard of Oz as an example. Watching that on Blu-ray is just phenomenal. (Except for that rogue hair that's STILL stuck in the camera at the end. Don't get me started on that....)

I'll probably pick this up at some point, after the price drops.

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