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FOX News Pundit Suggests Taliban Should Kill US Soldier

FOX News Pundit Suggests Taliban Should Kill US Soldier

NetRunner says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
No. If he walked off the base, fuck that moron.

I agree, but it's a little premature to start calling for his captors to kill him on national TV without trying to ascertain whether that was indeed what happened first.


FOX News Pundit Suggests Taliban Should Kill US Soldier

entr0py says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
No. If he walked off the base, fuck that moron.

Well, some sort of reprimand is in order for going AWOL. But hoping the dumb kid gets himself killed seems harsh.

Honestly I think this Peters fellow is more angry that the soldier caused the army some embarrassment then anything. To him that's the unforgivable part.

FOX News Pundit Suggests Taliban Should Kill US Soldier

Americas Got Talent - Great Illusionist

spawnflagger says...

So my guess is that the black guy in scrubs is actually 2 people, the head/arms/torso being a little person or amputee, and the legs being a taller person (maybe contortionist), whose upper half is inside the cart until the end, when he's actually holding the other guy to do the jumping and walk off the stage.

I agree, it is much harder to see with the cut-aways to the judges.

great showmanship though.

2000 people download MP3, press play at 4pm and move in sync

Sasquatch Music Festival 09:One Guy Starts Huge Dance Party!

Dear Asians, Fuck Your Culture/Family/Dignity Love, Texas (Asia Talk Post)

Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009

dannym3141 says...

>> ^EndAll:
As endearing as this was, it was kinda weird how they were all outta their seats and cheering madly the second she started. I think they were getting impatient for another Paul Potts type.

You're fucking joking ain't you?

The moment she started singing my hairs stood on end. Coupled with the fact that EVERYONE was thinking "who the fuck is this weirdo?" 10 quid says no one will think that again, specially when she's all dolled up by professional fashion/makeup dudez.

Apparently she's 47, lives on her own with her cat, never been kissed, and the children mock her in the street. I could think of no one more deserving.

And what's more is, by the way she was walking off the stage, it's clear that was the best thing she's ever done, ever. The most amazing moment of her life and i'm so happy for her.

Edit: The sound quality is shit, it's selling her voice short.

Amazing Magic Trick - America's got Talent

Baera says...

>> ^Xax:
I had considered the Torso Man idea, but when he appears to be a whole body at the end, I can't see how those legs could belong to another person.

I saw a version of this where it doesn't cut short and when the "body" walks off, he shuffles sideways all the way off the stage. It's very unnatural, the way the "person" moves.

Here is how I believe it was done:

The man to be sawed in half, is one "torso bodied person" and one person of normal height. The trick must start with the "man" already in position because the legs of the "man" (normal height person) has his upper body inside the table. The part that would be most likely to give away what is going on is conveniently cut from the broadcast version. The lower half of the "body" moves from the table to the dolly type platform between cuts. At this point, the man of normal height reaches within the cloths of the "torso bodied man" and carries him in his arms. The magician and his assistant must joust them into an upright position. This is the reason why the shuffles, quite literally, sideways off stage. The illusion of a man with proper movement and proportion is completely lost from and angle except the front.

Blagojevich Zinged by David Letterman

Christian Bale (Wtf Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Ladies! Ladies! No need to argue. I'll be your tie-breaker. Bale was being a cock. Even if the DP willfully strolled across Bale's scene, there are limits to being angry at someone, and those limits tend to begin somewhere right before charging at someone and saying you'll kick their ass. He should've walked off the set for a breather.

To be honest, is there any real proof the DP actually walked through Bale's scene? Maybe he was just walking about off camera but happened to catch Bale's eye? You know, sometimes actors can be huge cocksuckers to the crew. I remember working on set with Judge Reinhold on a sci-fi flick called Last Lives and he had a scene where he was croutched over an actor on the floor of a church. As Judge was flubbing his lines, he tried to cram in an expletive but instead sprayed a big wad of spit into the air. Immediately he tried to catch the spit in his hand before it landed on the other actor's bald head, but he only managed to karate chop it in half and the spit covered the bald man's head. It was hilarious.

Anyhow, I guess he was too embarrassed to say he was sorry, so he instead stood up, took the prop he hand in his hand (called "Lifebands" which I built most of) and tossed it across the room yelling something to the affect of "Goddamn, stupid pieces of shit Lifebands!" I had to go around and pick up all the remaining pieces to glue them back together. I never received so much as an "I'm sorry" from Judge, so... yeah... Bale was being a cock.

The most flagrant foul of all time in college basketball?

ObsidianStorm says...

Uh, if there was ANY truth to what is said in that statement (chances are he never even saw the damn thing, let alone wrote it), he would have apologized AT THE TIME, not walked off, laughing and high fiving his buddies.

Underscore - ASSHOLE.

This cat is VERY tolerant of the baby

alien_concept says...

My cat prefers babies and kids to adults. She actively seeks them out and couldn't give a crap what they do to her, she just casually walks off again if they do anything too outrageous. It's very cute, but something needs to redeem the bastard for bringing toads into my house all winter, torturing them and making them scream

Guys Succeed in Making a Palace Guard Laugh

calvados says...

I've done ceremonial guard duties for a bunch of summers (it's not a full-time thing, it's an occasional duty performed by (usually) reserve infantry soldiers), and mostly the things the tourists do to try and make you crack a smile just aren't funny. Them sticking out their tongues and waggling their fingers just isn't. You're standing there all sweaty, broiling in the sun, and your feet ache and you're just looking straight to your front and shifting your weight infinitesimally (enough to bring your dogs some relief, not enough for it to be noticed). And so on. The only time some dudes came close (and they weren't even trying) was when they started talking amongst themselves about the Imodium commercial with the palace guard in it, all yukking it up. I was about to infinitesimally bite the tip of my tongue to keep from joining them but they walked off and took their good times with them.

Once, though, a mosquito landed on my face just below the eye and started chowing down. I was still standing there like a wax statue but inside I was feverishly trying to think what I could do about it, which didn't take long as there were precious few movements I was allowed to make and I quickly concluded that there was nothing I could legally do which would have the slightest chance of dislodging it. After a full minute it could gorge no more and bumbled away; the bump swelled up as big around as a quarter and 3/8" high (and itched like a bitch of course).

On a more serious note, some female soldiers standing guard have reported getting groped by spectators in recent years. The first time or two that it happened there wasn't even a contingency plan in place because the higher-ups had doubted that anybody would do such a thing (that, and the guards are supposed to be watched by Mounties and/or commissionaires whose job it is to intervene).


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