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Trump : Bloodbath

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

mram says...

Denial, not just a river in Egypt.
You didn't even read the article. I'm also not going to create a Rumor Social account to go get them references. His exact "Rumors" were referenced there.

He deleted the original post, but it's obviously been heard, recorded, preserved. And the news caught it. And he even references it in his own reply.

So you don't like Snopes? Here are just a few of the other news articles citing the exact quote:

And my favorite:

So, all fake news, right? He didn't say that at all? All of these sources are entirely wrong? Or you want to cover this with even more denialism?

He only cares about things that benefit him, and if the constitution of the USA is in his way, he'd burn it. "Preserve, protect, and defend" indeed.


bobknight33 said:

Snopes is hardly a credible source.

Show the trump Tweet .. Not some rag -- For the sake of clarity and truthfulness, show the actual text in context.

Like I said.
When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

Any source that won’t tell your lies you declare “not credible” but you still listen to right wing propaganda despite every single source misleading you constantly. You yourself are not credible in the least.

It wasn’t a tweet, it was mostly repeated statements from the campaign stage. Look it up yourself then discredit your own sources…

…but here’s the Toth about rescinding the constitution….
About ending 3 part government with checks and balances….

I’ve told you when, repeatedly, because you are incapable of even attempting to learn for yourself (or even learning with the help you constantly demand). You cannot be enlightened. You insist on remaining in the dark.

bobknight33 said:

Snopes is hardly a credible source.

Show the trump Tweet .. Not some rag -- For the sake of clarity and truthfulness, show the actual text in context.

Like I said.
When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting.

So, according to dementia Don Joe Biden beat Barack Hussein Obabba in an election.
Even his VP says don’t vote for Delusional Don, just like anybody that’s worked for him in the past.
He might want to stop advertising so heavily on pro Hitler and pro-Nazi videos online like his campaign was caught doing. That doesn’t attract non cultists or non racists.

More MAGA child rape debauchery, A former Republican precinct chairman from the state of Texas named Beau Dresner has been sentenced to FOUR CENTURIES in prison after he was convicted of, among other things, four counts of sexually assaulting/raping young children and 61 counts of producing child pornography. He had a one way ticket to Armenia when he was caught. Republicans love to say that they are the party protecting our children from "groomers," but all the reports of child abuse and assault seem to be coming from within their own party, usually from their leadership.

Odd, there’s never been a true story of a drag queen sexually assaulting a child or a trans person attacking a child in a bathroom, not one, but almost daily there’s a new high profile MAGGOT actually caught having forced sex with children. Not surprising when your cult leader was best friends with the most prolific child sex abuser in our history for decades, even long after he was caught and admitted to child prostitution. You are in the party of child abuse, theft, and lies.

Sundhnúkar Iceland 16-03-2024 20:23 Eruption Start

Neil deGrasse Tyson tells the importance of life

The Boeing Scandal Just Got A LOT Worse

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. The transcript of the Biden interviews totally contradicts the liar who concluded he was a “elderly man with a poor memory” but omitted the parts of the interview where he told Biden he has a near photographic memory.
Both can’t be true, and we can see with our own eyes that Biden’s memory is just fine unlike his predecessor.
Even right wing papers are retracting their dozens of stories they produced based on this report now that they can read the transcript and see that the report was nothing but a political smear, with the transcript proving that Biden was not confused nor stumped on basic questions and that it was the interviewer who couldn’t remember details from minutes earlier or even if it was morning or afternoon.

😂 Once again, reality rears its ugly head and utterly destroys another MAGA lie. 😂

Bonus - Republican Representative Ken Buck of Colorado’s 4th district has announced he’s so disgusted with MAGA nonsense he’s leaving congress this week, further narrowing the razor thin majority.

AI Trump Tells The Whole Truth

bobknight33 says...

Stupid - NO
Correct - YES.
You too can be correct -- all you need to do is learn the truth.

Here is a small piece to start on.

surfingyt said:

LOL Trump called bobby "one of the stupidest M**F**rs on Earth."


I need day off and first day of work

New Order - Elegia

Maggot Brain - The greatest guitar solo ever played

Israeli Soldiers Use Food Aid As Trap To Murder Palestinians

newtboy says...

, completely incapable of educating yourself. If you think you still have the capacity to learn when facts are shoved down your throat (based on your history I don’t) look at the second chart.
Funding has actually now slightly decreased to less than Trump sent under Biden when you adjust for inflation (but it’s true that since October Biden has been REQUESTING billions more, not sending billions more…but now that the inhuman genocide is undeniable he may stop pushing as hard for it).

See Bob, adults can admit inconvenient facts even when they make our leaders look bad…I don’t just admit it, I bring it up myself…MAGA absolutely cannot do either because you are all insanely brain numbingly clinically insecure.

Edit- speaking of which, still waiting. 😂

bobknight33 said:

So trump was funding Billions of $ for IDF Genocide?

You have some history -knowing facts on this???

Please enlighten me?
Please blathering me with your facts.

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