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Cashing a Fake Check for $29,000 | Matthew Cox

newtboy says...

Just pointing out to @bobknight33, this guy found it incredibly easy to get fake ID, even a social security number…so how exactly would voter ID laws stop fraudulent voting?

Seems like the silly argument you guys love for firearm laws actually applies here…these laws won’t stop a single criminal (voter) from committing their (voting) crimes, they only punish law abiding citizens by putting hurdles in the way of their constitutional (voting) rights.

Side note: what a piece of shit, professional thief who plead guilty when facing over 125 years and in the end did less than 15 years and is again profiting from his crimes, now through books and podcasts. He should never be allowed to have over $100 net worth, with every penny he earns going to restitution.

Beto interrupts dog and pony show

newtboy says...

Republicans are perpetrators of near 100% of election fraud….and claim to be the only ones who care about it….what improvements to election systems or increased punishments for those committing vote fraud have they made to curb this anti democracy anti America issue with their party?


A: none, they’ve blocked any legislation proposed to secure elections and made them less secure by installing crazed partisan criminals as clerks who tamper with and steal voting machines making them invalid for use, costing millions and compromising what little election security existed.

Edit: The Republicans ACTUALLY control all three branches in multiple states, but haven’t done a thing to secure the election system (vote ID doesn’t address any of the fraud actually found, eliminating vote by mail might, but for the few (all Republican) fraudulent vote attempts it might stop it disenfranchises exponentially more legal voters…literally millions of legal voters.). No Republican state legislature has put a paper trail in place for electronic voting, nor have they increased the punishment for vote fraud. Why is that Bob?


Democrats have taken steps to curb mass shootings…limiting clip size, ammo purchasing, private gun sales, testing requirements to concealed carry, barring violent felons and violent mentally ill people and (temporarily) people with active restraining orders against them from gun ownership, etc on state levels, the only place Republicans can’t just block any attempted legislation without even reading it first.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats control all 3 branches. What improvement have they made to curb this issue?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And ANOTHER Republican ballot harvesting scheme busted, this time in Philadelphia where GOP employees signed up voters for vote by mail but put the GOP P.O. Box as their address, many of those with their ballots stolen said they had not signed up for vote by mail at all, no one questioned had agreed to have their ballot be sent to GOP headquarters…some of those ballots had already been returned to the city filled out without ever being delivered to the voters.

Let's talk about Republican reaction to the SCOTUS leak....

eoe says...

Unfortunately, due to gerrymandering and voter restriction laws, 30% may very well be enough to keep their seats. That was kinda the point.

newtboy said:

There is a silver lining to this…the far right SCOTUS may have handed the midterm to Democrats since 70% of Americans disagree with this removal of women’s rights to have control over what’s inside their own bodies.

Edit: Before this decision, the percentage of people polled who said abortion was the biggest issue in America had dropped to 0%! Now it’s going to dominate the midterm, and over 70% of Americans believe it should be a right while only 20% believe it should be illegal.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another Republican has pleaded guilty to voter fraud for casting votes in two different states, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, Todd Krysiak. Another who admits he voted twice to elect Trump in 2016, so I guess Trump was never the legitimate president, right!? Only elected by fraudulent votes, see. Erase any law or policy he enacted, right!? Pull his secret service detail, and strike his name from the presidential records….then lock him up, lock him up, lock him up!
(Btw, when are those charges against Hillary coming?….it’s been 4 years since you said “soon”.)

When are we ever going to see some evidence of voter fraud that wasn’t on Trump or the Republicans behalf? Doesn’t it seem odd to you that every guilty party committing voter fraud is a Republican, from the top down to the bottom?

Shouldn’t we do something!?

Something like a total and complete shutdown of voting for anyone registered as a Republican (retroactive back through 2012) until our countries representatives can figure out what the hell is going on?
(Trump’s perfectly acceptable Muslim ban excuse, remember?). 🤦‍♂️

Stand By For An Important Announcement

newtboy says...

Me neither, but when I looked into what @noims mentioned, that’s what I found.

The overt abuse of power over their own stupidity is outrageous. Worse is the near total support he (and other moronic governors) have from their voters for these spiteful, illegal, retaliatory political moves that hurt them in the first place. It’s so sad the “rational” party has become the irrational party to save itself from extinction. Courting the morons among us was the most anti American thing I can recall.

I’m thinking of Florida, who just refused $165 million per year to cover all infrastructure and services in Orange County in a spiteful idiotic move against Disney for not going along with the anti gay laws the pedophile party just enacted. Not only that, they also effectively blocked Disney from any new construction, as if that’s good for Florida. Non Orange County residents seem to think this is a good move, but they likely won’t when their taxes go way up next year…OC taxes are expected to rise over 25% next year alone, likely far more in the coming years.

Next, maybe Musk can buy Disneyworld and ruin it too, and Disney can move to a state willing to put its sovereignty in their constitution.

spawnflagger said:

I hadn't heard about that story. Funny and sad at the same time. Definitely would get thrown out of court if the prosecutor did bring charges. Reporter did the right thing (telling them), it's a shame he's getting backlash of stupidity.

When it comes to sensitive data, the government and corporations have due-diligence requirements that weren't met here (even if it was unintentional/temporary), so maybe (IANAL) the teacher's union could file a class-action suit? They'd probably settle out of court for 1 year of LifeLock or some other such BS. Maybe the website was created by the Governor's grandson or nephew as a high school project? Mistake is worse than incorrect ACLs on a S3 bucket...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What in the EVERLOVING FUCK are you lying about?

Yes, he fucked up hugely, massively cheated an election by harvesting and filling out reportedly thousands of ballots, stolen from the elderly, for himself (his campaign did with his knowledge) and voting for other Republican candidates if the voters hadn’t, then barely won the election anyway.

I’m absolutely certain you supported him, supported him staying in office, and would have supported him again had he chosen to run again, despite the undeniable election fraud campaign he ran and the fraudulent votes he “won” with.

I’m positive you didn’t call for the removal of the others not involved in the scheme but who won only thanks to the fraudulent votes Harris’ vote fraud campaign had cast for them, did you? That’s because you really don’t care one whit about election fraud, you only care about schemes to deny legitimate voters their right to vote if you believe they might vote Democrat.
That’s because you know Republicans have only won the popular vote for president once since 1988, so honest elections don’t work for your ilk.

He remained in office despite the blatant fraud his campaign perpetrated with his full knowledge, for over 600 days, and was still allowed to run in the special election they finally held over 600 days later because of HIS election frauds. He dropped out on his own for “Health reasons”.

He never was charged despite his own son, a judge, testifying that he had knowledge that his campaign was committing election fraud well before they were caught because the son had personally told him, and despite the fact that he did absolutely nothing to stop or report it.


Why do you tell these stupid lies when you know I will call you out on them, Bob? Self hate? Are you a closet masochist? Why? You KNOW I’m going to look into anything you tell me and call it out when it can be proven to be a lie. I’ve lost count how many times we’ve gone to this rodeo. You end up trampled with shit on your face every time. Why?!

bobknight33 said:

The N Carolina Republican in 2016 was my district and he fucked up and punished.

All cheaters should be banned from any government job for life.

Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standard

newtboy says...

CRT is not real outside of law school. It’s a big racist lie. It’s not taught in grade school.

Edit: Yes, if true, actual CRT, the law school class, was banned in grade school, nothing would change….but you want the intentional misuse and bastardization of the phrase to mean any mention of racial disparity, racist actions, slavery, Jim Crow, racist policies including those adopted by the Republican Party at the same time those racist policies were abandoned by Democrats in the late 60’s early 70’s, any mention of lynching, the KKK, the fact that non whites were not allowed to vote, the fact that non whites were not considered full human beings in the constitution, etc to all be under the name “CRT” and want it all to be removed from schools. You want to rewrite history so it resembles the false image you think you project. It’s absolutely moronic, attempted forced ignorance. The Republican plan for children because ignorance makes it easy to abuse and control the populace.

American history is real….and really racist.
By intentionally mislabeling anything about our racist history as “CRT”, a right wing buzz word they have stripped of any actual meaning to create some fantasy racial boogeyman they can point to to excuse blatant racist policy and actions, you think that allows you to pretend it doesn’t exist, to deny it, and to return to it. Removing any mention of our racist history is racist, stupid, and is a ploy to convince right wing morons that racism isn’t real, never happened, and so doesn’t need any fixing or even teaching. It erases an ENORMOUS part of American history, and all of black American history. You love that.

You bold faced liar. That’s EXACTLY what “anti CRT” is about, renaming the slave trade as “Africans immigrating”, calling slavery “job security”, pretending that Lincoln ended racism completely (but being confused because in your mind slavery is a hoax), ignoring the murderous atrocities during reconstruction, ignoring the blatant often deadly racism that was the norm through the 70’s, and the institutional racism that still exists, never mentioning and pretending attacks against blacks like Tulsa and others, mass murders, arsons, terrorism, all by law enforcement so there’s no legal remedies for the survivors….(The Tulsa race massacre took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of White residents, some of whom had been deputized and given weapons by city officials, attacked Black residents and destroyed homes and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, US)…never happened. The anti CRT movement is about erasing that history so they 1)don’t feel guilty or uncomfortable for trying to defend or excuse having a murderously racist history, and 2)so it’s easier to return to that racist society with minimal effort because they won’t know where it leads.

Why? Because the senators that were complicit all switched to the Republican Party after the southern strategy, and those who believed in equality and rights for all switched to the Democratic Party. Another bit of racist history you personally love to deny despite it being the historical, undeniable record of our history. They don’t want to be asked, because they either answer truthfully and are proven to be racists, or lie and lose their racist voter base. Racists are nearly all…99%+-, right wingers. They do not belong to the party trying to eradicate racism. They belong to the party that openly accepts and fosters racism, and pretends, often insists it doesn’t exist when they’re in public….your party. The party of racists, white nationalists, insurrectionists, revisionists, anti American, pro Russian, sexist, anti democracy, anti education ignoramuses.

Quit bringing nothing but dishonest bold faced lies and rewritten history to the table. That means you leave, because dishonest bold faced lies and revisionist history are all you ever spout….because you are a dishonest liar and blatant consistent racist….and a sexist.

LBGTOW (little boys going their own way)….that describes you people well, we wish you would follow through. Go on now…shoo. Go your own way, buy your own country and go there. See for yourself just where unopposed right wing nonsense leads, just leave the US out of it. Ask Musk to forget Twitter and buy Guatemala or an island nation, invite Trump to lead for life, then GO! You have so many issues with other people having rights, so GTFO and create your own white male controlled, white right wing utopia…or move to Russia….but don’t expect to get to come back when it devolves into criminal despotism, economic collapse, and ecological disaster.

bobknight33 said:

If it is a CRT is another red herring than you have nothing to worry about. Let it be banned in schools and in you mind then nothing would be banned.

No one wants to ban the teaching of slavery or Jim Crow.

Why would any Republican want to ban the teaching this side of the Democrat party?

Quit bringing false arguments to the table.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The story is bullshit, a fake red herring to distract from the actual vote fraud, because voter ID and forced in person voting doesn’t help against actual Republican cheaters, but it does disenfranchise millions of valid voters, the ones it specifically intentionally targets. You know this, stop feigning ignorance of something we’ve been over three dozen times.

Yes, anyone part of an election fraud scheme should be banned from any government job, including elected official positions. That invalidates Trump, and many current Republican representatives….anyone involved in any way with the “stop the steal” plot to overthrow democracy or the Jan 6 attack against America (including McConnel who protected Trump from another impeachment)….you do understand that, right? Also candidates like Tina Peters and others that played parts in the fraud.
Also all those that voted twice for Trump like he instructed them to from the White House…two more admitted doing just that from The Villages in Florida last week, they aren’t the first from that place….AFAIK a right wing retirement community complete with nazis in golf carts parading regularly.

bobknight33 said:

The story is a start. Elections were messed with and should be looked into. This story indicated such.

The N Carolina Republican in 2016 was my district and he fucked up and punished.

All cheaters should be banned from any government job for life.

Former Democrat Charlotte mayor Patrick Cannon who spent time in prison for bribery to run for city council now that he out of jail. This is just wrong.

Do you want an honest election or not?
Voter ID and voting in person for able body persons is a good start.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

The story is a start. Elections were messed with and should be looked into. This story indicated such.

The N Carolina Republican in 2016 was my district and he fucked up and punished.

All cheaters should be banned from any government job for life.

Former Democrat Charlotte mayor Patrick Cannon who spent time in prison for bribery to run for city council now that he out of jail. This is just wrong.

Do you want an honest election or not?
Voter ID and voting in person for able body persons is a good start.

newtboy said:

It might be, if there was any evidence whatsoever of these claims….but….

“Based on our research, we rate MISSING CONTEXT the claim that people were paid $10 per ballot in Georgia’s November 2020 election because it is misleading and unproven. This assertion from Trump is based on a complaint about ballot harvesting, which has prompted an investigation by the Georgia’s Secretary of State office. True the Vote has not identified the witness who claims he was paid, and the group is not alleging that the ballots themselves were fraudulent. Georgia investigators previously looked into a similar allegation and said there was not enough evidence to justify an investigation. “

Despite no more evidence, Georgia is claiming to investigate this unsubstantiated anonymous claim again as of January ….good luck, doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, another baseless hypothetical claim.

One partisan “trump won” group claimed one alleged anonymous person made the unsubstantiated claim they were paid to “harvest ballots” back in 2021 but the investigation went no where because there was no evidence, no claimant, no proof of payment, not even a suggestion that any ballots were tampered with.

Very unlike the same schemes by N Carolina Republicans in 2016 who did collect open/unsealed ballots and admitted to filling them out for Republicans in any race the voter had not voted in….but you don’t want to hear about more proven voter fraud, you want to talk about unproven hypothetical voter fraud.

Republicans do want, actually need election fraud. Fraudulently denying legitimate voters their vote is a kind of voter fraud, and is definitely part of the right wing playbook, Trump once admitted Republicans would never win another election if every citizen over 18 voted. Republicans, not Democrats or Independents, keep getting found guilty of it, over and over and over and over and over and over……and over and over and over. Sometimes massive schemes like the one above….or the president actually saying on television that his voters should vote twice, once by mail and again in person and see if they’re caught.

If you think no one wants election fraud, you need to look again.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It might be, if there was any evidence whatsoever of these claims….but….

“Based on our research, we rate MISSING CONTEXT the claim that people were paid $10 per ballot in Georgia’s November 2020 election because it is misleading and unproven. This assertion from Trump is based on a complaint about ballot harvesting, which has prompted an investigation by the Georgia’s Secretary of State office. True the Vote has not identified the witness who claims he was paid, and the group is not alleging that the ballots themselves were fraudulent. Georgia investigators previously looked into a similar allegation and said there was not enough evidence to justify an investigation. “

Despite no more evidence, Georgia is claiming to investigate this unsubstantiated anonymous claim again as of January ….good luck, doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, another baseless hypothetical claim.

One partisan “trump won” group claimed one alleged anonymous person made the unsubstantiated claim they were paid to “harvest ballots” back in 2021 but the investigation went no where because there was no evidence, no claimant, no proof of payment, not even a suggestion that any ballots were tampered with.

Very unlike the same schemes by N Carolina Republicans in 2016 who did collect open/unsealed ballots and admitted to filling them out for Republicans in any race the voter had not voted in….but you don’t want to hear about more proven voter fraud, you want to talk about unproven hypothetical voter fraud.

Republicans do want, actually need election fraud. Fraudulently denying legitimate voters their vote is a kind of voter fraud, and is definitely part of the right wing playbook, Trump once admitted Republicans would never win another election if every citizen over 18 voted. Republicans, not Democrats or Independents, keep getting found guilty of it, over and over and over and over and over and over……and over and over and over. Sometimes massive schemes like the one above….or the president actually saying on television that his voters should vote twice, once by mail and again in person and see if they’re caught.

If you think no one wants election fraud, you need to look again.

bobknight33 said:

Wrong is wrong and should be looked into. No one want election fraud.

Here is a good election cheat.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh…more Republican voter fraud, this time Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows, caught double registered, registered in states he didn’t live in or visit. Probably voted twice….exactly like Trump publicly told his voters to do.

Such dishonest constantly projecting fuckwits you people have become.

My mother didn’t leave the Republican Party, it left her. There are so many Republicans just like her….people that you still count on to vote Republican.

Last Week in the Republican Party

newtboy says...

I don’t think you’ve been paying attention. 😉
Democrats have failed at some decent legislation because Republicans think “just say no” works for drugs and Legislating, it’s the Republican platform….and it’s a losing one.
There is no actual platform, they have no plans, no accomplishments. Only sedition, comforting our enemies, obstruction of legislation and justice, insanity and lies, praising Putin, and attacking each other for not cowtowing to Trump enough.

The Republican Party is too busy calling each other RINOs and crazy morons to campaign, and Republican voters are disillusioned again and will likely not vote. Those that do will be split between feculent and dishonest but sane old school candidates and the Trump/“freedom caucus” bat shit crazy nonsense candidates. They have no issues to campaign on thanks to Trump who made them the party of spend and spend. Economic superiority is now a Democratic trait, as is standing up to our enemies instead of cuddling up to them. What, besides “we aren’t liberals” do Republicans have left?

Not to mention the growing number of sitting representatives who are being made incapable of or disqualified from holding office by being convicted of felonies and/or giving aid and comfort to enemies of America…. Republican Congressman Jeff Fortenberry for instance, found guilty Thursday of 3 felonies and facing 15 years in prison. He’s still in office…an incumbent that’s going to have a hard time keeping his seat. Green too, being seriously challenged on being fit for office under the 14th amendment thanks to her support for sedition along with 6 others. Suddenly Republicans hate the constitution and want much of it abolished.

Also, Republican support by independents, the group that let Trump only lose the popular vote by 3million, no longer supports Republicans. Mid terms will be interesting, but a Trump in the whitehouse? Keep dreaming the national nightmare…ain’t gonna happen. It’s likely to be another Red tsunami like 2018, but never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter, anything could happen.

eoe said:

I don't think you've been paying attention. Democrats have been failing at all attempts at decent legislation. A lot of the progressive democrats are disillusioned (again) and will likely not vote. I'm guessing there's gunna be a Republican sweep and possibly even Trump in office in 2024.

Ohio GOP Primary Debate

WmGn says...

US politics is pretty competitive: if these two are the front-runners, it's because they appeal to a constituency. Thus, the GOP is sending its best, in the sense of being best attuned to large groups of voters. That's my real fear.

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