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Surveillance teach-in: Bill Binney & Jacob Appelbaum

Andrew Bird - "Headsoak" at Grimey's Too, 3/7/2013

Jim Carrey's 'Cold Dead Hand' Pisses Off Fox News Gun Nuts

Evil Picard Plays His Flute

Richard Cheese - Creep (Radiohead Cover)

Brick teamwork is impressively smooth

Know Your Signals

Know Your Signals

The only CIA officer to go to jail for torture is...

Stormsinger says...

Personally, if all the "secret services" crashed and burned overnight, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. I think we'd be far, far better off if our government was not allowed to keep any activities secret. Maybe we'd be able to reduce the level of corruption to something acceptable, if all the books were open to public review.

I certainly think it perfectly obvious that the real criminals in this case were those that performed and authorized the torture, rather than the one that blew the whistle. YMMV

A10anis said:

I'm afraid you too are being naive. As a CIA operative he would -or should have - been aware that there are other ways to expose corruption and illegal behaviour. Ways which would have protected himself, the operative he was outing, and most important his family. My original comment stands. He was naive and stupid. How long do you think the "secret" services would last if all operatives were allowed to reveal classified information whenever they felt inclined to? Am I naive enough to trust the secret services completely? Of course not, but in the present climate they are a necessary evil. We can only hope that the work they do to protect us, outweighs the bad.

Hinterland Who's Who -- The Loon

radx (Member Profile)

Silence on the Power Point limitation? (Money Talk Post)

bareboards2 says...

@dag said "If you have been here six years- more than likely you know the ropes and how things function here and should therefore have more power to change things than someone who has been here for less time."

Change what, dag? What can a new person to the Sift change?

As for the Sift now having more nuance than before, I say phooie on that. I still remember how completely flummoxed I was by all the bells and whistles and promotes and power points and it was all so overwhelming, I lurked for years.

In my opinion, this limitation feels like a punishment for success. Somebody charges in, susses things out quickly, and starts posting quality videos? How is that a problem?

I've seen this before -- sifters who can't get a video into the Top 15 resenting the success of others. Instead of working on their skills to figure out what OTHER SIFTERS WANT, they grouse. I see this limitation as the ultimate grouse against success.

I also know it is a fact that success breeds success, and it can be hard to get noticed. Creating the Talent Scout badge should obviate that -- if a Sifter helps noobs, they will get rewarded for it (dang, where was that badge when I was heavy into my helping newcomer phase?)

I guess I am too much an American -- we love our capitalist system where efforts are rewarded, for the most part. A slogging along, almost communist system grates -- two years before you can earn something. Dang. Although the flip to this is -- if you have real, honest to god money, you can buy your way into power points. Which means this new system is the opposite of egalitarian.

The world is not a dull gray place where everyone is the same. @Drax with his silver tongue? Good lord, that is amazing. @punkinandstorm with her deep reserves of charm and smarts who figured this site out in record time, on top of a great eye for an interesting vid? @eric3579 who has a beautifully tuned sense of quality and works hard to maintain the excellence? @mintbbb who also can spot a winner vid at 25 paces? @kymbos, who delights me with his point of view? @radx who privately keeps me informed on the most amazing worldwide events that otherwise I wouldn't hear about?

Everyone brings something to the table here, in this rich tapestry that is the Sift. I love it here. Mostly.

But I get back to my first question -- how can a noob "change" anything? What are they changing?

Sorting Beer Cases Like a Boss!

Michio Kaku: Can Nanotechnology Create Utopia?

entr0py says...

I knew Dr. Kaku's use of the word "parasites" would be like a dog whistle to conservatives. But it also doesn't make any sense. In a world with replicators you would be fully self-sufficient just by owning a replicator. If no one else is conceivably taken advantage of (no host), the parasite analogy falls apart.

Roger Whittaker, The God Of Whistling - Finnish Whistler

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