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Watchmen - Rorshach: You're locked in here with me!

djsunkid says...

>> ^Sylvester_Ink:
I thought the movie was pretty decent and all, but one thing I object to is that Rorschach was never this sadistically brutal in the GN. In the GN he uses the cooking fat as a quick way to defend himself, but here he uses it as a coup-de-grace that's really unnecessary.
The same goes for the flashback scene of the child rapist. He does not outright murder the guy, as he does in the film, but provides him with a more fitting punishment.
And finally, there's his killing of Big Figure. In the GN he drowns the guy because that's the quickest and most efficient method he has on hand. In the movie . . . well, although we didn't see it, it was certainly unnecessary.
That's what made Rorschach a likable character in the comic. He was dispensing justice in his own way, but here it seems to be a slaughter he savors, and that makes him less likable a character.
Ah well, enough from me.

I thought that the whole point of Rorschach wasn't to be a "likeable" character, but then again, I experienced watchmen in the wrong order. I watched the movie first, then went and read the gn over the course of the next few days.

Anyway, I thought that one of the main dramatic thrusts of Watchmen was the moral ambiguity of vigilante-ism. Here's Rorschach, the most principled super-hero in the series, treated like an anti-social murderer. And, well... isn't he?

I actually really didn't like how he dispensed with the child molester in the movie, nor the graphic novel. The movie was too grindhouse, whereas in the GN he's basically laying down some plot points for the movie Saw, 20 years earlier.

OH, I should mention, I HATE the movie Saw, so that is a bad thing.

Watchmen - Rorshach: You're locked in here with me!

Oh the horror, the horror! Snakes and Fishies eaten alive!

EDD (Member Profile)

videosiftbannedme says...

Dunno if you're like me, but after seeing the intital trailer, I purposely starved myself of any info on it, as I like to enjoy my movies spoiler-free. I had never read the comic and really had no idea what I was in store for. I can say that I walked out of the theatre unimpressed initially. But then I decided that the movie was very much like Dune...complex narratives on top of one another, consistent themes, etc, etc. And I loved Dune.

So I went back and read the story in its original comic format to get a better understanding of it. The movie is so faithful to the original story, it was like "watching" it again, minus a few small differences. After that, I had to catch it on IMAX, and was like night and day. TOTALLY dig it now.

Not sure how old you are, but it also helps if you lived through the 80's. If you experienced the Cold War first hand, you'll want to put your mind back in that time period when reading the comic, as it was published in '86.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
>> ^mysdrial:
I really loved this intro, and I thought it did a great job giving an overview of the situation for the film...but having read the graphic novel many times, it may have simply been sentimentality on my part, too.

Hey, I haven't read the graphic novel, yet I still think it gave a good idea where the world's at in the context of the film. Very excited to see it, although have no idea when I'll be able to.

Btw, the cinema blend embed works fine for me.

Watchmen - Opening Credits

Vague Recolections of Watchmen 1 and 2 (spoilers)

Edeot/MrLips +25, Fjnbk +250, peggedbea+100, Rasch +666 (Rocknroll Talk Post)

therealblankman (Member Profile)

Sarzy (Member Profile)

Watchmen Trailer #3

gwiz665 says...

The movie was great and certainly as good as the comic. You should keep your pipe in when you haven't seen it, because really, you were wrong.

>> ^budzos:
The retards are the ones making the movie. I can see that was not clear.
300 was a comic book designed by Frank Miller to be "cinematic." Same with Sin City. So those properties don't suffer for the adaptation (even though I resent the making of Sin City as well). Spider Man, Superman, etc.. are all part of a greater mythology and have been multi-media more than twice most of our ages. The rest of the adaptations are just "comic book bullshit" and it doesn't matter what happens with it because it's nonsense thought up by nerdy fuckheads in their teens and twenties for the most part.
Watchmen was expressly designed to be the nexus of everything that comic books have been and could be. To anyone who cares, 300 is to Watchmen as Commando is to Casablanca. The story is fantastic and the story will translate well, but it's about the MEDIUM and what can be done with it.
I don't care about the changes. To be honest I'm sure the movie will be great, probably the best comic book adaptaion of all time. I'll be there opening day. That doesn't change the fact that I wish they weren't making it, so that more people would end up READING Watchmen rather than WATCHING it. They could make the most perfect adaptation of all time and I'd still resent the concept of a Watchmen movie.
The "Citizen Kane" parallel is not made lightly. Seeing Watchmen without having read the comic is just like reading Citizen Kane the comic book. It's not the experience the author intended. It's adulterated.

Servers Fall Down, Go Boom (Sift Talk Post)

Edeot (Member Profile)

NicoleBee says...

I can't help it! It seems to be Watchmen avatar week. And Joey is awesome. I should bother to plug in the scanner and get a better icon from my copy, though. This was the only thing that turned up on an image search

But seriously, welcome to the sift. You've definitely exploded onto the scene! And you find good things to watch, so thats all that really matters to me.

In reply to this comment by Edeot:
It struck me as futile to hit on someone with a lesbian in her avatar.

Shepppard (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

rottenseed (Member Profile)

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