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How the Middle Class Got Screwed

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I have the 'benefit' of actually - you know - having LIVED in the 60s. Back then the average interest rate on a home loan was along the lines of 16% to 18%. Needless to say this video glosses over a lot of the challenges the great middle class had in making ends meet.

The dini index is a rather foolish barometer - which is why neolibs like it so much. It allows a neolib to take perfectly happy, content, functional societies and act like everyone there should be miserable because they don't hit the right note on an artificial standard. Look instead at the relative standard of living enjoyed by a country. By any standard, the US has it pretty dang sweet. Just saw a report yesterday where those in the supposed "poverty" level have (A) homes they own (B) 2+ Big Screen TVs (C) 2+ cars (D) video game systems, DVD players, computers, and smartphones (E) and eat 'out' as often as twice a week. "Wah wah wah - the US isn't as good on the dini index as a bunch of pinheads think it should be!" Neolibs can whine all they want about wealth concentration. The fact that the bottom 5% is buying luxuries that many other nation's RICH can't afford (while paying ZERO income taxes) proves that the bellyaching is meaningless drivel.

Besides, leftists really don't care jack-crap whether or not the bottom 5% actually ever moves out of the poverty level. The crocodile tears about the 'poor' is a bunch of propoganda they use to advance higher tax rates - which help the poor only in the barest, most marginal, subsistence-only way. Neolibs use the poor as a manure shovel to trowel money into bloated, criminally negligent government troughs. Obama's entire regime is demonstrable proof that huge government spending accomplishes nothing for the poor or middle class. In fact, higher taxation & spending accomplish the exact opposite of 'helping' the middle class. Leftist governments do not help with wealth distribution. If anything, wealth disparity is frequently much worse under leftist systems. "Rich" person money does more good funding private-citizen billionaire prostitute crack snorting addictions than it does in government.

So I reject the neolib premise that money "must" be shunted from the rich to government, or society is somehow less fair. Frankly, it is none of your cotton-pickin' business or mine what rich folks so with their cash. Neither poor people, nor the middle class have any right to anyone else's money just because they're jealous that someone else has more of it. If a guy is rich, it is their decision what to do with their money. Donate to charities, invest it in businesses, or use it to murder puppies - whatever - it's THEIR cash - not yours. Same goes for companies and corporations too. Just because a company is earning truckloads of cash doesn't mean you have any right to one jack-sprat cent of it.

Jefferson Memorial Dancing on June 4 2011

Opus_Moderandi says...

Wah wah, my caviar is too salty, wah wah...>> ^MaxWilder:

I am dumbfounded at the stupidity and narrow-mindedness here. This is what it means to stand up for your rights.
When men with power command men with guns to prevent you from doing something that does not harm anyone, we lose freedom. If we don't stand up and say "no" whenever the little stuff like this happens, then it will get bigger and bigger. If you "start" fighting for your freedom after the restrictions have escalated, then it will be increasingly difficult to get it back. You know those protests in Egypt? Where people died? Maybe the deaths wouldn't have been necessary if they had started sooner. Or do people have to die before you will think the protest is worth having?
I hope that these little protests continue. I hope that many of them happen across the country in protest of stupid little laws that accomplish nothing useful but acclimating the masses to oppression. I hope it becomes a tradition to do a little dance whenever you visit this memorial.
You can take your "right to not be hassled" and shove it. Ain't no such thing.
American and proud (of the few who stand up to tyrants big and small).

Texting Fountain lady, Suing mall for her own dumb actions

Hitchens Brothers Debate If Civilization Can Survive W/O God

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^AnimalsForCrackers:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
Well, seems AnimalsForCrackers once again downvotes my comments for what? Not sure. But since you downvote every comment I make, I have a few theories... You must love to beat off to downvoting my comments... Or, as you sacrafice babies born to religious parents, with coat hangers through their eyes, you must be praying to the Atheist god of reason... No? Not there yet? Or perhaps I am a more understanding Atheist and that drives you to prove yourself?
All hyperbole aside... What I find funny Animals, is that your opinion (Blame religion for every human woe in the world,) is dying here on the sift. Why? Because it is extreme and holds no place in reason. Grow up and stop being the 13 year old you are acting like. I promise to do the same in kind. Because, just stooping to your level makes me feel dirty.

You impertinent, lying fuckstick. I downvoted because I disagreed with your use of post-modernist relativism and the whole freedom = bad mantra, I don't need to give a fucking explanation to downvote someone I disagree with. Downvotes must really piss you the fuck off to elicit such a response. "Wah wah! I was downvoted! I do declare I might be coming down with a case of the vapors!" They are a part of the site, and should be used more than they are when expressing disapproval of a comment, in my opinion. Learn to get over it, everyone else does.
What I don't see others doing is calling someone out for an individual downvote and then claiming the downvoter is the one who is acting like a child while lying and strawmanning in an attempt to prove it. Project on, my friend, project on! <IMG class=smiley src="">
"Blame religion for every human woe"? I cannot even think of one person who wasn't a flyby troll who has done that here, let alone myself! Nice picture of the Sift that you're painting for us all. "Downvote your every [BOLDED FOR EMPHASIS, yours, mind you] comment"? Well then, if you went out of your way to bold that one word then it must mean you are like really super duper serious! Make a Sift Talk, thems grounds for bannination, we've seen many come and go for that offense. Unfortunately you are a liar, and this is easy for anyone to verify. If you could kindly quote where I have said that or show that I have downvoted anywhere approaching ALL(a few comments = all in Lawdeedaw world) of yours comments, that'd be great. Please get back to me on that, okay, cupcake? <IMG class=smiley src="">
Have any more words to put into my mouth? Fuck off with your dishonesty.


Your opinions are valid about revisionism, even if you can never prove them. They are yours, so keep them and try to explain them. I simply would rather have a debate of reason, something none can do while calling each other names, than a click of a down-arrow and you occasionally saying somehting like, "You are wrong Law, you take the pussy way out and do not blame religion at all."

I do not mind a downvote, in fact I have been downvoted by many and am fine-as-peach-wine with those downvotes---but when they grow to "Oh, another downvote by, I wonder who? Oh, its Animals again, surprise surprise," I stop finding it amusing.

I was not even offended by you at first, and took many of your downvotes casually.

Further, I only bolded "Every" because bold is a function on the sift and just like a "downvote," I think it should be used more often. Thanks for unintentionally pointing that out Animals! Learn to get over it please.

Oh, and I clearly stated that blaming religion for every woe was a dying horse on the Sift. I congradulated and congradulate the entire Sift again.

Addionally, I clearly stated that I was using hyperbole(I.E using hyperbole) when I was making the assertions about you "Downvoting ALL," my comments. That makes the statements satire, like the comedy Lewis Black uses... And since I stated they were blown outlandishly out of proportion, everyone knew they were intentionally ficticous. In short, I did not lie, nor did I insult you with a personal attack---I made a clear joke. Kind of like when you were joking (I assume) and called me an "impertinent, lying fuckstick." If you were not joking there, I am sorry I assumed you were; however, I would like you to prove that I am indeed a "fuckstick." And since fuckstick is a made up word, good luck with that.

Also, since we are speaking of Sift Talk and being 100% accurate, prove to me where I am actually a "cupcake" as you stated. The definition of cupcake follows;
"1. a small cake, the size of an individual portion, baked in a cup-shaped mold.
2. Older Slang .
a. a sexually attractive young woman.
b. a beloved girl or woman." (Dictionary Reference)

This is, by definition, the equivilent of calling me a transvestite (Although there is nothing wrong with being a transvesite, I am not a transvestite,) and I would like veryfiable evidence that I am indeed a woman in a man's body. Either that, or you were calling me a food product, which I doubt I am.

After all, since we want to be 100% correct in ALL statements, get back with me on that. Either that, or you lied, and never made it clear you were joking. Which makes them lies.

Threats aside (I find them amusing) it seems, with your diatribe, that you took far more offense to my comments than I to your downvote. Because I am so offense, I am stopping here. Lawdeedaw out.

Hitchens Brothers Debate If Civilization Can Survive W/O God

AnimalsForCrackers says...

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

Well, seems AnimalsForCrackers once again downvotes my comments for what? Not sure. But since you downvote every comment I make, I have a few theories... You must love to beat off to downvoting my comments... Or, as you sacrafice babies born to religious parents, with coat hangers through their eyes, you must be praying to the Atheist god of reason... No? Not there yet? Or perhaps I am a more understanding Atheist and that drives you to prove yourself?
All hyperbole aside... What I find funny Animals, is that your opinion (Blame religion for every human woe in the world,) is dying here on the sift. Why? Because it is extreme and holds no place in reason. Grow up and stop being the 13 year old you are acting like. I promise to do the same in kind. Because, just stooping to your level makes me feel dirty.

You impertinent, lying fuckstick. I downvoted because I disagreed with your use of post-modernist relativism and the whole freedom = bad mantra, I don't need to give a fucking explanation to downvote someone I disagree with. Downvotes must really piss you the fuck off to elicit such a response. "Wah wah! I was downvoted! I do declare I might be coming down with a case of the vapors!" They are a part of the site, and should be used more than they are when expressing disapproval of a comment, in my opinion. Learn to get over it, everyone else does.

What I don't see others doing is calling someone out for an individual downvote and then claiming the downvoter is the one who is acting like a child while lying and strawmanning in an attempt to prove it. Project on, my friend, project on!

"Blame religion for every human woe"? I cannot even think of one person who wasn't a flyby troll who has done that here, let alone myself! Nice picture of the Sift that you're painting for us all. "Downvote your every [BOLDED FOR EMPHASIS, yours, mind you] comment"? Well then, if you went out of your way to bold that one word then it must mean you are like really super duper serious! Make a Sift Talk, thems grounds for bannination, we've seen many come and go for that offense. Unfortunately you are a liar, and this is easy for anyone to verify. If you could kindly quote where I have said that or show that I have downvoted anywhere approaching ALL(a few comments = all in Lawdeedaw world) of yours comments, that'd be great. Please get back to me on that, okay, cupcake?

Have any more words to put into my mouth? Fuck off with your dishonesty.

Controversy Over Girls Doing Beyonce Dance (Video)

gwiz665 says...

Why am I not surprised that the she's morally outraged at this? She didn't like Epic Beard Man either, and uhm, dang, I forgot what they other thing was that she was all "wah wah" about too. She needs to mellow out, man.

That said, it's a bit iffy with the dresses and suggestive dancing. If the parents allow it and the kids want to do it, let them have their fun. Pervs are gonna wank to stuff no matter what anyway, don't be afraid because someone might take it the wrong way - that's no way to live your life.

Another incredible tool in Photoshop CS5: Edge Detection

"I hope you bleed out your ass, get cancer and die"

You wouldn't expect a dog fight to be this funny

GenjiKilpatrick says...

omg. your peta-head anti-type comments are really making me sick. ..mostly because I have to admit to agreeing with Westy, and his awful spelling, on this.

First, I'm pretty sure no one on the sift enjoys forced violence. Forcing dogs to fight is like forcing little kids to fight to the death and that's fucked up and blah blah blah wah wah wah. Yes, we get that.
However, if you DID force little kids to fight in a thunder dome like setting ..then all of sudden..

they started climbing the walls, falling down playing tag or eating dirt and boogers like it were recess fun happy play time. Same thing here.
You guys get that the intent of the video was to film a vicious brutal bloody dog fight..

but reality was something more deserving of a little benny hill music.

Hence the hilarity and sift-worthy nature. =P

How Soldiers Cross the Road

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

therealblankman says...

Still waiting...

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Alright, motherfucker. I'll bring down the thunder, but don't be all "wah wah that's too harsh" when I do.

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Pussy, you should totally bring it. Roman already said he doesn't want to be bored.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
In other news, I'm gonna stay out of this. I know Roman relatively well, and I don't want to bring him down more than he is. He's a sensitive soul, so don't you guys be too hard on him - he might break.

There there, roman, *hugs*. You're my friend and I'll never want to hurt you.

therealblankman (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Alright, motherfucker. I'll bring down the thunder, but don't be all "wah wah that's too harsh" when I do.

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Pussy, you should totally bring it. Roman already said he doesn't want to be bored.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
In other news, I'm gonna stay out of this. I know Roman relatively well, and I don't want to bring him down more than he is. He's a sensitive soul, so don't you guys be too hard on him - he might break.

There there, roman, *hugs*. You're my friend and I'll never want to hurt you.

This is why you dont pass out drunk, kids.

"Why Bank Of America Fired Me"

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

You have a downright ornery case of myopia.

I would say that you have downright case of not understanding a simple premise. No bank or any other financial institution can affect my life in any way because I'm not a stupid moron with 3 mortgages, $50K in student loans, and $10,000 in credit card debt. You guys are desperately trying to find SOME way to get me to admit that companys 'control my life' or 'have power over me' - but your position is specious and without merit because it is just flat out WRONG.

Great example... On Friday I got a bill from a hospital I had to go to when I was out of state on vacation. I wasn't expecting it. $125 bucks. They claim the original bill was sent in October and that I'm 20 days from being overdue with late fees, collection agencies, and the whole magilla. This is the first time I've ever seen the charge.

Now - if I was a whiney, incompetent twit (like you guys wish) then I would sit and complain and winge about how 'unfair' this is. "Boo hoo-hoo. Woe is me! This is bogus! It isn't my fault. The company has power over my life and is making me miserable wah wah wah!" I'd also have no way to pay the bill, and start racking up late fees and stuff because I was unprepared.

But - of course - that's a dumb@$$ approach and I refuse to do that sort of crap. I have a FSA with plenty of cash in it because I'm not an incompetent fool that can't plan past the end of my nose. On Monday I'll bill the FSA - get the cash in my account - and pay the bill. Boom. Problem solved. Gee - I guess that hospital has no power over me after all!

Story of my life. I don't take out 2nd mortgages to buy crap I don't need. I don't buy garbage with credit cards. I save money for a rainy day. I sock money into 401Ks, FSA, CDs, and savings accounts. I have 6 months of food stored up, and a week of water. I have emergency supplies and fuel in case of disasters. I have a disaster plan for the family as well. I'm not a genius, or some guy living on a compound. I'm just a normal guy with a regular job who plans ahead. If I can do it - ANYONE can do it.

Also, let me ask you WP, and everyone in general, don't you have at least one friend or relative, that has been royally screwed over by a company?

Define 'royally screwed over'. I myself was 'downsized' 3 years ago. There was no reason. The company just decided they were letting 500 people go to show the 'street' they were trying to control costs. Now - quite honestly - the company was long overdue for this because they had a lot of redundant staff. I didn't like it, but I could understand it. Now - YOU might say I was 'royally screwed over'. I simply accept that a company's job is NOT to be my sugar daddy. If they decide to fire me, so be it. I can find another job - and I did so. That happens. I know of NOONE in my life that has been arbitrarily or maliciously mistreated by a company. I know MANY people who are not happy with the decisions a company may have made - but I cannot say in good conscience that they were 'royally screwed over'. And I think if you guys were really honest, you'd probably reclassify a lot of what your bias CALLS 'royally screwed' victims as just regular folks dealing with regular problems - not victims of some massive corporate conspiracy. These visions you guys have of every company being the equivalent of the "Pelican Brief" and every displeased customer being Erin Brockovich are nothing but romantic delusions. Welcome to real life.

Quite frankly - 9 times out of 10 what you guys call a company 'royally screwing' someone is in actuality no more than people having to pay the piper after a long string of foolish choices. The bank or company who is 'evil' is really no more sinister than being the meanie who is not just letting it slide.

Me, You, and Steve - Garfunkel and Oates

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