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gwiz665 (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

wow, a torrid love affair sounds like a blast! unfortunately all my lady shaped love affair parts reside in a different continent.
however, i did let the hairdressers at my salon give me a white girl fro today and im super excited about it!

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Hehe, good on ya. You should get your charter back, I got mine pretty fast.

I'm gonna be a bit harsher with my votes this time around; with a second chance, I can undo the folly of youth!

I'm still looking for someone to have a torrid love affair with, though. You game?

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
im alive and kicking sir.
downvoting some crap for the crap that it is
and discovering some gems that were lost in the madness.
my charters gone now though, i dont know if it ran out or got lost
i think i still had a week or so left

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Hey bea, did you survive the siftocalypse?

Chris Rock about Obama 2008

Dance Styles of the World (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

LittleRed says...

Brought back fantastic memories. A friend of mine from Kenya taught me how to krump a few years ago. Since I already looked like the crazy white girl, I kept my arms in check most of the time. We'd go to parties with his African friends, and I would be the only white girl there. Definitely a different experience.

Microsoft to Parents: Buy Xbox360 & your kids will like you

The Dumbest Death in the James Bond Series

karaidl says...

Ah good, the white man killed both the black guys to save the white girl that the black guys kidnapped. Thank you, 1973, for teaching us this valuable lesson in racial equality. Finally, black men can have starring roles in film.

Banned from Future Flights For being like, prettier...

Betty Page Invites You Into the Harem

The Dancing Weather Girl

Daughter of Steve Irwin Launches a Singing Career

Ann Coulter Wants Jews to be 'Perfected'

quantumushroom says...

Marxist-leftist weenies bend over backwards apologizing to and for, say, Saddam, the 9-11 terrorists and "I'm-a-Dinner-Jacket", the imam-punk'd 'President' of Iran, for these poor souls are/were merely "misunderstood", and "we have no right to judge them, because all cultures are equal."

It takes Ann Coulter, a 100-lb Christian White Woman, whose greatest "crime" is having a point of view in a wussified PC-world that can no longer bear strong opinions on any subject, to evoke the kind of rabid hatred that should be reserved for the aforementioned madmen.

I stand by my original statement, which is correct. Had it been Katie Couric in the hot seat you might recognize the obvious about the no-talent schmuck host, but hey, I'm just shocked the rage even emerged, usually so well-concealed behind the elitist intelligentsian facade. Too bad it's wasted on skinny White girls and not murderous muslims.

MIT geek nearly shot by airport police for wearing 9V & LEDs (Geek Talk Post)

joedirt says...

One last thing - do you think you could recognize the difference between art and a bomb at 100 meters in time to make the decision? Would you be willing to take the risk if your own and the lives of hundreds of others might be on the line?

Yes I could at 100ft. One has lights and is on the outside of a hoodie. The other is hidden in a laptop, or in luggage or other wise HIDDEN FROM MOTHERFUCKING VIEW.

Did people run SCREAMING from her on the trip over in the Metro? Did anyone in the dorms call the cops when she walked through the hallway with a "faux bomb" strapped to her chest.

She wore this SAME MOTHERFUCKING outfit the day before on a public University campus?! How is it ok to have fake bombs walking around MIT? But somehow this was more threatening at an airport.

And she walks into one of the busiest and most heavily guarded airports in the world with cheap electronics on her chest (blinking or not) without a ticket or boarding pass, wandering around looking for someone. Are you seriously defending that action?

Yes, I am SERIOUSLY DEFENDING the concept of going to an airport to MEET YOUR MOTHERFUCKING boyfriend. People often, in fact, go to the airport and wander around looking for someone. WTF. I have no problem if the cops want to ask her what she is wearing and inspect it. Go ahead, but is the airport some holy land that is more sacred, than say the subway? The Ted=-William-or-whatever-it-is-called Tunnel?

She passed by cops and security when she entered the Concourse and even on the shuttle bus that circles Logan. No one was concerned there. This happened because one idiot employee wasn't satisfied with a dorky white girl saying she was wearing an art project.

And the cops are making up hoax charges because they are too stupid and shoot mooninite signs because we must all live in FEAR. What about oddly lumpy fat people? What about people wearing overcoats? What about some guy pushing a stroller? All of them should be met with guns in the face if you are such a fan of our police state.

MIT geek nearly shot by airport police for wearing 9V & LEDs (Geek Talk Post)

jonny says...

You really need to check out google news, it has like articles and stuff.

You should look at a clock every once in a while - it might have informed you that I wrote that first comment late on friday night. Excuse me for being so out of the ordinary that I was out drinking last night. I responded only to what I saw, admittedly hastily and without all the facts. And, I think I wrote something about that at the very beginning of my comment.

But none of that matters. This is an MIT student right? Supposedly pretty smart? And she walks into one of the busiest and most heavily guarded airports in the world with cheap electronics on her chest (blinking or not) without a ticket or boarding pass, wandering around looking for someone. Are you seriously defending that action? Do you seriously believe that I think it's ok to have heavily armed personnel in such an area?

You're talking about some foolish kid that spent a night in jail. Do you not think there are more important things going on in this country? How about a series of increasingly violent incidents in rural Louisiana that led to a 16 y.o. kid nearly being charged with attempted murder as an adult after beating another random kid to a pulp? Or maybe hanging nooses from a tree as a form of intimidation isn't that important to you, but some rich little white girl peeing her panties is.

If I have not made my point clear - there is no fucking way she could not have understood the potential consequences of her actions.

One last thing - do you think you could recognize the difference between art and a bomb at 100 meters in time to make the decision? Would you be willing to take the risk if your own and the lives of hundreds of others might be on the line?

(yeah - I'm still pretty lit up.)

Kathy Griffin, Red Headed Oprah

Fletch says...

"Everybody needs a helping hand"

Doesn't that sound condescending to anybody else? Assuming, and approaching people as if they are "in need" just may offend some. I don't think the camera and the fact it was an extremely white girl helped any, either.

Louis Theroux - Black Supremacists

GOP Congressman: "Blacks...May Not Even Know How To Swim"

LadyBug says...

about 20 years ago, there were two girlfriends in our bunch who had a swimming mishap when we were in the 8th grade. unfortunately, our black friend drowned because they couldn't find her in time. the white girl was found first. *shrugs*

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